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卷 60, 编号 4 (2019)


Homogenization of Harmonic Maxwell Equations with Allowance for Interfacial Surface Currents: Layered Structure

Amirat Y., Shelukhin V.


The Maxwell equations for a composite two-component laminated material with a periodic structure in the field of a time-harmonic source acting along the layers are considered. Two-scale homogenization of the equations is performed with allowance for complex conductivity of interfacial layers and their thickness. The boundary-value problem for systems of differential equations with boundary conditions is reduced to a problem in a weakly variational formulation. Unique solvability of the problem is established. The case of low frequencies of interfacial currents of different intensities with allowance for the frequency-dependent wave length and skin layer length is analyzed. Macro-equations are derived, and effective material constants are determined, such as the dielectric permittivity, magnetic permeability, and electrical conductivities. Conditions at which the effective parameters depend on interfacial currents are described. It is found that the effective dielectric permittivity can be negative at specially chosen parameters of interfacial layers if it is determined on the basis of the effective wave number.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):593-607
pages 593-607 views

Rotational Motion of Fluted Shaped-Charge Liners

Rassokha S., Ladov S., Babkin A.


The rotational motion of fluted shaped-charge liners has been studied. It has been shown that the main factors affecting the rotation of a shaped-charge jet are the position of the jet-forming layer and the distribution of the circumferential velocity over the liner cross-section. The proposed method can be used to estimate the average angular velocity of a jet with consideration of the dimensions of the fluted shaped-charge liner and the properties of its material. It is shown that the results are consistent with available experimental data.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):608-611
pages 608-611 views

Modeling of High-Porosity Copper-Based Mixtures under Shock Loading

Maevskii K., Kinelovskii S.


A thermodynamically equilibrium model is applied for simulating thermodynamic parameters of shock loading of both pure materials and mixtures of homogeneous and porous materials. The model includes a modified equation of state, which has only one fitting parameter determined on the basis of experimental data. The thermodynamic parameters of shock loading of copper and copper-based mixtures with porosities of 1–10 at pressures above 5 GPa are calculated. The results of these calculations are compared to available experimental data (Hugoniot adiabats, double compression by shock waves, and temperature estimates). The possibility of modeling the compression of the mixture as a whole and each component separately is demonstrated.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):612-619
pages 612-619 views

Analysis of Stability of the Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate under a Finite-Thickness Two-Layer Compliant Coating

Darzhain A., Boiko A., Kulik V., Chupakhin A.


Results of studying stability of the Blasius boundary layer on a two-layer compliant coating in the linear formulation are reported. The computations are based on experimental parameters of viscoelasticity of a real coating, which reveal the dependences of its elasticity modulus and loss coefficient on frequency. Parametric investigations of the influence of the coating layer thicknesses and free-stream velocity on flow stability, in particular, on the critical Reynolds number, are performed. Regions of a nonmonotonic behavior of the critical Reynolds number are found, which allow one to determine the optimal thicknesses of the upper and lower layers for intense interaction with the flow. An explanation of this effect is proposed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):620-630
pages 620-630 views

Control of the Formation of a Transonic Region in a Supersonic Flow by Using a Throttling Jet and Near-Wall Heat Release

Zamuraev V., Kalinina A.


Starting of an air-breathing engine with fuel injection distributed along the combustion chamber is numerically simulated. Issues of principal importance are the presence of a compressed ar jet generating a throttling effect and preliminary deceleration of the flow to transonic velocities. Averaged Navier-Stokes equations closed by the SST, SST k-ω, or k-ε turbulence model are solved. Hydrogen and ethylene combustion is simulated by one reaction. The computations are performed for various values of the turbulent kinetic energy in the flow. A pulsed transonic regime of hydrogen and ethylene combustion is discovered.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):631-638
pages 631-638 views

Contactless Measuring Section in Hypersonic Aerodynamics

Gerasimov S., Erofeev V., Sirotkina A., Zubankov A., Gerasimova R.


