Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 70, № 6 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Nonspecific permeability time (mPTP) in plant mitochondria and its role in cell death

Butsanets P., Shugaeva N., Shugaev A.


Current concepts are reviewed concerning the structure, regulatory mechanisms, and the functional role of nonspecific permeability pore (also referred to as mitochondrial permeability transition pore, mPTP) located in the inner membrane of animal and plant mitochondria. Some features characterizing the functioning of mPTP in plant mitochondria and its regulation under the influence of Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species are presented. Evidence available in the literature indicates that plant mitochondria are involved in programmed cell death, and this function is due to mPTP induction among other causes. Directions for further studies of mPTP in plant mitochondria are outlined.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):563-576
pages 563-576 views


Age and Adaptive Changes in the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Leaves in Winter Green Herbaceous Plant Ajuga reptans L. in the Natural Conditions of the Taiga Zone

Dymova O., Zakhozhiy I., Golovko T.


The formation and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) is under the general control of the plant organism and constantly changing environmental conditions. The authors studied age-related and adaptive changes in the pigment complex, spectral properties, and the state of photosystem II (PSII) leaves of partial shoots of a summer-winter-green herbaceous perennial Ajuga reptans L. (bugle) in connection with overwintering. Rosette leaves of a new generation appearing in May–June quickly accumulated photosynthetic pigments and formed PSA with a maximal quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and actual quantum yield of PSII (ФPSII). In autumn (September–October), the content of chlorophylls was 10 mg/g dry weight, the value of Fv/Fm was 0.8 rel. units, and the level of ФPSII at PAR 130 µmol quanta/(m2 s) was approximately 0.7 rel. units. Overwintered leaves contained half as much photosynthetic pigments, accumulated a significant amount of anthocyanins, and were characterized by low photochemical activity and a high level of de-epoxidation of pigments of the violaxanthin cycle. With the resumption of active vegetation of plants (May), a partial restoration of the pigment pool and the repair of PSA of overwintered leaves were noted, as evidenced by an increase in the quantum yield PSII. The completion of the leaf life cycle was accompanied by a decrease in ФPSII up to 0.5 rel. units and a sharp increase in the thermal dissipation of absorbed excitation energy (NPQ) to 0.9 rel. units. Seasonal changes of spectral properties of leaves and photochemical reflectance indices generally corresponded to the dynamics content pigments and the efficiency of the use of light in photosynthesis. The results obtained indicate a significant transformation of the structural and functional organization of PSA in the ontogeny of overwintering leaves. The genetically fixed property of winter green plants to preserve leaves is based on the ability of their PSA to restore functional activity after the shock impact of overwintering, which is facilitated by a complex of adaptive and protective mechanisms.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):577-587
pages 577-587 views

Effect of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Plants with Different Type of Photosynthesis: Quinoa (C3) and Amaranth (C4)

Rakhmankulova Z., Shuyskaya E., Prokofieva M., Saidova L., Voronin P.


The thermal stability of plants with different types of photosynthesis Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus L. (C4-NAD) to short-term elevated temperature (35°С, eT) at ambient (400 ppm, aCO2) and elevated (800 ppm, eCO2) CO2 concentration was investigated. Growth parameters, water, proline, and MDA content, CO2/H2О gas exchange parameters, the functioning of PS I and PS II, and the content of key photosynthetic (Rubisco, PEPC) and photorespiratory (GDC) enzymes were analyzed. Under control conditions, C4-type plants, compared with the C3-type, show higher values of dry biomass growth, intensity of visible photosynthesis, transpiration, and PS I activity and lower proline content. The photosynthetic and stomatal apparatus of both types was sensitive to eT, which manifested itself in a decrease in the intensity of apparent photosynthesis and transpiration. In addition, suppression of light reactions (PS II) and intensity of photorespiration (according to GDC) was observed in the C3-species and an increase in the content of proline in the C4-species. Under eCO2 conditions, the C3-species showed a decrease in the intensity of photorespiration, while oxidative stress (twofold increase in the content of MDA) was accompanied by reduced intensity of apparent photosynthesis, transpiration, and increased intensity of dark mitochondrial respiration in the C4-species. A softening effect of eCO2 on thermal stability data for C3- and C4-plants was not established. With the combined action of eCO2 and eT, both types exhibited oxidative stress, reduced efficiency of PS II and apparent photosynthesis, and activation of dark respiration. However, differences were also observed: oxidative stress was accompanied by a decrease in the increase in dry biomass and water content in tissues, as well as suppression of photorespiration, in the C3-species, while there was a decrease in the intensity of transpiration and an increase in the content of PEPC in the C4-species. Reduced WUE with combined action of eCO2 and eT in plants of the C4-species was less significant than the C3-species. The different response of quinoa plants (C3) and amaranth (C4) on the combined effect of climatic factors of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration is discussed.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):588-600
pages 588-600 views

Effect of Mosaic Knockout of Phytoene Desaturase Gene NtPDS on Biosynthesis of Carotenoids in Nicotiana tabacum L.

