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Volume 68, Nº 12 (2023)


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Sr–Nd Isotopic Evidence of a Heterogeneous Magmatic Source of Alkaline–Carbonatite Rocks of the Odikhincha Alkaline–Carbonatite Massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province, Siberia)

Kostitsyn Y., Tskhovrebova A., Rass I., Anosova M.


This study focuses on the igneous rocks composing the Odikhincha massif. The massif is typical ring alkaline–ultrabasic massif with carbonatites, second largest in the Maimecha-Kotui province. The Sr-Nd isotopic values of the traps of the Arydzhang Formation and the host dolomites were also determined for comparison. The Rb–Sr isotope system of phlogopite and calcite from the Od-16-19 carbonatite of the Odikhincha massif is disturbed; the obtained age on the mineral isochrone (245 ± 3 Ma) is close to the time of formation of the Siberian traps and rocks of the ultrabasic–alkaline Maimecha-Kotui complex, but the large scatter of analytical points (MSWD = 22) does not allow this date to be considered as reliable. The disturbance of the isotope system is probably related to the fact that the strontium isotope ratio in the fluid was not constant during autometasomatic phlogopitization of carbonatite. The U–Pb isotopic system of titanite and perovskite from the same carbonatite sample Od-16-19 also appeared to be disturbed, since data points formed discordia. The U–Pb age obtained for titanite and perovskite are 244 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8) and 247 ± 18 Ma (MSWD = 4), respectively. Apparently, the age values provided by the two isotopic systems (245 ± 3 Ma by Rb–Sr and 247 ± 18 and 244 ± 5 Ma by U–Pb) are consistent with each other and reflect the time of metasomatic processes, i.e., phlogopitization and iolitization. Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope data for ultrabasic–alkaline intrusive rocks with carbonatites of the Odikhincha massif and volcanics of the Arydzhang Formation indicate an enriched, relative to the composition of the convecting mantle, isotopically heterogeneous source of their parent melts. This source could be a combination of ultrabasic mantle rocks and rocks of basic composition (basites). The latter played the role of an enriched component. No signs of contamination of the melts with the host sedimentary rocks in situ were found, however, variations of Sr and Nd isotopic ratios in the rocks of the Odikhincha massif may indicate that during the introduction of deep magmas their interaction and substance exchange with the surrounding rocks of the lithosphere continued up to complete solidification of the melts, as indicated by the nature of local isotopic heterogeneity within the Odikhincha intrusion.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1219-1240
pages 1219-1240 views

Strontium and Neodymium Isotopic Signatures in Basalt Glasses of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 12°–31° N

Tskhovrebova A., Shabykova V., Silantyev S., Buikin A.


This paper presents the new geochemical isotope (Sr–Nd system, H2O, Cl) data obtained for basalt glasses of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) sampled from six areas of the MAR axial zone between 31° and 12° N. The data are consistent with the existing ideas about large-scale geochemical segmentation of the MAR. It is shown that samples from predominantly serpentinite segments have a narrower range of variations of strontium isotopic composition (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7027–0.7032) in comparison with samples collected from the areas where the crustal section is dominated by basalts (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7024–0.7041). The variation ranges of the neodymium isotopic composition in these two groups of samples are almost identical (εNd = +4.9 to +10.9 and +5.9 to +11.6 in serpentinite and basalt segments, respectively), although, in general, serpentinite segments have a slightly more enriched composition. The wide variations of the neodymium isotopic composition and increased contents of Cl, H2O, and U, as well as increased K2O/TiO2 and La/Sm ratios, in samples from serpentinites can most probably be related to the participation of different geochemically heterogeneous sources in the magmatism of the MAR axial zone. The influence of enriched plume-type matter cannot be excluded in some segments. The isotopic composition of noble gases may shed light on the subject.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1241-1252
pages 1241-1252 views

Major, Volatile, Ore, and Trace Elements in Magmatic Melts in the Earth’s Dominant Geodynamic Environments. I. Mean Concentrations

Naumov V., Dorofeeva V., Girnis A.


Data from our original database, which includes more than 2 600 000 analyses for 75 elements of mineral-hosted melt inclusions and quench glasses in volcanic rocks, are generalized to calculate the mean concentrations of major, volatile, ore, and trace elements in magmatic melts from the following dominant geodynamic environments: (I) spreading zones of oceanic plates (mid-oceanic ridges), (II) environments affected by mantle plumes in oceanic plates (oceanic islands and lava plateaus), (III, IV) environments related to subduction processes (III is zones of arc magmatism on the oceanic crust, and IV is zones of magmatism in active continental margins in which magma-generating processes involve the continental crust), (V) environments of continental rifts and areas with continental hotspots, and (VI) environments of backarc spreading. A histogram of SiO2 distribution in natural magmatic melts shows a bimodal distribution: one of the maxima falls onto SiO2 concentrations of 50–52 wt % and the other onto 72–76 wt %. The most widely spread melts contain 62–66 wt % SiO2. Mean temperatures and pressures are calculated for each of the environments. The normalized multielemental patterns presented for environments I through VI show the ratios of the mean concentrations of elements in magmatic melts of mafic, intermediate, and felsic composition to the concentrations in the primitive mantle. Mean ratios of incompatible, trace, and volatile components (H2O/Ce, K2O/Cl, Nb/U, Ba/Rb, Ce/Pb, etc.) are evaluated for the melts of each of the environments. The variations in these ratios are calculated, and it is demonstrated that the ratios of incompatible elements are mostly statistically significantly different in the different environments. The differences are particularly significant between the ratios of the most differently incompatible elements (e.g., Nb/Yb) and some ratios involving volatile components (e.g., K2O/H2O).

