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卷 66, 编号 2 (2024)



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Conditions of formation of the Pavlik gold-sulfide-quartz deposit (North-East of Russia), according to the fluid inclusions study

Volkov A., Prokofiev V., Aristov V., Sidorova N.


The stockwork gold-sulphide-quartz ores of the Pavlik deposit (North-East of Russia) are formed mainly by homogeneous, low saline (9.4—4.3 wt. % eq. NaCl), essentially water-chloride fluid at temperatures of 275о–330оC and a fluid pressure of 600—1840 bar. The fluid is characterized by a sufficiently high CO2 and a reduced methane content – the ratio of CO2 / CH4 = 17—37.3. In the fluid, among the cations, the main role is played by: Na and Ca, and K and Mg are in a subordinate amount. In addition, many trace elements were detected in the fluid composition: As, Li, Rb, Cs, Mo, Ag, Sb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, U, Ga, Ge, Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, V, Cr, Y, Zr, Sn, Ba, W, Au, Hg and REE. The obtained data allow us to assume a decrease in the depth of ore formation during the formation of the deposit by 4—5 km due to the rise of the ore-bearing block. Attention is drawn to the low fluid pressures for a number of samples (330—140 bar), which may be associated with a separate stage of mineral formation. The ore-forming fluid of the Pavlik deposit in composition, temperatures and pressures shows similarities with the fluids of the neighboring Natalka and Rodionovsky deposits and has a great similarity with typical fluids of orogenic gold deposits. The information given in the article is of great practical importance for regional predictive metallogenic constructions, prospecting and evaluation of gold deposits.

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 2024;66(2):133–145
pages 133–145 views

Fluid migration regimes during the formation of the unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Australia

Pek A., Malkovsky V., Petrov V.


In world U production, the unconformity-related deposits currently yield ~24%. The main unconformity-

related deposits were found in the Athabasca U-bearing province in the southwestern part of the Canadian Shield and Alligator Rivers Uranium Field of the North Australian Shield. The deposits are localized close to the surfaces of structural-stratigraphic unconformity in the bottom of sedimentary basins: Athabasca in Canada and Kombolgie in Australia. According to a series of geological–structural parameters of formation, the Canadian and Australian unconformity-related deposits significantly differ allowing their classification as subtypes. In the Canadian deposits, the ore bodies occur both above and beneath the unconformity surface of the Athabasca basin, whereas the ores of the Australian deposits are localized exclusively beneath the unconformity surface in rocks of the basement of the Kombolgie basin. This paper is devoted to the reconstruction of paleohydrodynamic formation conditions of the Australian unconformity-related deposits. The computer models of fluid migration of following three scenarios were successively considered during the analysis of fluid mass transfer processes: (i) thermal fluid convection in a fault zone with periodic upward and downward free thermal fluid convection, (ii) forced convective fluid migration at subcritical permeability and therefore the absence of free thermal convection in the fault zone, and (iii) mixed convection with upward and downward fluid movement along the fault zone. We concluded that the processes of periodic thermal convective fluid circulation in the fault zone contradict the idea of infiltration mechanism of the formation of the Australian unconformity-related deposits in fault zones in the basement of the Kombolgie basin. We, therefore, considered possible influence of facies zoning of a combined aquifer in the basement of clastic sediments of the Kombolgie Supergroup on paleohydrodynamics of the ore-bearing system, which played the role of a main migration pass for U-transporting fluids. The analysis of zonal distribution of primary sedimentation environments and later diagenetic transformations of rocks of aquifers and aquitards of this basin allowed us to substantiate an idea on leading influence of zonal decrease in permeability of rocks of the combined aquifer on a circulation structure of U-transporting fluids with the change in their lateral migration in the basement of sedimentary deposits of the Kombolgie Supergroup on the downward infiltration along a transverse zone of the ore-controlling fault. This circulation of the structure of U-transporting fluids was accepted as a hypothesis of paleohydrodynamic formation conditions of Australian unconformityrelated deposits exclusively in rocks of the basement of the Kombolgie basin. The additional computer calculations, however, showed that a trend of the directed change in the permeability of rocks along the lateral movement pass of U-transporting fluids is a trigger condition, which can be responsible both for the upward and downward fluid movement along the ore-bearing fault zone depending on the direction of the trend. In the Kombolgie basin in Australia, the direction of this trend depended on the change of facies conditions on the regional migration pass of diagenetic fluids, whereas the local topographic features of the unconformity surface could affect the Athabasca basin in Canada. At an alternative trend of variation in permeability along the lateral migration of U-transporting fluids, the proposed transport mechanism of the formation of the Australian unconformity-related deposits could probably contribute also to the formation both of infiltration and exfiltration Canadian unconformity-related deposits, which are described by a paleohydrodynamic interfault geothermal convection model.

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 2024;66(2):146–170
pages 146–170 views

Conditions of recrystallization of ores of the Ozernoe polymetallic deposit (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)

Damdinova L., Damdinov B., Vikentyev I., Reutsky V.