Nezhdanova A., Slugina M., Kulakova A., Kamionskaya A., Kochieva E., Shchennikova A.


Carotenoids are essential participants in photosynthesis and photo protection as well as growth, development, and stress response in plants. Phytoene desaturase (PDS; EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the first stage of desaturation of 15-cis-phytoene (a precursor to all carotenoids). In this work, we examined for the first time the effect of PDS knockout in the genome of Nicotiana tabacum L. using the CRISPR-Cas9 system on activity of downstream genes involved in biosynthesis of carotenoids. Nine transgenic lines of tobacco were obtained with a mosaic editing of gene NtPDS; three versions of indels (350^351→ins^g#, 350^351→ins^t#, and t351→del(1nt)#) in the exon II resulting in the synthesis of a shortened non-functional version of the protein. The lines were characterized by spotted, green-white pigmentation of the leaves, altered flowering time and morphology as well as a reduced content of carotenoids and chlorophylls in the leaf tissue. A rise in the level of transcripts of phytoene synthase gene NtPSY2 was shown in late-flowering lines as compared to control material. Edited line L29 with the latest flowering showed a considerable increase in the level of transcripts of downstream structural genes of carotenogenesis. A reduction in the carotenoid content in the leaves with mosaic editing was accompanied by a decrease in the level of expression of MADS-box gene NtSEP1, the product of which presumably participates in regulation of transcription of the carotenoid biosynthesis genes. The obtained results may be used for further studies of regulation of biosynthesis of carotenoids and apocarotenoids in Solanaceae.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):601-611
pages 601-611 views

Colleter Formation on the Leaves of Sweet Potato Microclones (Ipomoea batatas L.) under In Vitro Conditions

Kirakosyan R., Golivanov Y., Trukhachev V., Zaitseva S., Khaliluev M., Baranova E., Kalashnikova E.


Microclones of in vitro vegetable sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) were received and the formation of colors on their leaves was studied. The studies were carried out on three varieties of sweet potato that differ in the color of their pulp and the peel of the tubers as well as in different ripening periods: Purple, Jewel, and Muskatny. The effect of ½ norm of mineral salts MS medium, 1 norm MS and 1½ norm MS on the morphometric parameters of sweet potato microclones was studied. It was established that the use of ½ norm of mineral salts according to MS medium led to the production of rapidly growing axillary and adventitious shoots and the formation of a powerful root system in the basal part of microcuttings. The formation of secretory outgrowths was found for the first time on the leaves of sweet potato microclones when cultured under in vitro conditions. Neoplasms were referred to colleters and their characteristics were given. The dependence of the colleter formation on the microclone leaves on the cycles of culture is shown.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):612-622
pages 612-622 views

Continuous Lighting Increases Yield and Nutritional Value and Decreases Nitrate Content in Brassicaceae Microgreens

Shibaeva T., Rubaeva A., Sherudilo E., Titov A.


Microgreens of four species of the family Brassicaceae (broccoli, mizuna, radish, and arugula) were grown under 16- and/or 24-h photoperiod conditions. In the first series of experiments, the daily light integral (DLI) was different (15.6 and 23.3 mol m–2 day–1 at PAR 270 µmol m–2 s–1), while it was the same (15.6 mol m–2 day–1 at PAR 270 µmol m–2 s–1 and 180 µmol m–2 s–1) in the second. In the third series of experiments, continuous lighting was used only in the last three days before harvesting. The results obtained showed that broccoli, mizuna, radish, and arugula plants in the early phases of growth are resistant to continuous lighting and do not show typical signs of leaf photodamage. In all three series of experiments, microgreens of all four species grown under 24-h photoperiod had a higher yield and nutritional value (higher content of substances with antioxidant properties—anthocyanins, flavonoids, carotenoids, and proline—as well as increased activity of antioxidant enzymes) and a lower content of nitrates compared to plants grown under 16-h photoperiod. It was concluded that it is possible through the use of continuous lighting without increasing energy costs (while maintaining the DLI) to increase the yield and nutritional value of the studied species of microgreens and reduce their nitrate content compared to the standard 16-h photoperiod. In addition, an increase in nutritional value and a decrease in nitrate content is also possible with the use of continuous lighting (as an agricultural practice) for several days immediately before harvesting.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):623-634
pages 623-634 views

Effect of Acclimation to High Temperatures on the Mechanisms of Drought Tolerance in Species with Different Types of Photosynthesis: Sedobassia sedoides (C3–C4) and Bassia prostrata (C4-NADP)

Shuyskaya E., Rakhmankulova Z., Prokofieva M., Kazantseva V., Lunkova N., Saidova L.