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1253-1272
pages 1253-1272 views

Thermal and Thermochemical Study of Thaumasite

Gritsenko Y., Vigasina M., Mel’chakova L., Ogorodova L., Ksenofontov D., Dedushenko S.


A sample of natural thaumasite Ca3.0Si(OH)6(CO3)0.9(SO4)1.1·12.3H2O (N’Chwaning mine, Kalahari manganese ore field, South Africa) was studied by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and microcalorimetry. The process of thermal transformation of thaumasite was studied using the results of FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. The enthalpy of formation from elements ΔfH0(298.15 K) = −8816 ± 30 kJ/mol was determined by high-temperature melt solution calorimetry. The value of the absolute entropy was estimated, and the enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of thaumasite of theoretical composition were calculated: 945.4 ± 1.8 J/(mol K), −8699 ± 30 kJ/mol, −7577 ± 30 kJ/mol, respectively.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1273-1283
pages 1273-1283 views

Upper Riphean and Lower Paleozoic Quartzite Sandstones of the Circumpolar Urals: Geochemical Characteristics, Source Areas, and Conditions of Formation

Nikulova N.


The results of study and comparison of geochemical characteristics of quartzite sandstones of the Upper Riphean Khobeyu and Lower Paleozoic Obeiz formations of the Circumpolar Urals are presented. It has been established that the composition of quartzite sandstone of both formations was formed mainly from recycled material of ancient metaterrigenous rocks, with the participation of destruction products of igneous rocks of felsic (Obeiz Formation) and basic (Khobeyu Formation) composition and weathering crust material. The accumulation of the Lower Paleozoic psammites was accompanied by a gradual change of clastic sources, with increasing contribution of granitoid clastics.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1284-1294
pages 1284-1294 views

Atmospheric Pollution from a Storage of Tungsten–Molybdenum Ore Mining and Processing Wastes

Plyusnin A., Voronina Y., Ukraintsev A., Chernyavskii M., Peryazeva E., Chebykin E.


Experimental studies of the surface atmosphere pollution with mining and processing wastes of tungsten–molybdenum ore were carried out using an equipment devised for collecting aerosols above the surface of sands. It has been established that toxic components formed during the decomposition of residual sulfide mineralization and products of interaction between acidic waters and rocks are transported with water vapor from the sands to the surface. The moisture condensed over the sands contains high concentrations of aluminum, fluorine, iron, silicon, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus. These elements form an atmospheric pollution halo over the technogenic sands and are further dispersed by air currents over neighboring areas. In winter, the snow cover is polluted over a vast territory due to wind dispersion of the aerosols. The halo of pollution extends over tens of square kilometers. A dependence was identified of qualitative and quantitative composition of the components polluting the snow cover on the storage time of the ore processing products. It is shown that some of the toxic elements pass into solution during snow melting from suspended solids, which are brought by wind from the territory where the soil cover is disturbed by mining.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1295-1311
pages 1295-1311 views

Ecological and Geochemical Assessment of Snow Cover in the Area Affected by the Apatite–Nepheline Production of the Kola Peninsula

Dauvalter V., Sandimirov S., Denisov D., Dauvalter M., Slukovskii Z.


The chemical composition of the snow cover in the area of industrial development of the apatite–nepheline deposit is analyzed to estimate the ecological and geochemical environmental impact of the mining enterprise. It has been established that the snow of the studied area of the Khibiny is enriched in Cl– and Na+ ions (on average 38 and 41 µeq/L), and relations between basic ions (Cl– > 
 and Na+> Ca2+> K+ = Mg2+) and mineralization value (from 1.7 to 6.4 mg/L) are typical for precipitates in the coastal regions of the northern European Russia. The average content of total nitrogen and phosphorus in the snow of the impact zone is 495 and 26 μg/L, respectively, which is 3 and 5 times higher than in the background zone. This is explained by their influx into the atmosphere with dust emissions from the mining enterprise. The content of organic matter (CODMn and TOC 5.5 and 5.8 mg/L) in the snow of the impact zone is about two times higher than in the snow of the background zone and in the water of the Khibiny water bodies. Probably, the elevated content of organic matter in the snow is associated with the supply of organic substances-reagents from the tailing dump, which are used to obtain apatite concentrate, as well as the intensive growth of unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas nivalis (Bauer) Wille under conditions of an increased content of nutrients and long daylight hours. The concentrations of a number of heavy metals (Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd) in the snow of the impact zone exceed their contents in the water of water body of the impact zone (13.4, 5.4, 3.8, 0.8, 0.65, 0.035 μg/L, respectively). These metals enter the snow as a part of dust emissions from the mine, and as polluted air masses from the industrial regions of Eurasia.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(12):1312-1328
pages 1312-1328 views

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