The Ozernoe lead–zinc deposit is the largest in Russia in terms of zinc reserves. It has been estab-lished that primary layered–banded, massive and brecciated sulfide ores were subject to intensive post-ore deformation and recrystallization, which accompanied dynamic and contact metamorphism. The transfor-mations are expressed in the increase in the size of mineral aggregates and formation of carbonate–quartz–sulfide veins and veinlets with different ratios of constituent minerals. Ore minerals in veins and veinlets are represented by sphalerite, galena, and pyrite in different proportions; chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and marcasite occur in smaller quantities; and Ag sulfides and sulfosols are rare. The vein minerals are quartz, siderite, and manganese siderite (oligonite); Ba-bearing muscovite (ellacherite) and chlorite are also present. It was established that recrystallization of ores occurred at elevated PT-parameters—up to 535оC and up to 2 kbar—in the presence of relatively highly concentrated fluid phase (salinity up to 21.5 wt. % eq. NaCl). Ore transformations are mainly caused by processes of dynamometamorphism. There is still uncertainty both with the age of ore mineralization of the Ozernoe deposit and with the development time of metamorphic pro-cesses. This does not allow linking these processes with the stages of geodynamic evolution in the region.

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 2024;66(2):171–184
pages 171–184 views

The redox state of chromium ores of the Polar Urals

Shiryaev P., Vakhrusheva N.


The redox state of chromium ores of the main industrially significant types, developed in ultramafic rocks of the Rayiz-Voikar complex of the Polar Urals, was studied. The chromitites occurring in various geological settings – rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex and large dunite bodies – have been investigated. For the first time, on a representative sample of analyzes (more than 150 samples), an assessment was made of oxygen fugacity and temperature of olivine-spinel equilibrium in chromium ores of the Rai-Iz and Voikaro-Syninsky massifs.

At each of the studied objects, the iron content of minerals increases linearly from chromitites to their host ultramafic rocks. The temperature of olivine-spinel equilibrium in chromitites varies within 550–800оС. The oxygen fugacity in aluminous chromitites averages FMQ +0.5–1.5 log. units, in medium chromium – FMQ +1.5–2.5 log. units, in high-chromium ones it exceeds +2.5 log. units relative to the FMQ buffer. The fugacity of oxygen in densely disseminated chromitites is 0.5–1 log. units higher than in poorly disseminated and rarely disseminated. The values of T-fO2 parameters correspond to the crustal conditions and are close to those established in the metaultramafites of the studied massifs.

The data obtained may indicate that the concentration of the ore component and the formation of chromium ore deposits occur not only in mantle or lower crustal conditions, characterized by fO2 values close to the FMQ buffer, but also as a result of ultramafic crustal metamorphism occurring in an oxidizing environment.

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 2024;66(2):185–209
pages 185–209 views

Sulfide and selenide PGE mineralization in chromitites of the Dunzhugur ophiolite massif (East Sayan, Russia)

Kiseleva O., Ayriyants E., Zhmodik S., Belyanin D.


The paper presents the first data on PGE sulfide and selenide mineralization formed in podiform chromitites at different stages of evolution of the Dunzhugur ophiolite massif. The chromite bodies are local-ized in listvenitized aposerpentinites, which are part of the Dunzhugur ophiolite complex. The forms of occurrence, microstructural features and compositions of platinum-group minerals in chromitites were stud-ied by scanning electron microscopy. The enrichment of chromitites with a refractory platinum group-ele-ment (PGE) sulfides and alloys in the Os-Ir-Ru system (IPGE) testify that the for-mation of magmatic platinum-group minerals (PGMs) occurred under mantle conditions. Primary PGMs were replaced by iridium sulfoarsenides and sulfoantimonides due to the interaction of mantle peridotites and chromitites with As–Sb-bearing fluid generated during dehydration and melting of the subducting slab. Native osmium was formed as a result of desulfurization of magmatic PGE-bearing sulfides with the partic-ipation of reduced fluids at the serpentinization stage. The replacement of Ru–Os sulfides by selenides of these metals in chromitites could occur at the stages of subduction or obduction at high oxygen fugacity under the influence of acid hydrothermal/metamorphogenic fluids. A qualitative assessment of physicochemical parameters of the formation of ruthenium selenides was carried out. Oxygen fugacity values estimated from the mag-netite–hematite association are log fO2 (–30.5) at 300օC and log fO2 (–40.5) at 200օC. The minimum sulfur fugacity value was determined by the stability line of laurite at 300օC, log fS2 = –20; the maximum sulfur fugacity values—by the stability line of iron and nickel sulfides: log fS2 < –4.5 at 300օC and log fS2 < –10.5 at 200օC. The selenium fugacity at T = 300օC is log fSe2 (–8…–13); at T = 200օC, log fSe2 (–12…–17). Au–Ag selenides were formed at T = 200օC, log fS2 (–9…–10.5); log fSe2 is from –13.5 to –20.5, log fO2 (–40). An important factor for the possibility of replacement of Ru–Os sulfides by selenides is Se occurrence in the ore-forming system. The source of Se may be the substance of the subducting slab—volcanogenic–sedimentary rocks containing fragments of Se-rich hydrothermal–sedimentary sulfide ores. They were involved in the processes of magma genesis and accompanying hydrothermal circulation.

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij. 2024;66(2):210–238
pages 210–238 views