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№ 3 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Density of Tree Wood and Bark in Climatic Gradients of Eurasia

Usoltsev V., Tsepordey I.


Under the conditions of climate changing, the biospheric role of forest cover is increasing, as well as the relevance of research on the carbon depositing capacity of the world’s forests. These studies include an assessment of the trees’ and stands’ biological productivity, which includes not only phytomass, but also the basic density (BD) of stem wood and bark. In our study, allometric models of the BD of wood and bark of 9 forest-forming tree species of Northern Eurasia have been developed, including such independent variables as the tree age, the stem diameter, as well as the average temperature of January and average annual precipitation. The structure of a mixed-effects model is applied, in which the affiliation of the source data to each of the tree species is encoded by a set of dummy variables. Based on the space-for-time substitution principle, the obtained patterns of BD changes in spatial climatic gradients are used to predict their changes in temporal gradients. The effect of Liebig’s law of limiting factor in predicting BD in spatial and temporal climatic gradients has been confirmed. The revealed patterns of changes in the BD of wood and bark in temperature and precipitation gradients completely repeat the previously established patterns of changes in phytomass and net primary production of trees and stands of Eurasia in the same gradients. This means that the climatic conditionality of the studied indicators of biological productivity has a common nature for both quantitative and qualitative indicators of trees and stands.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):217-227
pages 217-227 views

Changes in a Parcel Structure of Liana-Broadleaved Forests in Primorsky Region Over 20 Years

Moskalyuk T.


The study of the parcel structure dynamics of the Primorsky region’s forests is necessary to identify the natural restoration patterns of a formation unique to the region - primary coniferous-broad-leaved forests. As a result of economic activity, these forests, saturated with relic elements, were replaced by secondary ones in most of the affected area. The studies were carried out in the catchment area of the Komarovka river (Southern Primorye, Ussuri region). The article presents the results of the parcel structure study in the broad-leaved-linden hazel with liana vegetation of the herb forest type, which is representative for the region and is also the most complex as far the derivative forests formation is concerned. The classical research method was used: a detailed description and mapping on a scale of 1 : 100 of all phytocoenosis levels was performed on a permanent trial plot (PTP), followed by a pairwise maps comparison and the parcels allocation. An analysis of the phytocoenosis transformation over 20 years of restorative succession has shown that the main silvicultural and inventory characteristics of the stand have changed insignificantly. In the forest stand’s composition, an almost complete dropping out of aspen and linden has occurred, the latter being one of the main species of the local ecosystems. At the same time, the positions of the underbrush and the tree species, characteristic of primary coniferous-deciduous forests, have both strengthened. Changes in the parcel structure indicate the successful restoration of the primary forest type: two secondary complementary (small) parcels disappeared in the phytocoenosis, one more has joined the six conditionally-indigenous ones; there also was a natural enlargement of conditionally indigenous parcels and the alignment of their boundaries. The high indicator role of the grass layer was properly reflected in the study.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):228-243
pages 228-243 views

Scots Pine Generative Sphere as an Indicator of the Climate-Determined Change in Vital States of the Populations

Kuznetsova N.


The problems of transition of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from the stable state to an unstable equilibrium and the change of equilibrium population to non-equilibrium as a result of the global warming are discussed. The purpose of the research is to study the state of the southern and central forest-steppe Scots pine populations’ generative sphere on the basis of its seed fullness, assess their vital state in 2020 compared to 2016 – the year of the pine forests’ destabilisation, as well as compared to the state of the steppe populations in the abundant year of 2017. The objects of the study were the central and southern forest-steppe pine populations growing in the ecologically favourable territory of the Voronezh and Belgorod regions. In 2015, their transition from equilibrium to a slightly nonequilibrium systems was recorded. The level of seed fullness in the Stupino and Belgorod populations decreased by 25.6 and 24.6%, respectively, the number of seeds by 37.7 and 22.4%, and the mortality rate of ovules increased by 3.9 and 4.0 times. Comparison of the seed productivity indicators in 2013, 2016 and 2020 showed that at present both plantations can be considered equilibrium systems. The central population has returned to the regional norm (stable equilibrium), the southern one is in a state of unstable equilibrium. The analysis of variance revealed a significant (57.8%) influence of the HTC factor on the generative sphere of the Belgorod population on the basis of full grain. In the last decade, the number of optimal years in the CCR has decreased from 7–8/10 years to 5. It takes 3 optimal years to return pine forests to equilibrium. High rates of the global warming can lead to an imbalance and re-destabilization. A further reduction in the number of optimal years makes it almost impossible for pine forests to return to the regional norm.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):244-254
pages 244-254 views

Feeding Area and Growth of Trees in the Middle-Aged Pine Plantations

Rogozin M.


