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Nº 5 (2023)


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Belarusian Oak Forests Afflicted with Armillaria Root Rot during Their Mass Desiccation

Sazonov A., Zvyagintsev V., Zaitseva E.


During the period of the oak forests’ mass desiccation, Armillaria root rot became widespread, exacerbating the state of depression. The infection of stands by white sapwood rot caused by fungi of the genus Armillaria was more often detected in Bug-Polesia and Berezina-Pre-Polesia forest growth areas. The incidence of the disease in the oak forests of Belarus increases with the raising of the stands age and the decrease in their density. More often, the affliction with Armillaria root rot occurs in floodplain oak forests, as well as in the dry lands forest types with the most fertile soils. The oak’s proportion in the stand’s composition does not significantly affect the occurrence of the infection. Under the conditions of massive weakening of the Belarussian oak forests, facultative parasites from the Armillaria genus can occur as dangerous secondary pathogens that accelerate the death of weakened oak trees. Their pathogenicity persists in the north of the republic, where the negative role of other pathological factors in oak forests decreases. After the end of the depression period, the transition of Armillaria from a parasitic to a predominantly saprotrophic strategy was recorded. The affliction of oak forests by Armillaria root rot can act as one of the oak formation’s condition indicators, marking the depression phase in oak stands. Therefore, the spread of foci of Armillaria root rot should be monitored while conducting forest pathology surveys and monitoring the condition of oak forests.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):451-461
pages 451-461 views

Estimation of Perspectives of Sapling Development of Quercus robur L. in the Wood Coenoses of Moscow Region

Stamenov M., Zubkova E., Frolov P.


The perspectives of transition of the immature and virginal saplings of Quercus robur L. to the A1 and A2 canopy sublayers have been analyzed. The studies have been conducted in the different forest types within the Southern Moscow region. For the estimation of the phytosociological role an individual could claim we applied morphometric and architectural methods. We measured height, trunk diameter, crown projection, calendar age and lengths of five trunk increments in a row. We considered growth habit, configuration and branching of the trunk and of the branches themselves. Four degrees of an individual’s prospect have been identified. 0 – an individual will not go beyond the level of low shrubs. 1 – an individual will reach the level of high shrubs and can start fruiting. 2 – an individual will reach the A2 canopy sublayer. 3 – an individual will reach the A1 canopy sublayer. From the degree 0 to the degree 3 an increase in the values of the trunk increments and branching intensity was noted.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):462-470
pages 462-470 views

Vitality Structure of the Middle-Aged Northern Taiga Pine Forest Stands

Stavrova N., Gorshkov V., Katyutin P.


On the example of the northern taiga pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of the western Kola peninsula (67°30′–68°10′ N, 33°57′–34°21′ W) the vitality structure of the middle-aged forest stands was studied in the communities within the lichen, lichen-green moss and green moss groups of forest types (12 permanent sample plots). It has been established that the studied forest stands are characterized by a numerical predominance of moderately and severely weakened trees (total share of 55–70%), and of moderately weakened and healthy trees in terms of trunk volume (total share of 50–75%). The significant factors found to contribute into the formation of the middle-aged pine forest stands’ vitality structure are their density, the sum of the basal areas and the forest type. The density of the forest stand is the main contributor to the nature of the trees’ vitality differentiation. Three main types of pine vitality spectra were identified, differing in the value of the stand vitality index.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):471-485
pages 471-485 views

Climate Affecting the Carbon, Phytomass and Litter Stocks in Forest Stans of the South of the European Russia

Kaganov V., Zamolodchikov D., Mostovaya A.


Modern global climate change manifests in an ever intensifying fashion, affecting anthropogenic and natural systems. Bioclimatic models predict significant shifts in biome boundaries, including a reduction in the forests’ proportion in the forest-steppe areas. This process can also affect carbon stocks. The aim of the work was to assess the impact of climate and its changes on the values and their changes of the phytomass’ carbon stocks of forest stands according to the data of repeated surveys of permanent sample plots. In the southern regions of the European Russia, 8 forests were selected and trial plots were set up. Repeated surveys were carried out on the test plots in 2010–2011, 2014–2015, 2019–2020. The carbon reserves of the living and the dead components of forest stands were calculated according to taxation characteristics. The litter carbon stocks were determined by the gravimetric method. The meteorological information analysis was carried out using data from the meteorological stations closest to the objects of study. Average annual temperature for 1991–2020 increased compared to 1961–1990. by 1.13°C, which is 2.5 times more than the global average. At the same time, annual precipitation decreased from 448.2 mm to 445.4 mm. The average value of the G.T. Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient for May-September during the 1961–1990 period was 0.85, and 0.79 during the 1991–2020 period. The stock of the phytomass carbon in the studied forest stands varied from 38.5 ± 7.4 t C ha–1 to 270.6 ± 52.8 t C ha–1. Repeated surveys revealed both increases and decreases in phytomass carbon stocks, which ranged from –23.8 to 31.9 t C ha–1 over a five-year interval. The phytomass carbon stocks and climatic characteristics analysis revealed a statistically significant correlation with the HTC for May-September. However, comparison of changes in phytomass with changes in the average annual temperature, annual precipitation and HTC for May-September did not reveal significant dependencies. The absence of significant correlations between changes in phytomass carbon and climatic parameters’ changes can be determined by the forest ecosystems’ stability, which ensures the preservation of their functions over several years intervals.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):486-501
pages 486-501 views