The effect of drought on the morphophysiological, biochemical, and molecular genetic parameters of plants Sedobassia sedoides (Pall.) Freitag & G. Kadereit with an intermediate C3–C4-type of photosynthesis and Bassia prostrata (L.) A.J. Scott with a C4-NADP type of photosynthesis grown at different temperatures (25 and 30°C) was studied. A decrease in the biomass, water content, and effective quantum yield (ΦPSII) of PSII, as well as an increase in the expression of the psbA gene encoding the PSII D1 protein under the action of drought, was observed in both species regardless of the growing temperature. Both species showed a decrease in the content of photosynthetic enzymes ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) under drought conditions at 25°С, which was accompanied by a significant increase in the expression of the rbcL and PPDK genes in S. sedoides. Acclimation of S. sedoides plants to elevated temperatures led to an increase in the activity of cyclic electron transport around PSI, to mitigation of the negative effect of drought on the light reactions of photosynthesis (reduction in NPQ) and the content of the PEPC enzyme, as well as to a shift in the ionic balance caused by a decrease in the potassium content. B. prostrata showed greater drought resistance and was characterized by greater thermolability of photosynthetic enzymes, changes in the content and ratio of which allowed this species to maintain growth in drought conditions at different temperatures.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):635-647
pages 635-647 views

Роль ультраструктурной организации клеток в адаптации озимой пшеницы к низкой температуре

Венжик Ю., Мошков И.


На проростках морозостойкого сорта озимой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) изучали изменения ультраструктурной организации клеток мезофилла, происходящие в процессе низкотемпературной адаптации (4°С, 7 сут). Установлено, что под влиянием низкой закаливающей температуры клетки листьев пшеницы увеличивались в размерах, при этом возрастала площадь цитоплазмы, в то время как размеры вакуоли уменьшались. Электронная плотность цитоплазмы визуально увеличивалась, в ней появлялись многочисленные везикулы. Кроме того, увеличивались размеры хлоропластов, а также количество хлоропластов, митохондрий и пероксисом на единицу площади среза клетки. Скопления митохондрий и пероксисом в виде цепочек были отмечены около хлоропластов в клетках закаленных проростков, а сами митохондрии изменяли свою форму с округлой на вытянутую или гантелевидную. Низкая температура также влияла на форму хлоропластов, которые из линзовидных становились более округлыми, в них обнаруживались выросты (стромулы). Значительные изменения под влиянием низкой температуры происходили в ультраструктуре хлоропластов: увеличивалось количество и размеры пластогбул, полностью исчезали крахмальные включения, снижались количество гран, среднее число тилакоидов в гране, высота и площадь граны, плотность фотосинтетических мембран в хлоропласте коэффициент его гранальности (отношение длины мембран тилакоидов в гранах к длине мембран стромальных тилакоидов). При этом в процессе низкотемпературного закаливания формировалась повышенная морозоустойчивость пшеницы, которую анализировали по выживаемости проростков и выходу электролитов из тканей листа после тестирующего промораживания. Показана взаимосвязь обнаруженных структурных трансформаций в клетках листьев пшеницы с функциональными и физиолого-биохимическими изменениями, происходящими у холодостойких растений в процессе низкотемпературной адаптации. Предполагается, что наблюдаемая ультраструктурная реорганизация клеток является одним из важных компонентов в сложной программе адаптации, а также звеном, необходимым для формирования повышенной устойчивости озимых злаков к низкой температуре.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):648-658
pages 648-658 views

Comparison of Halophyte and Glycophyte Plants from the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae Family in Their Ion-Exchange Properties of Polymeric Matrix of Cell Walls

Meychik N., Nikolaeva Y., Kushunina M.


Ion-exchanging properties of the polymeric matrix of the cell walls isolated from leaves were examined. The glycophyte 55-day-old plants of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Matador) grown on a nutrient solution containing 0.5, 150, or 250 mM NaCl and the halophyte seepweed (Suaeda altissima (L.) Pall.) of the same age grown at 0.5, 250, or 750 mM NaCl were compared. The ion-exchange capacity of the cell walls was estimated at different pH and ionic strength of a solution. In the structure of the leaf cell walls, three types of cation-exchange groups were found, namely, two types of carboxylic groups (one of them belongs to galacturonic acid residue) and phenolic OH-groups. The quantities of the groups of each type and their ionization constants were determined. The qualitative composition of the ion-exchange groups in the leaf cell walls was found to be uniform in both plant species regardless of their nutrition. However, the quantity of the carboxylic groups of galacturonic acid depended on the ambient salt concentration in a different manner in the glycophyte and halophyte. This change in the composition of functional groups of cell wall polymers was more pronounced in the halophyte and is apparently one of the responses of these plants to salinization. The sharp increase in the NaCl concentration in the medium leads to a decrease in pH in the extracellular water space due to ion-exchange reactions between sodium ions coming from the external medium and protons of the ionized carboxylic groups of the cell walls. The results are discussed in the aspect of participation of the leaf cell walls in plant responses to salinization.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):659-669
pages 659-669 views