Pine plantations of class 1B were studied, with a density of 0,95 on an area of 0,64 ha, created in a cleared area following the 1.82 × 1.10 m plan. Alive and dead trees and their feeding areas were plotted on the plan in the ArcMap-ArcView programme. The territory was divided into 9 sections, with a density of 76–122% of the average for the plantation. The feeding area the trees had at the age of 30 years affected the trunk diameter at 55 years in sparse areas of the stand on average by 13.3%, and in denser areas by 5.0%. That confirmed the hypothesis that the influence of the tree feeding area on the trunk diameter can also be weak in the middle-aged stands, and the magnitude of its influence depends on the density of the stand. Tree mortality by the age of 55 correlated with the frequency in feeding area classes (r = 0.96 ± 0.03), thus the feeding area being less than the average value increased the probability of a tree falling off by the age of 55 by only 7%. It has been suggested that the decrease in the affect the feeding area has at high density is due to the increased cooperation of trees. With simulated thinning of the stands, with an increase in the feeding area of the remaining trees by 2 times, a corresponding increase in diameter was obtained only in 11% of the trees. The remaining 89% of the trees did not take advantage of the larger feeding area and did not increase in size, despite 25 years of development with a sparser standing. This indicates that in plantations of the second age class, an increase in the feeding area no longer leads to an improvement in their development in the vast majority of cases. Therefore, the density should be reduced at a much earlier age, for example, at 10–15 years.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):255-268
pages 255-268 views

Grey Heron Colonies Affect the Radial Growth of Trees in Pine Plantations

Demakov Y., Tishin D., Demitrov I.


Data on the influence the grey heron (Ardea cinerea L., 1758) colonies have on the dynamics of tree ring parameters in pine plantations are presented. It is shown that the beginning of the stands colonisation by the grey heron can be quite accurately determined by analysing the dynamics of the annual tree rings parameters, especially the width of their late layer and the optical density of wood (the values of the former are lower in the control stand, and of the latter one are higher there). Grey heron colonies begin to appear in pine forests since as early as 10–12 years old, when the height of the trees reaches 5–6 m, and the diameter of the trunk at a height of 1.3 m from the soil surface is only 7–8 cm. In the first 15–20 years, they have a positive influence on the annual growth of trees, especially on the width of the late layer of wood and the thickness of the cell walls, but then the picture changes to the opposite. The total residence time of heron colonies in one place is about 35–40 years, after which they move to new places due to the forest stands coming into disarray or even facing complete destruction. To reduce the likelihood of the grey heron colonies appearance, which in many cases have a negative impact on the state of forest biogeocoenoses, it is necessary to stop creating pure pine forests near water bodies, giving preference to spruce, birch, poplar or linden-oak plantations.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):269-276
pages 269-276 views

Comparative Assessment of the Functional Efficiency of Arboriflora Species Composition in Urban Green Spaces

Shikhova N.


The article discusses the results of a comprehensive analysis of the ecological state and environment-stabilizing functions of the species composition of arboriflora in the urban planting structure. It’s based on a large amount of factual material obtained during the course of a long-term monitoring of Vladivostok’s urban greenery. A methodological substantiation has been developed for a comprehensive qualitative-quantitative assessment of species using the applied qualimetry techniques. An integral indicator, named the coefficient of the functional efficiency of the species (JFEC) was proposed as the main evaluation unit. It is a relative-quantitative magnitude of plants quality that characterises their functional efficiency and significance in urban ecosystems: prevalence in greenery planting, vitality, the ability for accumulation of the priority pollutant metals in the urban environment, their concentration relative to the local ecological background; the capability for accumulating metals from the soil. Comparative analysis of the functional efficiency of 80 species of trees and shrubs forming the urban greenery of Vladivostok on the basis of the proposed coefficient was carried out. Among the compared sample of plants, the JFEC decreases from 3.70 (Crataegus pinnatifida) to 1.13 (Malus mandshurica). This values measure up to 74 and 23% of the quality standard (QS), which corresponds to the ideal plant species. The groups of species of different functional significance in the urban green spaces structure have been identified. The best efficiency in creating the comfortable environmental conditions in the city was demonstrated by species widespread in landscaping: Fraxinus mandshurica, Ulmus japonica, Betula platyphylla, Physocarpus opulifolia et al. They are characterized by the maximum participation in the formation of the urban greenery structure and a high ability to absorb the main pollutants of the urban environment. The JFEC of these species is within 3.26–2.61, which corresponds to 65–52% of the QS. In conclusion, author makes a suggestion on a rational use of species for the formation of a comfortable urban environment and introduction of the results into the practice of managing the urban green fund.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):277-289
pages 277-289 views

Geochemical Peculiarities of the Peat Litter’s Morphometric Fractions in the Swamp Birch Forests of Western Siberia’s Southern Taiga

Efremova T., Efremov S., Avrova A.


