
Устойчивость растений Sisymbrium lipskyi к цинку и их фиторемедиационный потенциал
Дроздова И., Калимова Б., Беляева А., Пожванов Г., Алексеева-Попова Н.
The effect of low temperature and nitrogen starvation on the morphological and physiological characteristics of two strains of green microalgae of the genus Lobosphaera sp.
Shibzukhova K., Chivkunova O., Lobakova E.
Characteristics of a New Halotolerant Arctic Strain of Carotenogenic Microalga Halochlorella rubescens NAMSU SBB-20
Zaitseva A., Bakhareva D., Zaitsev P., Lobakova E.
Changes in Composition and Content of Lipophilic Compounds in the Seedlings of Triticum aestivum L. Treated with Stress Phytohormones
Renkova A., Khabibrakhmanova V., Chasov A., Valitova J., Galeeva E., Minibayeva F.
Changes in the Content of Carotenoids in Moss Shoots Hylocomium splendens Hedw. under Conditions of Temperature Stress
Renkova A., Khabibrakhmanova V., Gurjanov O., Galeeva E., Mazina A., Minibayeva F.
Growth and Physiological State of Microalgae Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) during Exposure to Cadmium, Lead, and Nickel
Markina Z., Ognistaya A.
Age and Adaptive Changes in the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Leaves in Winter Green Herbaceous Plant Ajuga reptans L. in the Natural Conditions of the Taiga Zone
Dymova O., Zakhozhiy I., Golovko T.
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