Restoration of Vegetation on Fallows in Krasnoyarsk Territory’s Forest Steppes

Kovaleva N., Sobachkin R.


The species richness of the long-fallow lands in the Krasnoyarsk Territory’s forest-steppe zone includes 64 species of vascular plants from 50 genera and 19 families. Leading families of cenoflora are Leguminosae (10 species or 16%), Compositae (10 or 16%), Poaceae (9 or 14%) and Rosaceae (7 or 11%). The basis of the long-fallow lands flora were mesophytes (69%) with an insignificant participation of mesoxerophytes (17%) and mesohygrophytes (9%). Among the ecological-coenotic groups, species of meadow-forest forbs and grasses (34%), ruderal (22%) and forest-steppe (14%) species took the largest part. The aboveground phytomass of the grass cover depended on the age of the fallow (p < 0.001) and the density of the pine undergrowth (p < 0.05). Forb-brome fallows were the most productive among all in the forest-steppe zone (1.14 ± 0.11–2.02 ± 0.25 t ha–1). Forb-gramineous fallows, experiencing a significant edificatory influence of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (density of 29600 units ha–1 in terms of large undergrowth), had the lowest aboveground phytomass (0.23 ± 0.06 t ha–1). Fallow plots aged 7–18 years undergo rapid reforestation, with the density of Scots pine varying widely from 0.9 to 29.6 thousand units ha–1 in terms of large undergrowth. It has been established that with an increase in the Scots pine density, the number of species, species diversity, species saturation, as well as the projective grass cover tend to decrease (p < 0.001).

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):502-512
pages 502-512 views

Analysis of the Stocks and Conditions of Harvesting for Forest Berries with Considering Their Spatial Distribution and Availability

Kolycheva A., Chumachenko S., Kiseleva V., Agol’cov A.


Within the framework of the multi-purpose forest management concept, the resource and economic potential of harvesting wild berries was analyzed under different forest management scenarios. As a tool for forecasting and analysis, scenario-based simulation was used to model the forest ecosystems dynamics under the clearcut and the selective felling management types. The object of research is the Pashe-Kapetskoe district forestry of the Leningrad Region, the calculation was carried out for a period of 120 years. Based on the forest condition types’, species composition and simulated illumination at the ground level data, the potential productivity of wild berries was calculated. The most productive resources on the territory were bilberry and lingonberries, the predicted yield of which reaches 25–48 t/ha and 7–15 t/ha respectively. Zoning of the territory was carried out according to the resources availability for industrial harvesting, taking into account the interests of the local population. 37–48% of the wild berries harvest was available for industrial harvesting, about 30% was allocated for the needs of the local population, and 27–36% of the resource remained in economically inaccessible areas. The most promising was the scenario with artificial restoration of 50% of the clearcut areas and a full maintenance cycle. For this scenario, the maximum profitability was predicted from both the food resources procurement (4.1–5.7 million rubles per year) and the harvesting of timber.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):513-525
pages 513-525 views

Siberian Larch Reproduction Using the Somatic Embryogenesis Biotechnology

Tretyakova I., Park M.


The biotechnology of somatic embryogenesis in vitro, combined with genomic selection and cryopreservation is used to create varietal genetically tested fast-growing plantations (Multi-Varietal Forestry program (MVF), Park, 2014, 2016, 2018). In 2008, the Sukachev Forest Institute of the Siberian Branch of the RAS has developed for the first time the biotechnology of somatic embryogenesis for Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) and obtained 42 proliferating cell lines consisting of embryonal-suspensor mass (ESM). The age of cell lines reaches 13 years. Significant variability was observed between cell lines in the number and size of globular embryos in proliferating embryogenic cultures, and in the ability of somatic embryos to mature and germinate. In different cell lines, the number of globular somatic embryos per 1 g of ESMs fresh weight ranges from 2040 to 11103, with 10 to 1220 embryos maturing. The regenerants germinate in a growth chamber, and plantlets of individual cell lines grow successfully in a greenhouse and then in the soil of the forest nursery at the Forest Institute’s Pogorelsky Bor station. Genotyping of clones at microsatellite loci showed their complete genetic identity to the cell line from which they were obtained. In cloned Siberian larch trees at the age of seven, the initiation of generative organs forming occurred. Thus, at present, it is possible to quickly implement the MVF program for plantation forestry in Russia.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):526-536
pages 526-536 views

Reproductive phenology of Milicia excelsa, Antiaris toxicaria, and Pouteria adolfi-friedericii in South West Ethiopia

Nigatu M., Mulatu Y., Seid M.