Peat litter of moss-woody composition was studied in swamp birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) forests of the grass-mossy forest types in the northern part of the Ob and Tom interfluve (geographical coordinates N 56°23′186″, E 084°32′519″). The litter samples are characterized by a low base saturation of 35.6%; an acidic reaction (\({\text{p}}{{{\text{H}}}_{{{{{\text{H}}}_{2}}{\text{O}}}}}\) 4.0); and an ash content of 8.9%. The average content of macro- and microelements forms the following descending series, mg/kg: Ca5105 > Fe4201 > Al3614 > K986 > Mg893 > Mn468 > Sr230 > Na153 > > Zn51 > Pb13 > Cu6.8 > Ni5 > Cr4.6 > Co2.9 > Cd0.2. According to the factor analysis, the mineral component composition of the litter during the plant residues destruction is 57% determined by the variability of the heavy metals content, 37% by the content of alkali, alkaline earth, Zn and Cd. Using the tree clustering method, the morphometric fractions of plant fragments (derivatives) were organized as follows: >10 mm, [(10–5) + + (5–3) + (3–2) + (2–1)] and [(1–0.5) + (0.5–0.25) + <0.25] mm. Discriminant analysis showed 100% fit in the corresponding group. Al and Ca make the greatest contribution to the prediction. As plant fragments decompose, heavy metals and aluminium gradually accumulate while alkali and alkaline earth metals get washed away, the processes being most active at the fermentation stage. The distribution of mineral components in litter derivatives is consistent with their humus state. In small morphometric fractions, compared to large fragments, the ratio (∑HA + ∑FA)/polysaccharides expands, the C/N value gets lower, humic and fulvic acids accumulation occurs mainly for the 1st fraction ones. Peat litter is characterized by an average, moderately dangerous level of pollution: the total pollution index (Zc) is 18. The toxicants composition is dominated by Pb and Zn – chemical elements of the hazard class I.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):290-303
pages 290-303 views


The Role of the Stem Pests in Changing the Condition of Coniferous Forests of the North-West of the European Part of Russia

Selikhovkin A., Popovichev B., Mandel’shtam M., Alekseyev A.


The danger of stem pests’ mass reproduction in the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia is increasing. However, data on their populations’ state in the northwest of the European part of Russia are scarce and very heterogeneous. They include materials from articles and reviews of the sanitary and forest pathology state, which are in turn based on completely different methodological approaches to obtaining information. Generalisation and analysis of data on the increase in the number of stem pests that pose a danger to coniferous forest stands in the north-west of the European part of Russia, taking into account the materials of scientific reports and forest pathology monitoring, is an urgent task of this paper. The greatest danger to spruce stands is the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Linnaeus, 1758), which forms large-scale centres of mass reproduction. The main factors causing the beginning of the formation of breeding centres are weather conditions (hurricane-force winds and the formation of windblows, an increase in the growing season temperature and a lack of precipitation). At the end of the 20th–beginning of the 21st century, the Leningrad R-egion saw an increase in frequency of the stem pests’ mass reproduction outbreaks, especially the European spruce bark beetle. Since the second half of the 20th century, breeding outbreaks have been also observed in the Republic of Karelia. In the Murmansk region, stem pests do not have a noticeable effect on the forest stands condition. These trends correspond to the temperature increase trends in the Leningrad region and Karelia and an insignificant temperature change in the Murmansk region. Additional nutrition for the pine beetles and sawyer beetles in cases of their mass reproduction is an underestimated factor in the forest stands weakening, which significantly affects the growth and condition of surrounding plantations. The appearance of invasive species, such as the small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichhoff, 1872) (Curculionidae: Coleoptera), is a potential danger, but at present this species does not show significant activity in pine and spruce forests in the north of the European part of Russia.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):304-321
pages 304-321 views


Geoecological Research and Management Principles in the Northern Caucasus’ Mountain Forests

Bityukov N.


The article provides an analysis of historical data on the organisation and state of geoecological research in the mountain forests of the North Caucasus and Russia. On the example of regional monitoring of mountain forest ecosystems, the organisation of the multi-purpose nature management within mountain watersheds is demonstrated. Based on the results of the experimental materials obtained from a long-term monitoring at complex forest-hydrological stations, as well as the results of active experiments, recommendations are given for forest management in the mountains. An example of obtaining information by field methods is shown, as well as computer modelling of forestry development in mountainous regions. The scientific principles and ecological bases of farming in the mountainous regions forests are proposed.

Lesovedenie. 2023;(3):322-336
pages 322-336 views

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