Experimental study of pargasite NaCa2 (Mg4Al)[Si6Al2O22](OH)2 stability at T = 1000–1100°C and the pressure is up to PH2O = 5 kbar

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The paper presents materials on experimental study of pargasite stability. On the example of calcic amphibole, experimental modeling of the processes occurring in the conditions of volcanic hearth at pressures up to 5 kbar was carried out. The phase diagram of pargasite was clarified. The occurring reactions and their parameters are revealed. Based on the experimental data obtained, the stability of pargasite is controlled by three reactions. The first reaction takes place in the area of low water pressure less than 1 kbar – dehydration reaction: Prg = Fo + Sp + Di + Ne + An + H2O. The second reaction takes place in the area of water pressure more than 1.2-1.5 kbar and temperature around 1100°C. Pargasite decomposition is controlled by incongruent melting: Prg = Fo + Sp + Di+Ne +An }L + H2O. The third reaction takes place in the same pressure range as the previous one, but at lower temperatures ~1050 °C. This reaction determines the pargasite liquidus in the melt and is related to the interaction between the amphibole and the coexisting melt: Prg + L = Fo + Sp + Di + {Ne +Pl}L + H2O. Presumably, the activity of the melt silica aSiO2 has the greatest impact on the pargasite liquidus.

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About the authors

V. N. Devyatova

D.S. Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: deviatova@iem.ac.ru
Russian Federation, 142432, Moskovskaya oblast', Chernogolovka, Akademika Osipyana str., 4

A. N. Nekrasov

D.S. Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: deviatova@iem.ac.ru
Russian Federation, 142432, Moskovskaya oblast', Chernogolovka, Akademika Osipyana str., 4

G. V. Bondarenko

D.S. Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: deviatova@iem.ac.ru
Russian Federation, 142432, Moskovskaya oblast', Chernogolovka, Akademika Osipyana str., 4


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Phase diagram of pargasite NaCa2(Mg4Al)[Si6Al2O22](OH)2 according to literature data. 1 – Holloway, 1973; Boyd 1959; Lykins, Jenkins 1992; 2, 3 – experiments of series 1: 2 – temperature approach from below; 3 – from above, description in text; Cpx – clinopyroxene; Opx – orthopyroxene; L – melt; mineral designations see Table 3.

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3. Fig. 2. BSE photographs of the products of experiments of series 1 after heating pargasite at PH2O = 2 kbar, 4 h: a) 1000oC (p28); b) 1087oC (p37); for mineral designations see Table 3.

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4. Fig. 3. a) Compositions of the obtained amphiboles on the classification diagram (f.e.): 1 - end members; 2 - experiments with pargasite series 1 and 2; End members: Act - actinolite, Arf - arfedsonite, Eck - eckermanite, Ed - edenite, Hbl - hornblende, Hst - hastingsite, Gln - glaucophane, Ktf - katophorite, Prg - pargasite, Trm - tremolite, Rbk - riebeckite, Rсt - richterite, Ts - tschermakite. b) Raman spectra of unoriented pargasite crystals after heating at PH2O = 2 kbar: a - pargasite RRUFF; b - 1000oС, (p28); at –1075oС, (p36); g –1070oС, (p55); d –1087oС, (p37).

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5. Fig. 4. (a, b) Composition-paragenesis diagrams (at. %). Products of experiments of series 1, in Fig. 4a only glass compositions. 1 – initial pargasite, 2 – paragenesis with pargasite, 3 – without pargasite, 4 – glass compositions of experiment p90. Phases: Ab – albite, An – anorthite, G1, G2 – glasses with calculated plagioclase and anorthite, Qz – quartz, Wo – wollastonite, mineral designations see Tables 3, 5.

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6. Fig. 5. BSE photographs of the products of experiments in series 2. Interaction of pargasite with a) AbDi at 1050ОС, 4 h (p101); b) Ne at 1060ОС, 24 h (p105); Gl1,2,3 – glasses of reaction rim zones, G0 – relict glass of AbDi composition, for mineral designations see Table 3.

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7. Fig. 6. a) Phase diagram of pargasite. Literature data: 1 - dehydration and incongruent melting of pargasite (Boyd, 1959; Holloway, 1973); 2 - water-saturated eutectics Ab-Qz (Holtz et al., 1992); Ne-Ab, Ne-Ab-Di and dry melting of Ne-Ab-Di (Schairer, Yoder, 1960; Pati et al., 2000); 3 - supposed melting of the Ne-An-Di system: dry and isopleth of 2 wt. % H2O; 4 - supposed water-saturated melting Ne-Pl-Di; b) Phase diagram of pargasite taking into account the data obtained by us. 1 - data of Boyd (1959) and Holloway (1973); 2 - our data. L – melt, H2Oamph – melting according to the isopleth of water content in amphibole (~2 wt.%); for mineral designations see Table 3.

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8. Fig. 7. Schematic P, T-diagram of Na2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (NCMASН) system according to experimental data; () – phase is absent. For mineral designations, see Table 3.

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