Influence of Laser Irradiation on the Mechanism of Viscous Flow of Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solution




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The effect of 632.8-nm radiation of a helium–neon laser on the viscosity of an aqueous sodium chloride solution has been studied. It has been shown that irradiation changes the nature and numerical values of the concentration dependence of viscosity. The concentration dependences of the viscous-flow activation energy for unirradiated and irradiated aqueous sodium chloride solutions have been determined. The influence of irradiation on the parameters of the power-law dependence of the solution viscosity on concentration has been analyzed, and the temperature dependences of these parameters have been determined. It has been concluded that laser irradiation alters the structural organization of the aqueous system and reduces


L. Shibryaeva

Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, 117997 Russia

N. Komova

MIREA Russian Technological University

Moscow, 119454 Russia

I. Kulikova

MIREA Russian Technological University

Moscow, 119454 Russia


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版权所有 © Л.С. Шибряева, Н.Н. Комова, И.Ю. Куликова, 2023
