Genetics and Epigenetics of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: a Narrative Review

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Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), or self-harm is widely spread, especially among the young people. However, despite the problem’s relevance, NSSI was investigated mainly from the psychological and social perspective, while a fairly small number of biological studies of NSSI have been published to date. The aim of this narrative review was to analyze all the currently available publications on the genetics and epigenetics of NSSI – one of the most promising areas in biological research. We discussed and analyzed all stages of genetic research of NSSI: from twin studies and studies of self-harm in the framework of hereditary diseases to candidate genes, genome-wide, epigenetic and gene-environment interactions studies. We demonstrated data indicating significant contribution of genetic and epigenetic factors to the development of NSSI, discussed advantages and limitations of analyzed studies, outlined prospects for further research in this area.

About the authors

А. А. Kibitov

Mental Health Research Center; Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 115522, Moscow; Russia, 192019, Saint-Petersburg

G. E. Mazo

Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology

Russia, 192019, Saint-Petersburg


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