The redox state of chromium ores of the Polar Urals

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The redox state of chromium ores of the main industrially significant types, developed in ultramafic rocks of the Rayiz-Voikar complex of the Polar Urals, was studied. The chromitites occurring in various geological settings – rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex and large dunite bodies – have been investigated. For the first time, on a representative sample of analyzes (more than 150 samples), an assessment was made of oxygen fugacity and temperature of olivine-spinel equilibrium in chromium ores of the Rai-Iz and Voikaro-Syninsky massifs.

At each of the studied objects, the iron content of minerals increases linearly from chromitites to their host ultramafic rocks. The temperature of olivine-spinel equilibrium in chromitites varies within 550–800оС. The oxygen fugacity in aluminous chromitites averages FMQ +0.5–1.5 log. units, in medium chromium – FMQ +1.5–2.5 log. units, in high-chromium ones it exceeds +2.5 log. units relative to the FMQ buffer. The fugacity of oxygen in densely disseminated chromitites is 0.5–1 log. units higher than in poorly disseminated and rarely disseminated. The values of T-fO2 parameters correspond to the crustal conditions and are close to those established in the metaultramafites of the studied massifs.

The data obtained may indicate that the concentration of the ore component and the formation of chromium ore deposits occur not only in mantle or lower crustal conditions, characterized by fO2 values close to the FMQ buffer, but also as a result of ultramafic crustal metamorphism occurring in an oxidizing environment.

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About the authors

P. B. Shiryaev

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 620016, Yekaterinburg, st. Academician Vonsovsky, 15

N. V. Vakhrusheva

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, 620016, Yekaterinburg, st. Academician Vonsovsky, 15


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Layout of the ultramafic massifs Rai-Iz and Voikaro-Syninsky (after Zyleva et al., 2014, Savelyeva et al., 2015; Vakhrusheva et al., 2017). Legend: 1 – ultramafic rocks of the Rayiz-Voykar complex; 2 – serpentinite melange; 3 – Kershor dunite-wehrlite-pyroxenite-gabbro complex; 4 – complex of diabase dikes; 5 – metamorphic complexes; 6 – sedimentary complexes; 7 – regional strike-slip faults and strike-slip faults; 8 – boundaries of formations of different ages; 9 – studied chromium ore objects: 1 – Central deposit, 2 – Engaiskoye-1 ore occurrence, 3 – Arkashorskoye ore occurrence, 4 – Yambotyvissky ore occurrences; 10, 11 – ultramafic massifs: 10 – Rai-Iz, 11 – Voykar-Syninsky.

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3. Fig. 2. Schematic geological map of the Central deposit (based on materials (Perevozchikov et al., 2005; Shiryaev, Vakhrusheva, 2017)). Legend: 1 – 4 rocks of the dunite-harzburgite complex with different contents of the dunite component (1 – <10%; 2–10–30%; 3–30–50%; 4–50–70%); 5 – dunites; 6 – serpentinites; 7 – diabase; 8 – geological boundaries; 9, 10 – tectonic disturbances of the 1st and 2nd ranks, respectively; 11 – bodies of chrome ores and their numbers.

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4. Fig. 3. Types of chrome ores of the Rai-Iz massif: the Central deposit (a, b, c) and the Engaiskoe-1 ore occurrence (d, e, f). Photo of polished sections. a – densely disseminated, coarse-grained; b – densely disseminated, fine-grained; c – solid, coarse-grained; d – banded, medium-densely disseminated, medium-grained; e – disseminated-banded, medium disseminated, fine-grained; e – wretchedly disseminated fine-grained.

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5. Fig. 4. Types of chrome ores of the Voykar-Syninsky massif: Yambotyvisskoye ore occurrence (a, b, c) and Arkashorskoye (d, e, f). Photo of polished sections. a – medium disseminated, medium-grained; b – porphyritic, densely disseminated fine-grained; c – banded, schlieren-disseminated, medium-grained; d – medium-disseminated, uneven-grained fine-medium-grained; e – schlieren-disseminated, uneven-grained fine-medium-grained; e – medium disseminated, fine-grained.

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6. Fig. 5. The degree of oxidation of iron in spinel, determined using NGR spectroscopy and calculated by converting the composition of the mineral to the stoichiometric formula. On the left are the ore-forming spinels of the Rai-Iz massif, on the right are the Voykar-Synya massif. 1 – chrome spinels of high-chromium and medium-chromium chrome ores, 2 – chrome spinels of aluminous chrome ores.

