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Vol 54, No 5-6 (2018)

Investigations. Design. Calculations. Experience

Simulation of the Quality Criterion of a Mixture in a Drum-Belt Apparatus

Kapranova B., Bakin M.N., Verloka I.I.


A method is proposed for calculating the inhomogeneity coefficient in the workspace of a drum-belt mixer of bulk components with brush elements in a three-stage batch mixing method with non-uniform proportioning. The method is based on a stochastic model of the motion of rarefied particle flows following interaction with flexible elements fixed along a helical line on the surface of the mixer drums. The principal coefficients affecting the quality of a bulk mixture are analyzed in the form of combined structural and regime complexes of parameters of the mixer and the characteristics of the physical and mechanical state of the mixed media are analyzed. The results obtained can be used to develop an engineering technique for calculating the parameters of a new drum-belt mixer of friable components.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):287-297
pages 287-297 views


Influence of Capillary-Porous Coatings on Heat Exchanger Efficiency

Gusev V.M., Buklakov A.G., Konovalov P.A., Tyuftyaev A.S.


The possibility of enhancing heat exchanger efficiency by applying capillary-porous coatings onto the surface of a heating element using gas-thermal spray techniques is explored. Aluminum oxide porous coating was applied by electric-arc metallization using AMC wire of 1.6 mm diameter as the coating material. Aluminum oxide coatings were applied by spraying filamentous material with a Top–Jet gun.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):298-303
pages 298-303 views

An Investigation of the Dependence of Adsorption Processes on External Conditions

Yusubov F.V., Bairamova A.S.


A mathematical description of the process of adsorption of mixtures of H2S, CO2 and NO2 gases in a fixed layer of NaX zeolite as a function of external conditions is found. Optimal values of the diffusion coefficient of the adsorption process are found for the individual components of mixtures of H2S, CO2 and NO2 gases as a function of external conditions. Studies of adsorption processes show that their effectiveness is significantly reduced if the actual dependence of adsorption processes on external conditions is not taken into account.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):304-309
pages 304-309 views

A New Design of an Electrical Dehydrator

Erenkov O.Y.


A description of a new design of an electrical dehydrator intended for dehydration and desalting of crude oil before primary processing is described. A distinctive feature of the design is the delivery conduit which is designed to enable preliminary electrophysical treatment of an oil emulsion by means of nanosecond electromagnetic pulse.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):310-312
pages 310-312 views

Production of Technical Carbon and Energy Carriers from Low-Pressure Hydrocarbon Gases

Dolotovskii I.V.


A combined plant is proposed for production of technical carbon and energy carriers from hydrocarbon stocks (low-pressure hydrocarbon gases and associated petroleum gases). The plant is practically independent of external energy carriers and water supply systems, which allows it to be used in industrial facilities far away from energy supply systems. Introduction of this plant ensures more than twofold reduction of operation costs. The cost of construction of the facility is also reduced because of modular structure of the power-generating unit and creation of virtually closed utilization cycles.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):322-326
pages 322-326 views

General Concept of Thermal Vacuum Tests of Space-Appliance Elements at Helium Temperatures

Vshivkov A.Y., Delkov A.V., Kishkin A.A., Lavrov N.A.


Three main types of cryothermal vacuum units for testing spacecraft products at liquid-helium temperature are considered. Methods for heat removal from test objects depending on their geometric and thermophysical properties are presented. The designs of the different thermal vacuum chambers are discussed considering the thermophysical processes occurring in them. The operating efficiency of the thermal vacuum chambers and their advantages and disadvantages are estimated based on an analysis of heat-transfer processes.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):327-334
pages 327-334 views

Ultrasonic Analyzers of Ethanol in Automotive Gasoline

Buzanovskii V.A.


Ultrasonic analyzers of ethanol in automotive gasoline are reviewed. These devices allow determination of the volume fraction of ethanol in ethanol-gasoline mixtures in the range from 0 to 100 %. The relative error of measurement of 5 % volume fraction of ethanol is 0.107–0.427 %, and the relative error of measurement of 100 % volume fraction of ethanol is 0.005–0.021 %. Analysis time is several milliseconds.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):351-358
pages 351-358 views

Study of Alloy Steel Wear Resistance Strengthened by Plasma Hardening

Korotkov V.A.


Specimens of steels 30KhGSA, 38KhS and 40Kh, strengthened by plasma hardening, are tested under dry friction conditions in a disk-on-block system. Good wear resistance of hardened steels is established for alloy systems Cr–Mn–Si (30KhGSA) and Cr–Si (38KhS). The wear resistance of single-component system 40Kh is less by a half. This can be explained by the higher carbon equivalent of 30KhGSA steel. Blocks in contact wear to the least with hardened steel 38KHS discs.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):364-367
pages 364-367 views

Taking Account of Friction in Designing Critical Units of High-Pressure Technological Equipment

Pogodin V.K., Verkhozin N.A., Trutaev S.Y., Vainapel’ Y.L.