This paper considers the possibility of using measuring sections with inductive sensors to detect hypersonic particles in time in modeling collisions of objects with space debris. A method for determining the average velocity of hypersonic particles simulating space debris and a method of starting the recording equipment for optical contactless detection of these particles are proposed. Results of experimental studies of the interaction of particles with a simulator of the mesh shield of spacecraft.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):639-643
pages 639-643 views

Influence of the Shape of the Jet Head on Its Impact on a Wetted Wall

Aganin A., Il’gamov M., Guseva T.


The influence of the shape of the jet head on its impact on a wall covered with a thin liquid layer has been studied. The conditions characteristic of the impact of the jet arising on the surface of a cavitation bubble upon its collapse near a wall have been considered. It has been established that a change in the shape of the jet head can lead to a significant change in the size of the maximum loading area of the wetted wall and in the magnitude and pattern of loading. In particular, with an increase in the degree of sharpening of the jet head, the wall pressure decreases and its spatial distribution becomes more uniform. Dependences of the maximum pressure and integral wall load on the jet shape were obtained.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):644-649
pages 644-649 views

Effect of the Angular and Linear Parameters of Interaction of Water Droplets of Various Shapes on the Characteristics of Their Collisions

Kuznetsov G., Rebrov A., Strizhak P., Shlegel N.


The influence of the dimensionless angular and linear parameters of interaction of water droplets shaped as a sphere, an ellipsoid, and a conventionally liquid disk on the characteristics (regimes) of their collisions in air (bouncing, coalescence, separation, or disruption) is studied by using a system of high-speed video recording. Conditions of sustainable implementation of this interaction are determined. Maps of the corresponding regimes are constructed and compared with available data. The characteristic sizes, the number of liquid fragments formed in collisions, and the total areas of the evaporation surface are calculated. It is demonstrated that the liquid surface area in the case of collisions of conventionally liquid disks is significantly (by several times) greater than that in the case of spherical droplets.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):650-660
pages 650-660 views

Numerical Study of Interaction of Two Deformable Bubbles in an Acoustic Field

Pityuk Y., Gumerov N., Abramova O., Zarafutdinov I., Akhatov I.


Three-dimensional deformation of two bubbles and bubbles in a cluster in an ideal incompressible liquid in an acoustic field is investigated using the boundary element method for potential flows. The dependence of the dynamics of two interacting bubbles on the frequency and amplitude of the acoustic field and the distance between bubbles is studied. The parameters of the acoustic field and the cluster for which jets are formed and the bubbles are deformed or remain spherical are determined. The behavior of two central bubbles in a structured cluster in an acoustic field with different frequency and amplitude is investigated as a function of the distance between bubbles in the cluster. A comparative analysis of the deformation of the investigated bubbles in the presence and absence of adjacent bubbles is performed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):661-668
pages 661-668 views

On the Theory of Salt Washout from Water-Oil Emulsion with Fresh Water

Shagapov V., Galiakbarova E., Gimaltdinov I.


A theoretical model describing the motion of particles of salt water in oil which flow around a larger drop of fresh water has been developed to solve the problem of cleaning oil from salts. The results of calculations of the effect of the radius and initial velocity of a drop of fresh water on the coagulation of fresh and salt water drops are presented.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):669-675
pages 669-675 views

Extraction of Material from a Porous Body into a Moving Liquid

Moshinskii A.


In this paper, we study the nonstationary process of extracting material from a porous body simulated by a system of semi-infinite capillaries into a moving liquid in which the transfer rate of the material in the flow is a linear function of the cross-flow coordinate. The case where the liquid velocity at the interface becomes zero is considered. It is assumed that the diffusion in the flow is quasi-stationary. Analytical dependences at the interface between the porous material and the flow region are found for mass transfer characteristics of practical interest (concentration, diffusion flow, total diffusion flux, and the total yield of the target component extracted through the cross section of the porous body).

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):676-684
pages 676-684 views

Numerical Study of Stress Relaxation in Nanostructures in the Course of Uniaxial Straining

Golovnev I., Golovneva E., Voronin M., Pruuel E.