Deforestation and degradation of natural forests pose a challenge for the forest sector in Ethiopia. Gathering scientific data on the reproductive biology of selected timber species has now become important to develop seed production areas and establish forest management regimes. In this regard, this study is aimed at determining the reproductive phenology of three indigenous tree species. The time of leafing, flowering, and fruiting in the three indigenous timber tree species has been recorded for three years in South West Ethiopia. This study was conducted in natural forests of the Benchi-Maji zone (Debub Bench district). We selected three prioritized species, Milicia excelsa, Antiaris toxicaria, and Pouteria adolfi-friedericii, based on the severity of their depletion and relative timber values in the area and in the country at large. Over 20 reproductively healthy, mature, and average mother trees >10 cm wide in diameter at breast height and with easily visible crowns, located at a distance of 100 m from one another, were selected out of each species and marked with marking ink. We conducted continuous observations and recorded data on leafing, flowering, and fruiting every 15 days (twice every month). The data was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result of this study indicates that the actual season when the seeds of Milicia excelsa are available for collection is once a year, from January to February. The results also showed that, for Antiaris toxicaria, the fruiting time is seasonal, and seeds become available for collection from early January up to the end of February. The fruiting time or the actual season when seeds of Pouteria adolfi-friedericii become available for collection is from May to June. Low-cost technologies (to establish seed production areas and domesticate the species) are recommended to be used for seed/seedling acquisition and distribution and preferable to reduce the destruction of the selected indigenous tree species.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):537-542
pages 537-542 views


Aphid Species Composition in Three Parks of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region in 2021

Berim M.


Due to the high harmfulness of aphids inhabiting trees and shrubs in the St. Petersburg’s and the Leningrad Region’s park areas, it becomes necessary to monitor the dynamics of the numbers and species composition of this group of insects. During the vegetation season of 2021, the species composition of aphids was determined in three parks in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: Sosnovsky forest park, Pavlovsky and Gatchina parks. The material was taken directly from plants and caught using an entomological net. A total of 16 species were identified. In the Sosnovsky forest park, 10 species were identified, in the Pavlovsky park – 12, in the Gatchinsky park – 9 species. Two species were found on coniferous trees, the rest – on the deciduous ones. Species such as dogwood aphid (Anoecia corni F.), bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.), silver birch aphid (E-uceraphis betulae gr. sp.), common oak aphid (Tuberculatus annulatus Hart.), black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.), rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosae L.) were found in all three parks, the rest – in one or two parks. Dogwood aphid, bird cherry-oat aphid, silver birch aphid, black bean aphid and rose aphid were observed in massively large colonies on a significant number of host trees. In other species, small colonies were found on separate trees; finally, for some species only single individuals were caught. In the first half of September, the number of aphids was relatively low.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):543-548
pages 543-548 views

Ecological and Geographical Variability of Annual Shoots of Hawthorn in Dagestan

Zalibekov M., Gabibova A.


The paper presents the results of an ecological-geographical experiment on 4 species of hawthorn at two experimental bases of the Mountain Botanical Garden (1100 m and 1700 m a.s.l.). To identify intraspecific and interspecific variability of shoots and leaves, descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, one- and two-way ANOVA and discriminant analyses were used, for which 10 quantitative signs of the annual shoot of individuals in the virginal period were analysed. The adaptive abilities and morphological features’ variability of annual shoots and leaves of hawthorn under different growing conditions were determined. At the age of five, the samples grown at an altitude of 1700 m a.s.l. have the largest average indicators values. Differences depending on the place of cultivation were most pronounced in C. pseudoheterophylla, for other samples, the effect of altitude is insignificant. One- and two-factor ANOVA in a hierarchical complex made it possible to determine the difference-defining traits, as well as the degree to which the ecotope affected the variability of traits. Having considered interspecific differences/similarities in terms of shoots’ and leaves’ traits under different growing conditions and using discriminant analysis, we were able to draw a preliminary conclusion: subsectional differences/similarities were most clearly manifested at an altitude of 1700 m, and interspecific differences – at an altitude of 1100 m. a.s.l. The work was carried out within the unique scientific installation “The System of Experimental Bases of the Mountain Botanical Garden”.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(5):549-556
pages 549-556 views


pages 557-560 views

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