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No 1 (2024)

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Rare elements and non-ferrous metals in the paleogene brown-coal deposits of the Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin (Amur Region, Far East): accumulation models, enrichment conditions and criteria for assessment of resource potential (a review)

Sorokin A.P., Dugin S.V.


A model has been developed for deposition of rare earth elements with yttrium, trace elements, and non-ferrous metals in platform and activated structures of the Upper Amur region. Genetic types of lanthanide enrichment are considered; lanthanides are shown to concentrate non-uniformly in coal seams and in coal combustion products. Light rare earth elements predominate in coals. The capacity of peat and coal for metal extraction from aqueous solutions was proven. Criteria for a preliminary assessment of coal as a raw material for lanthanides were considered and prospects for their identification were analyzed.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):3-24
pages 3-24 views

Regeneration of activated carbons after adsorption of some biologically active organic compounds on them. Review

Vedenyapina M.D., Kurmysheva A.Y., Kulaishin S.A.


The literature sources containing information and description of the experiment on the regeneration of activated carbons containing biologically active organic compounds on the surface, as well as the necessary characteristics for evaluating the effectiveness of regeneration are considered. It is shown that each regeneration method has its positive and negative sides.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):25-42
pages 25-42 views

Composition of Tuva coals and their extracts according to pyrolysis and TGA data

Burdelnaya N.S., Bushnev D.A., Ondar S.A., Kuzmin D.V., Beliy V.A.


Extracts – hypercoals, were obtained from Tuvinian coals of the Ulug-Khem basin by dissolving them in N-methylpyrrolidone. The yield of extracts is 27.3–79.4%, and their ash content is 0.5–0.8%. The composition of the products of pyrolysis, carried out at 420°C, of the initial coals and the extracts obtained from them was studied. It has been shown that rank “Zh” hard coal (coal from the Elegest deposit) can be extracted most effectively. The qualitative and quantitative compositions of pyrolysis products are not fundamentally different in the initial coals and the corresponding extracts. According to TGA data, the decomposition of extracts (hypercoals) occurs at lower temperatures relative to the original coals with a high yield of volatile components.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Rhenium and related valuable metals in the oil shales of the Volga basin

Vyalov V.I., Dyu T.A., Nastavkin A.V., Shishov E.P.


The results of study of the content of rhenium and other valuable metals in the oil shales of the Volga basin are presented. The new data on precise determination of Re, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, U and other metals by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry have been published. The content of the studied metals were compared with clarks in carbonaceous shales. The association of metals with rhenium (Mo, U, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Ag, Sb) has been isolated in oil shales. The organic matter of oil shales acts as a rhenium concentrator, and apparently Mo, U. The preferred petrographic type of oil shales for the concentration of rhenium in them is the colloalginite-vitrinite-clay type. The rhenium-bearing and metalliferous content of the Volga shales is compared with the contents of rhenium and a number of other valuable metals in dictyonema shales of the Baltic sedimentary basin.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):50-56
pages 50-56 views

Thermal transformations of graphite and anthracite in the presence of lithium carbonate

Lopanov A.N., Fanina E.A.


The method of differential scanning calorimetry was used to study mixtures of graphite and anthracite with lithium carbonate in an argon atmosphere and in air. It was found that in the temperature range of 100–500°C, a stronger mass loss occurs in argon than in air. This phenomenon is caused by the removal of oxygen compounds with carbon. Competing processes take place in the air – the formation of oxygen compounds with carbon, coal and desorption of oxygen-containing substances. A comparison of thermal effects on the curves of DSC and gravimetry for graphite–lithium carbonate systems in argon, in air is carried out. It was found that up to 700°C in the reaction products, the molar ratio of carbon oxides (IV; II) can be estimated at 10 : 1. Endothermic effects of lithium carbonate melting in an argon atmosphere for mixtures of graphite and anthracite with lithium carbonate were observed at 732°C and 727°C, respectively. In air, the peaks of endothermic effects do not correspond to the heat absorption curves in argon. The most probable explanations of the observed effects are given – the presence of phases of carbonate and lithium oxide; the manifestation of the stretched nature of the pre-transition region of lithium carbonate. By the method of powder X-ray diffractometry, it was found that the burnout of the carbon phase at 500°C in graphite, anthracite does not lead to a significant change in the interplane distances in lithium carbonate.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):57-63
pages 57-63 views

Influence of torrefaсtion on the characteristics of fuel blends of biomass and high-ash carbon-containing waste

Pudova Y.D., Sinelshchikov V.A., Sytchev G.A.


The influence of torrefaction on the characteristics of binary fuel blends consisting of plant biomass and high-ash carbon-containing technogenic waste is considered. It has been shown that through torrefaction it is possible to compensate for the decrease in the heating value of fuel blends associated with the addition of a high-ash component. A criterion for choosing a torrefaction mode is proposed and the corresponding analytical expression is obtained that allows one to calculate the minimum permissible biomass content in the fuel blend. This expression can be used in relation to fuel blends of various types of plant biomass and high-ash carbon-containing waste. There are presented quantitative data demonstrating the improvement of the hydrophobic properties of fuel blends as a result of torrefaction.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):64-71
pages 64-71 views

Research of the processes of ignition and combustion of mixed fuels based on coal and wood under different conditions of thermal influence

Misyukova A.D., Yankovsky S.A., Berikbolov A.K., Yankovskaya N.S.


The ignition processes of mixed fuels formed on the basis of grade 3B coal from the Maikuben deposit and finely dispersed sawmill and woodworking waste have been studied. An analysis of the processes of ignition and combustion of fuel mixtures with different organization of combustion processes was performed. It has been established that the concentration of the wood component has a significant impact on the processes of the onset of oxidation and combustion of mixed fuels. When the proportion of wood component in the mixture increases to 50%, the ignition delay time decreases by an average of 18% in all cases of the studies performed.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):72-81
pages 72-81 views

Kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition of biofuels and its oil-containing composites

Ponomareva A.A., Laryushkina D.D., Logacheva D.A., Sitnikova V.E., Mokrin S.N., Uspenskaya M.V.


The kinetic features of the decomposition of fuel pellets formed from birch phloem and its composites with the addition of oil-containing waste (OCW) were studied by methods of thermogravimetric analysis carried out in various atmospheric conditions. The characteristic temperature ranges of thermal decomposition of the materials from which pellets are formed were identified, the rates of mass loss and activation energy at the main stages of thermal decomposition were evaluated, and the combustion indices of composite compositions were determined to identify the possibility of using such compositions as alternative fuels. By evaluation of activation energies for each stage of sample decomposition, the limiting influence of certain stages on the process of thermal destruction was established.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):82-91
pages 82-91 views

Estimation of valuable metals content in coal combustion products of the Russian Far East by INAA method with radionuclide neutron source

Ivannikov S.I., Markin N.S., Taskin A.V., Ageyev O.A., Zemskova L.A.


Ash and slag waste from coal combustion as a source of obtaining valuable metals are considered. The results of the study of ash and slag waste from CHPPs of Primorye, coal combustion products of the Amur region and some products of ash and slag waste fractionation for gold and scandium content are presented. The concentration levels of these metals for preliminary assessment of their possible industrial significance were studied by instrumental neutron activation analysis.

Himiâ tverdogo topliva. 2024;(1):92-100
pages 92-100 views

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