Stress relaxation in a nano-sized rod containing structural defects in the course of constant-rate uniaxial straining is studied, and the reasons for the onset of this phenomenon are determined. Under the assumption that structural defects can serve as carriers of irreversible strain of a higher level than dislocations, the problem is solved by the molecular dynamics method. It is found that stress relaxation is accompanied by the transition of the entire system to a steady state with a deeper potential minimum as compared to the system energy before the stress relaxation process, resulting in a temperature increase and reduction of the strain tensor components.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):685-691
pages 685-691 views

Low-Stress State of Simply-Supported Anisotropic Composite Plates

Akopyan A.


The stress state in the neighborhood of the common edge of a simply-supported composite wedge-shaped plate under transverse load has been studied. The materials of the constituent plates are cylindrically orthotropic. The problem is solved using the classical theory of anisotropic plates. Equations are derived for a hypersurface which, in the space of physical and geometric parameters, is the boundary of the region of parameters for which the neighborhood of the common edge of the composite plate is in a low-stress state (the stresses at the points of the common edge of the composite plate are limited).

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):692-697
pages 692-697 views

Effect of Friction on the Natural Frequencies of Reinforced Cylindrical Shells with an Elastic Filler under Axial Compression

Seifullaev F., Kerimova S., Agayeva N.


A variational principle is used to study the oscillations of a reinforced thin cylindrical shell with a filler under axial compression with allowance for friction on their contact surface. The dependences of frequencies of natural oscillations on the number of waves in a circumferential direction are constructed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):698-703
pages 698-703 views

Plane Strain Dynamics of an Incompressible Nonlinear-Elastic Body

Bondar’ V.


Nonlinear elasticity model in current state variables is used to study the plane strain dynamics of an incompressible body, and a system of nonlinear displacement and pressure equations is obtained. In the absence of bulk forces and in the assumption of quadratic elastic potential, the resulting equations that describe plane waves, self-similar motions, and stress fields in these motions are solved and studied. It is shown that several solutions of a certain type are possible both in wave and self-similar cases.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):704-711
pages 704-711 views

Dynamic Buckling of a Cylindrical Shell with a General Boundary Condition under an Axial Impact

Gui Y., Xu J., Ma J.


The dynamic buckling of an elastic cylindrical shell with a general boundary condition (composed of stiffness and damping) under an axial impact by a rigid body is considered. A dynamic equation is derived to obtain the axial stress and radial displacement of the shell. Then, by substituting the results into the energy equation, the critical condition for the dynamic buckling of the shell is obtained. The influence of the general boundary condition on the critical velocity of the impactor is analyzed. The results reveal that the boundary condition exerts no effect on the dynamic buckling of the shell before the stress wave becomes reflected from the fixed end face of the shell. After reflection, the critical velocity decreases with increasing impactor mass and stiffness, but increases with increasing damping. At times smaller than the instant when the stress wave reaches the fixed end face of the shell, the dynamic buckling occurs earlier at greater values of damping and stiffness. After stress wave reflection, the earlier dynamic buckling is observed at smaller values of damping and stiffness.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):712-723
pages 712-723 views

Investigation on the Damage Mechanisms and Penetration Performance of Jacketed Rods with Different Striking Velocities

Tang K., Wang J., Chen X., Zhou N.


Ballistic experiments, numerical simulations, and theoretical model investigations of the penetration performance of homogeneous and jacketed rods into a semi-infinite target are presented. The striking velocities vary between 0.9 and 3.3 km/s. The effects of the jacket material, striking velocity, and initial kinetic energy on the penetration performance and damage mechanisms are analyzed. The results show that jacketed rods provide better penetration performance than homogeneous rods with the same initial kinetic energy. For a fixed ratio of the jacket radius to the core radius, it is preferable to use a jacket material with a lower density and strength that can provide the lowest required flexural stiffness.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):724-731
pages 724-731 views

Synthesis of Composites Made of Powder Mixtures (Ti, C, and Al) in Controlled Heating

Bukrina N., Baranovskiy A.


