Sulfide Mineralization of Carbonate–Silicate Veins in Early Proterozoic Metabasites of North Karelia: Mineral Assemblages, Mineral Forms of Silver, and Fluid Inclusions




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The work presents the first data on sulfide mineralization in carbonate–silicate veins, which are widespread on the islands and coast of the White Sea (North Karelia), associating with Early Proterozoic metamorphosed gabbroid bodies. The veins with Fe–Cu sulfide mineralization up to ore occurrences are localized within metabasite bodies and along their contacts with host gneisses. During the study of the mineral composition of the veins, the main assemblages of sulfide minerals were identified: chalcopyrite –bornite ± chlorite ± selenides and Pb–Ag tellurides (B1); digenite–bornite ± selenides and Pb, Ag, and Pd tellurides (B2); pyrite–bornite ± chalcopyrite (B3); marcasite–pyrite–bornite–chalcopyrite (B4); and siegenite–chalcopyrite ± acanthite ± chlorargyrite. The development of sulfide associations, as well as quartz–chlorite aggregates, was related to the late stage of vein formation. Inductively coupled plasma and laser ablation mass spectrometry analyses showed that bornite from association B1 has the highest silver content (up to 675 ppm) and, in terms of Ag, Se, and Bi contents, is closest to bornite from low-temperature epithermal, skarn, and high-temperature vein deposits. In general, bornite is the main Ag carrier in the studied associations, while digenite containing up to 1000 ppm Ag, as well as discrete silver minerals (selenides, tellurides, acanthite, and chlorargyrite), occur in subordinate quantities. Fluid inclusions in quartz from sulfide associations, as well as from a sulfide-free carbonate–silicate vein, were studied by cryo- and thermometric methods. It is established that mineralization at the late stages of vein formation was related to heterogeneous CO2–H2O–NaCl metamorphic fluid. Carbon dioxide fluid inclusions were captured by vein quartz at temperature of 253–314°C and pressure of 2 ± 1 kbar. Water–salt inclusions were captured in a wider temperature range of 100–500°С. The highest temperature fluid inclusions with temperatures of homogenization >300°С are characteristic of quartz veinlets of the siegenite–chalcopyrite association with Ag sulfide and chlorargyrite.


I. Volkov

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119017, Moscow, Russia

V. Prokofiev

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119017, Moscow, Russia

V. Kozlovskii

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119017, Moscow, Russia

A. Pertsev

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

119017, Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © И.С. Волков, В.Ю. Прокофьев, В.М. Козловский, А.Н. Перцев, 2023
