Experimental Evaluation of the Possibility to Detect Cross-Contaminated DNA Samples Based on Genetic Data




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The problems of cross-contamination and swap samples are extremely relevant during large-scale genetic studies. In this study several approaches of detecting cross-contaminated DNA samples were checked: the ratio of reads per reference and alternative allele (allele ratio, AR), the amount of heterozygos to homozygous variants ratio, the CallRate value for the DNA microarrays data, the Picard CrosscheckFingerprints (CrossCheck) program. Contaminated samples (mixtures) were created by mixing ordinary “pure” DNA samples in different ratios. Samples’ quality parameters were analyzed after whole genome sequencing and genotyping with the Illumina microarray BeadArray technology CoreExome (CE) DNA microarray. It has been experimentally established that all of these approaches can be used to detect genotyping errors associated with sample contamination.


N. Feliz

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

S. Yudin

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

A. Keskinov

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

V. Yudin

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

E. Snigir

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

A. Mkrtchian

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

Yu. Akhmerova

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

P. Kazakova

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

T. Shpakova

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

M. Erokhina

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

E. Maralova

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

K. Konureeva

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

P. Grebnev

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

S. Mitrofanov

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

K. Grammatikati

Federal State Budgetary Insntitution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks”
of the Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 119121, Moscow

V. Skvortsova

The Federal Medical Biological Agency

Email: feliz08nv@gmail.com
Russia, 123182, Moscow


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版权所有 © Н.В. Фелиз, К.С. Грамматикати, С.И. Митрофанов, П.А. Гребнев, К.Д. Конуреева, Е.Д. Маралова, М.В. Ерохина, Т.А. Шпакова, П.Г. Казакова, Ю.Н. Ахмерова, А.А. Мкртчян, Е.А. Снигирь, В.С. Юдин, А.А. Кескинов, С.М. Юдин, В.И. Скворцова, 2023