Synthesis of metal matrix composites from powder mixtures is experimentally studied in a thermal explosion. A mathematical model for initiating a reaction that allows for the main physical and chemical phenomena changing the phase composition of a sample is formulated. It is shown that simulation results qualitatively agree with experimental data.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):732-739
pages 732-739 views

Determining Stresses in an Adhesive Joint with a Longitudinal Unadhered Region Using a Simplified Two-Dimensional Theory

Kurennov S.


A simplified two-dimensional model of an overlap adhesive joint is proposed. The problem of a stress state of an adhesive joint, along the surfaces of which unadhered regions are located, is solved analytically under the assumption that the cross-sectional displacements of carrier layers vanish. The resulting solution is a functional series, with eigenfunctions being nonorthogonal. It is shown that the presence of unadhered regions may significantly increase stresses near the edge of the adherend.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):740-747
pages 740-747 views

Creep and Stress Relaxation in the Case of Loading and Unloading of a Cylindrical Layer with Allowance for the Development and Deceleration of a Viscoplastic Flow

Begun A., Kovtanyuk L., Lemza A.


The theory of large deformations is used to solve the problem of deformation of an elastoviscoplastic material placed in a gap between two coaxial cylindrical surfaces, with one of them rotating with an alternating rate and the other one at rest. It is shown that an increase in the stresses in a cylindrical layer due to a mechanical influence on it initially causes irreversible creep strains because of viscosity of the material and then the accumulation of plastic strains because of the arrival of stress states at the loading surface. The unloading is accompanied by a plastic strain and then a viscous one. The stress-strain parameters of the medium with a varying rotation rate of the cylinder are calculated. Stress relaxation after the complete stop of a cylinder is described.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):748-757
pages 748-757 views

Similarity Laws in Laser Cladding of Cermet Coatings

Golyshev A., Orishich A., Filippov A.


The influence of the laser beam parameters (power, motion velocity, and focus position) on the characteristics of the track being formed (size, elemental composition, and microhardness) is studied. If the difference in the laser radiation absorption coefficients in the heat conduction and keyhole regimes is taken into account, then the track sizes can be determined by a unified dependence on the energy parameter. The effect of the laser beam on the chemical composition and microhardness of cermet (WC-NiCrBSi) tracks is studied. Regardless of the track formation regime, these parameters are determined by a dimensionless parameter, which describes the degree of dilution of chemical substances. It is found that a track with the maximum mass fraction of tungsten and the greatest value of microhardness is formed at small values of the dimensionless parameter, which corresponds to the heat conduction regime. The microhardness of the deposited cermet structure is observed to be 4–5 times higher than the microhardness of the substrate material.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):758-767
pages 758-767 views

High-Speed Extrustion of Polyethylene in the Acceleration of Projectiles in Ballistic Launchers

Bykov N., Karneychik A., Makarov A., Tovarnov M.


Acceleration of projectiles in ballistic launchers by means of high-speed extrusion of polyethylene through a tapered adapter is experimentally and theoretically studied. Quasi-one-dimensional gas-dynamic model of a polydisperse mixture of gas and powder particles and a viscoplastic model of a deformable piston are used. The results of numerical simulation of the process under study and the results of a series of shots from a powder ballistic launcher are given. The influence of the geometry of a tapered section and input velocity of the deformable piston on the output velocity of a projectile is experimentally investigated.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):768-776
pages 768-776 views

Explosion Chambers with Metal Shields

Meshcheryakov Y., Shtertser A., Zlobin B.


Metal shields of various thickness made of various steels and used to protect the shells of explosion chambers from damage by debris and reduce the loads on the structural elements have been studied. Dependences of the equivalent stresses in the protective shields and shells of explosion chambers and the final size of the gap between the shields and the shell on wall thickness, steel grade, and initial gap size were obtained by numerical simulation. Examples of explosion chamber designs with protective shields are given.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(4):777-783
pages 777-783 views