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Volume 68, Nº 5 (2023)


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Peculiarities of the Extraterrestrial Basalts of the Solar System with Reference to the Exoplanet Science: a Brief Review

Demidova S., Badyukov D.


The formation of basalts is a global stage in the evolution of differentiated cosmic body (planet or asteroid) of the Solar System. The paper presents the main chemical and mineralogical features of basaltic meteorites of the SNC, HED group, angrites and lunar mare basalts based on literature data. Despite the differences in the products of basaltic volcanism on different cosmic bodies and significant compositional variations in major minerals of basaltic rocks, most of them belong to low-alkaline basalts, suggesting the prevalence of this type of rocks at least among small bodies of the Solar System. All of them are characterized by the presence of such rock-forming minerals as pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase, and their spectral characteristics can be used to search for basalts on exoplanets. The main factors affecting the spectral characteristics of atmosphere-free bodies and larger planets with an atmosphere are shown, and the possibility of searching for products of basalt volcanism on exoplanets during future missions is considered.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):437-453
pages 437-453 views

Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Minerals of Porphyritic and Nonporphyritic Chondrules from Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites

Sukhanova K., Skublov S., Galankina O., Obolonskaya E., Kotova E.


The paper presents the results of SIMS and EPMA studies of silicate minerals and bulk compositions (SEM-EDS) of porphyritic and nonporphyritic chondrules from equilibrated ordinary chondrites. The trace-element distribution in olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, and mesostasis of porphyritic and nonporphyritic chondrules in the equilibrated ordinary chondrites reflects heterogeneous conditions of chondrule-forming processes in the protoplanetary disk and provides insight in their evolution. The porphyritic chondrules are composed of olivine with the low content of Y and Yb relative to nonporphyritic chondrules. The enrichment of low-Ca pyroxene from porphyritic chondrules in trace elements correlates with the amount of pyroxene in the chondrule. Olivine composition in granular chondrules is close to that of porphyritic chondrules, but low-Ca pyroxene is distinguished by the high content of Y, Ti, Sr, Ba, V, and REE compared to all other chondrules. Barred chondrules are characterized by olivine enriched in trace elements (Zr, Y, Ti, Ba, Cr, and HREE) and low-Ca pyroxene highly depleted in trace elements (Zr, Y, Nb). The pyroxene of radial chondrules is enriched in Nb, Sr, and Ba. Trace elements in olivine and low-Ca pyroxene indicate the formation of the porphyritic and granular chondrules in a stable region of the protoplanetary disk, which is responsible for low-temperature heating and slow cooling of a chondrule. Trace element enrichment of olivine from the barred chondrules testifies strong heating of a precursor material and rapid cooling of the chondrule melt. Mineral composition of radial chondrules demonstrate rapid cooling of a low-temperature melt depleted in Mg and trace elements. High melt temperatures of barred chondrules and rapid cooling of nonporphyritic chondrules indicate their formation in an unstable region of the protoplanetary disk. Trace elements in silicate minerals of porphyritic and nonporphyritic chondrules reflect their formation as a result of melting of precursor minerals.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):454-470
pages 454-470 views

Neoproterozoic Collision Granitoids in the Southwestern Margin of the Siberian Craton: Chemical Composition, U−Pb Age, and Formation Conditions of the Gusyanka Massif

Nozhkin A., Turkina O., Likhanov I.


The paper provides evidence that collisional magmatism related to the Neoproterozoic (880−860 Ma) orogenic event occurred in the southwest of the Siberian Craton. Newly obtained data are presented on the major-component and trace-element composition, U−Pb (SHRIMP II) zircon age, and Sm−Nd isotope composition for rocks of the Gusyanka granitoid massif in the Yenisei fault zone of the Yenisei Ridge. The concordant U−Pb zircon age of the Gusyanka massif is 871 ± 11 Ma indicates that its rocks were formed in the mid-Early Neoproterozoic, simultaneously with the rocks of the Kalama and Eruda massifs in the Tatarka−Ishimba fault system, during the same stage of the collisional events at approximately 880–860 Ma. The calc-alkaline granites, granodiorites, and leucogranites of the Gusyanka massif are classified, on the basis of their high alumina content and trace element composition, as S-type and were derived from a metapelitic source. Many trace-element parameters of rocks of the Kalama and Eruda massifs correspond to those of low-potassium I-type granites, which were most likely derived from mafic rocks and tonalites. The granitoids of the Gusyanka massif, on the one hand, and the Kalama and Middle Tyrada massifs, on the other, differ contrastingly in Nd isotope composition. The source of the former was either metapelites of the Tungusik Group or metasedimentary rocks of the Sukhoi Pit Group, with the involvement of juvenile material. The melts of granites of the Kalama and Middle Tyrada massifs might have been derived from a source with the involvement of an older, possibly Paleoproterozoic, crustal material and a juvenile mafic source. Thus, the orogenic events at 880−860 Ma led to the generation of melts at different levels of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic crust of the trans-Angara region of the Yenisei Ridge. The geodynamic history of the region is correlated with the synchronous successions and similar style of tectono-thermal events along the peripheries of the large Precambrian cratons of Laurentia and Baltica, and this is consistent with paleocontinental reconstructions of the close spatiotemporal relations between these cratons, Siberia, and their incorporation into Rodinia.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):471-487
pages 471-487 views

Geochemical Criteria for the Classification of Dolerite Dikes in the Central Part of the Baikal Basement Inlier of the Siberian Craton

Donskaya T., Gladkochub D., Mazukabzov A., Demonterova E., Efremova U.