Growth and Physiological State of Microalgae Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) during Exposure to Cadmium, Lead, and Nickel

Markina Z., Ognistaya A.


The effect of heavy metals cadmium, lead, and nickel on the growth and physiological state of raphidophyte algae Heterosigma akashiwo MBRU_HAK-SR11 (Y. Hada) Y. Hada ex Y. Hara, M. Chihara during 7 days of experiments has been assessed. It was found that cadmium and nickel at concentrations of 10 and 20 µg/L stimulated H. akashiwo growth, while lead inhibited it at these concentrations. Chlorophyll a and carotenoids content increased with the addition of 10 μg/L of cadmium and 20 μg/L of nickel, and the content of carotenoids was higher than that in the control with the addition of 20 μg/L of cadmium. With the introduction of lead, an increase in the level of chlorophyll a and a decrease in the content of carotenoids were observed. The content of ROS increased with the introduction of cadmium and lead and decreased with the introduction of nickel. Cadmium had an effect on the production of neutral lipids: their content increased and decreased by the end of the experiment. Nickel stimulated the accumulation of neutral lipids H. akashiwo, while lead had no effect on their content. Metals had the least effect on forward and side light scattering and fluorescence of chlorophyll a. The absence of pronounced changes in direct and lateral light scattering indirectly indicates that the algae cells did not change morphologically under toxic exposure. Thus, cadmium, lead, and nickel at concentrations of 10–20 µg/L changed physiological processes in algae.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):670-678
pages 670-678 views

Increasing the Resistance of Wheat to Oil Pollution Using Endophytic Bacteria Bacillus subtilis

Kuramshina Z., Sattarova L., Maksimov I.


The effect of treatment of wheat seeds with a suspension culture of cells of endophytic bacteria of the strain Bacillus subtilis 26D and lines B. subtilis 26D+n, selected for tolerance to crude oil components, on the growth and biochemical characteristics of wheat plants Triticum aestivum L. in conditions of oil pollution of the soil was studied. It has been shown that seed inoculation with the line B. subtilis 26D+n stimulated the growth of seedlings and suppressed the development of oxidative stress under conditions of exposure to oil pollution in plants in comparison with the control and plants inoculated with the strain B. subtilis 26D. Accordingly, bacteria B. subtilis 26D+n contributed to more successful growth of wheat plants on oil-contaminated soils, which can be used to stimulate the growth of plants in such areas and to return some of them to economic circulation.

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):679-687
pages 679-687 views

Parameters for Induction Curves of Prompt and Delayed Fluorescence and Redox State of PSI–P700 for Birch and Linden Leaves in Various Urban Environments

Todorenko D., Yakovleva O., Alekseev A., Matorin D.


The photosynthetic characteristics of linden leaves (Tilia cordata L.) and birches (Betula verrukosa L.) growing near the city highways of Moscow (MKAD, Moscow Ring Road) by simultaneously recording the induction curves of chlorophyll fluorescence and the redox state of the PSI pigment–P700. In trees near highways, deterioration of electron transport at the level of plastoquinones (δRo) and decrease of P700+ reduction was revealed, despite the rather high rates of photosynthetic efficiency (FV/FM). In birch leaves growing along the Moscow Ring Road, a decrease in the outflow of electrons from PSI and a decrease in the intensity of delayed fluorescence at 30 ms and 1 s, associated with a decrease in the electrical and chemical components of the electrochemical proton gradient on photosynthetic membranes, were revealed. In plants near highways, an increase in the degree of photoinhibition and a slowdown in the reactions of restoring photosynthetic activity in the dark after the cessation of photooxidative stress were noted, which confirms the probable effect of unfavorable urban conditions on the biosynthesis of proteins in PSII reaction centers. The following fluorescence parameters are proposed as indicators of the state of trees in an urban environment: total performance index (PItotal) and the quantum yield of reduction of electron acceptors on the acceptor side of PSI (φRo).

Fiziologiâ rastenij. 2023;70(6):688-698
pages 688-698 views

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