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7. Fig. 6. Change in the chemical composition of chrome spinel and olivine along the profile through ore bodies No. 48/1 and No. 9; Central deposit. 1–2 chromitites: 1 – densely disseminated, 2 – moderately disseminated; 3 – dunites; 4 – zone of deformation of chrome ores.

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8. Fig. 7. Variations in the chemical composition of ore-forming chrome spinel, T and fO2 along the section through ore body No. 10, Central deposit. Legend: 1–5 chromium ores: 1 – continuous, 2 – densely disseminated, 3 – moderately disseminated, 4 – sparsely disseminated; 5 – ore-bearing dunites; 6 – boreholes and their numbers.

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9. Fig. 8. Variations in the chemical composition of ore-forming chrome spinel, T and fO2 along the section through ore bodies No. 742/1, 742/2, 742/3, Engaiskoe-1 ore occurrence. Legend: 1–3 chrome ores: 1 – moderately disseminated, 2 – sparsely disseminated; 3 – wretchedly interspersed; 4 – ore-bearing dunites; 5 – boreholes and their numbers.

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10. Fig. 9. Variations in the chemical composition of ore-forming chrome spinel, T and fO2 along the section through ore bodies No. 742/2, 742/3, 742/6, 742/7, Engaiskoye-1 ore occurrence. For symbols, see Fig. 8.

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11. Fig. 10. Changes in the chemical composition of ore-forming spinel, the temperature of olivine-chromium-spinel equilibrium and oxygen fugacity inside chromitite bodies No. 28 and No. 118 of the Yambotyvis area. 1–3 – structure of chromitites based on the content of ore-forming spinel: 1 – continuous, 2 – densely disseminated; 3 – moderately disseminated; 4 – dunites.

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12. Fig. 11. Changes in the chemical composition of ore-forming spinel, the temperature of olivine-chrome-spinel equilibrium and oxygen fugacity inside the body of chromitites No. 346 of the Yambotyvis area. For symbols, see Fig. 10.

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13. Fig. 12. Changes in the chemical composition of ore-forming spinel, the temperature of olivine-spinel equilibrium and oxygen fugacity inside the body of chromitites 3415 of the Arkashor ore occurrence. The red dotted line is a tectonic fault; for other symbols, see Fig. 10.

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14. Fig. 13. Diagram of the relationship between the iron content of olivine and the iron content of spinel. Legend: 1, 2 – Central deposit, 1 – chrome ores, 2 – ore-hosting rocks; 3, 4 – Yengaiskoe-1 ore occurrence, 3 – chrome ores, 4 – ore-hosting rocks; 5, 6 – Yambotyvisskaya area, 5 – chrome ores, 6 – ore-hosting rocks; 7, 8 – chrome ores of the Arkashorskoye ore occurrence, 1 – eastern block, 2 – western block. Lilac field - compositions of minerals from chromitites and ore-hosting ultramafic rocks of the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit, Kempirsay massif, Kazakhstan (after Tsaritsyn, Alimov, 1983).

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15. Fig. 14. Diagram of the composition of the studied ore-forming (left) and accessory (right) chrome-spinels of the Rai-Iz and Voikaro-Syninsky massifs. Legend: a – Central deposit; b – Yengaiskoe-1 ore occurrence; c – Arkashorskoe ore occurrence; d – ore occurrences of the Yambotyvis area. Composition fields according to N.V. classification Pavlova (1949, 1968): 1 – chromite, 2 – subferrichromite, 3 – aluminochromite, 4 – subferrialuminochromite, 5 – ferrialuminochromite, 6 – subaluminumferrichromite, 7 – ferrichromite, 8 – chrompicotite, 9 – subferrichromopicotite.

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16. Fig. 15. Diagram T – log fO2 for chromitites of the Rai-Iz (a) and Voykar-Syninsky (b) massifs. Legend: 1 – Central deposit; 2 – Yengaiskoe-1 ore occurrence; 3 – Arkashor ore occurrence; 4 – ore occurrences of the Yambotyvis area.

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17. Fig. 16. Diagram T –log fO2 for ultramafic rocks of the Central deposit (1) and the Engaiskoe-1 ore occurrence (2).

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18. Fig. 17. Dependence of oxygen fugacity on the density of chrome spinel dissemination in ores of ore body No. 8; Central deposit.

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19. Fig. 18. T – fO2 diagram for chromitites of the Yambotyvis ore occurrence. 1 – poorly and sparsely disseminated; 2 – from moderately disseminated to solid.

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