The paper presents detailed geological, petrographic, geochemical, and isotope data on the dolerites from dykes of the Baikal dike subswarm in the central part of the Baikal basement inlier of the Siberian craton. The main geochemical and isotope criteria were identified for classifying the dolerites that are similar in geological–structural position and mineral composition into three geochemical groups. Provisional age estimates of the dolerites are presented. The dolerites of the first and, perhaps, second groups compose Neoproterozoic (715 Ma) dikes. The first group includes medium- to coarse-grained dolerites, which form thick (more than 5–10 m) dikes. The dolerites of this group are characterized by low concentrations of Th (0.6–2.1 ppm) and Nb (3.3–9.2 ppm) and by ɛNd(T) = ‒0.5 to ‒3.9. Considered together, the geochemical and isotope data show that these dolerites could be produced as a result of the melting of a mantle source produced by mixing mantle components close in composition to oceanic plateau basalts and subduction-related subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The second group includes fine-grained dolerites from thin (1–5 m) dikes, including dikes located in contact with the dikes of the first group. The dolerites of the second group are characterized by higher concentrations of Th (3.0–5.3 ppm) and Nb (9.8–21.1 ppm) and by ɛNd(T) = –5.3 to ‒6.0. Geochemical and isotopic data on the dolerites of the second group indicate that continental crustal material was added to the mantle source unified for the dolerites of first and second groups. The third group includes medium-grained dolerites, which make up individual dikes that are contrastingly different in geochemical and isotope characteristics from the Neoproterozoic dolerites of the first and second groups. Dolerites of this group show low concentrations of Th (0.6–1.6 ppm) and Nb (2.7–5.1 ppm) at low values of (Th/La)pm (0.29–0.71) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.511223‒0.511544), which indicates that these dolerites may have been generated as a result of the melting of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle enriched in subduction components. Dolerites of the third group exhibit geochemical characteristics close to those of Paleoproterozoic (1.84 Ga) dikes of the South Siberian post-collisional magmatic belt.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):488-507
pages 488-507 views

Quartz-Hosted Fluid Inclusions in Commercial Ores of Various Type at the Verninskoe Gold Deposit, Bodaibo District, Russia

Kotov A., Prokofiev V., Volkov A., Zlobina T., Murashov K.


The paper presents data on quartz-hosted fluid inclusions in commercial ores of various type (veinlet−disseminated and vein) of the Verninskoe gold deposit. The ores of various types were found out to significantly vary in the values of some of their physicochemical parameters of the fluids and in the composition of these fluids. The fluids that formed the gold veins have a somewhat higher initial temperature (356–246°C), a higher density of carbon dioxide in gas inclusions (1.00–0.84 g/cm3), and a higher fluid pressure (3170–1390 bar) than those of the fluids that formed the veinlet–disseminated ores (330–252°C, 0.87–0.54 g/cm3, and 1960–570 bar, respectively). The fluids that formed the gold veins were enriched in CО2, Sr, Ag, Ga, Ge, Mn, Fe, Ni, Sn, Ba, and REE, whereas the fluids that formed veinlet–disseminated mineralization were richer in HCO−3, Br, Sb, V, and Au. This situations may be explained by the interaction of the deep fluid with the terrigenous host rocks in the course of ore deposition. When vein quartz crystallized in relatively wide fractures, the fluid interacted with host rocks and changed not as much as when the veinlet−disseminated ores were formed in narrow fractures. The initial parameters of the fluid that formed the vein quartz were thus the closest to the characteristics of the fluid that transported the ore components, and the comparison of these data with the parameters of the fluids that formed the veinlet–disseminated mineralization demonstrates that they changed in the course of ore deposition. The mineral-forming fluids likely came from a deep-sitting source, and the mineral-forming processes may have involve granitoid-derived fluids.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):508-520
pages 508-520 views

The Chronology of Modern Sedimentation in the Storefjorden Strait (Svalbard Archipelago)

Meshcheriakov N., Usyagina I., Ilyin G.


Periods of formation of different sedimentary lithotypes were determined using the results of the study of modern sedimentation processes in the Storefjorden Strait (West Spitsbergen). The chronology of sedimentation was established from variations in specific activity of 210Pb and 226Ra and verified by 137Cs data. Sedimentation rates have varied considerably over the last century in different parts of the sedimentation basin, ranging from 0.04 to 0.3 cm/yr. Sedimentation in the Storefjorden Strait was closely related to changing climatic conditions. Climatic factors (air temperature, atmospheric precipitation) have a different effect in morphologically different sections of the sedimentation basin. In the south of the strait, lithotypes are determined by an oceanological factor (bottom current). Despite the changes in sedimentation rate, the lithotype in the south of Storefjorden has remained stable for more than 100 years. In the north and in the central part of the strait, cooling in the period from 1970 to 1995 caused a change in the bottom sediment structure.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):521-532
pages 521-532 views

Хроника всероссийского ежегодного семинара по экспериментальной минералогии, петрологии и геохимии 2022 года

Жаркова Е.


19–20 апреля 2022 г. в Москве прошел очередной Всероссийский ежегодный семинар по экспериментальной минералогии, петрологии и геохимии, организованный Институтом геохимии и аналитической химии им. В.И. Вернадского и Институтом экспериментальной минералогии им. Д.С. Коржинского РАН. На семинаре были рассмотрены новые результаты экспериментальных исследований по основным направлениям: фазовые равновесия при высоких Т–Р параметрах; образование и дифференциация магм; взаимодействие в системах флюид-расплав-кристалл; гидротермальные равновесия и рудообразование; синтез минералов; термодинамические свойства минералов, расплавов и флюидов; планетология, метеоритика и космохимия; физико-химические свойства геоматериалов; экспериментальная геоэкология; методика и техника эксперимента. В работе семинара приняло участие 200 ученых, треть из них, молодые из 40 Российских научных Институтов и 8 зарубежных организаций, представлено более 140 докладов.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(5):533-542
pages 533-542 views

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