Analysis of the mechanism of frictional interaction of parts in sealing units of industrial equipment showed the importance of evaluation of the factors affecting the friction coefficient and leak-tightness while designing these parts.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):379-385
pages 379-385 views

Two-Stage Continuous Feeding in the Production and Use of Carbon Nanomaterials

Pershin V.F., Vorob’ev A.M., Nechaev V.M., Pas’ko A.A., Alsaiyad T.K.


The process of continuous two-stage feeding of carbon nanomaterials of the “Taunit” series and catalysts for their production was studied. It is established that a two-stage continuous feeding technology allows to provide accuracy almost equal to the accuracy of batch feeding.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):386-391
pages 386-391 views

Modeling of Gaseodynamic Processes at a Pressure Reduction Point with the Use of a Volumetric Expander−Generator Set to Assure Safe Recycling of the Energy of Compressed Natural Gas

Belousov A.E., Samigullin G.K., Kleimenov A.V.


A variant of a modified design of a pressure reduction point with built-in volumetric expander−generator set is considered. A mathematical model of the dynamics of the processes associated with expander−generator sets by means of which the influence of the sets on the gaseodynamics of the reduction points may be estimated is developed. The results confirm that safe recycling of compressed natural gas energy is possible in the course of pressure reduction even with high degree of irregularity of gas consumption.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):392-398
pages 392-398 views

Power Generation Through Use of the Heat Emissions of Gas Compressor Units

Dzino A.A., Malinina O.S., Noskov A.N.


Effective use of low-temperature exhaust heat in the direct thermodynamic cycle with water and alternative working fluids is proposed. The calculations are performed for a compressor station and a gas turbine plant and the most optimal fluid for the direct cycle is selected.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):399-404
pages 399-404 views

Study and Method of Calculating the Efficiency of Roll-Type Devices, Taking Into Account the Hydrodynamics of Flow

Lazarev S.I., Abonosimov O.A., Rodionov D.A., Ignatov N.N., Levin A.A., Bogomolov V.Y.


Hydrodynamics of flow of a solution in a membrane channel were investigated and a criterion equation was obtained to determine the structural coefficients of flow. A method was developed that takes into account the hydrodynamics of flow, which allows to determine the technological parameters of the membrane installation. A quantitative calculation was performed to determine the working area, the number of elements, pressure losses and pump head for roll-type elements ERO-e-6.5/900А and ERO-K-92-475 in reverse osmosis separation of different industrial solutions.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):405-409
pages 405-409 views

Designs of Bubble Caps of the Contact Plates of Mass-Exchange Columns (Review of Patents)

Mikulenok I.O.


A classification of the bubble caps of the contact plates of mass-transfer columnar apparatuses is proposed. The most characteristic designs of bubble caps that have been developed by domestic and foreign designers and inventors are considered.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):410-417
pages 410-417 views

Analysis of the Influence of Volumes of Receivers and Diameters of Connecting Fluid Pipelines on Piston Hybrid Power Machine Working Processes Based on Use of Gas Pressure Fluctuations in Discharge Line

Shcherba V.E., Blinov V.N., Paramonov A.M., Rybak A.T., Grigor’ev A.V., Lobov I.É.


The results of a numerical study and assessment of the influence of volumes of receivers and diameters of connecting fluid pipelines on the working processes and external characteristics of the studied machine are presented.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):425-430
pages 425-430 views

Preparation of Bimetal Objects by Lost Foam Casting

Nesterov N.V., Vorontsov B.S., Nesterov P.N.


The possibility of obtaining bimetallic steel castings by the lost foam casting method is demonstrated, in which an insert of special steel is placed in an expanded polystyrene mold. Bottom casting is used. With the optimum choice of the casting temperature, fusion of the steels is guaranteed and there is no warping of flat inserts. Stages of bimetallic casting formation are considered and the parameters affecting filling of the mold and ensuring the production of a finished casting are determined. It is shown that the heat treatment of objects with air cooling provides hardness of 20–46 HRC for steel of 20X13 with different tempering conditions. The technology is recommended for parts of the locking assembly of pipeline fittings and other products where a combination of local special properties and workability is required.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):448-451
pages 448-451 views

Cryogenic Technology. Production and Use of Industrial Gases. Vacuum Technology

Modeling a Membrane Reformer with a Carbon-Monoxide Conversion Catalyst for Extracting High-Purity Hydrogen from Methane Steam-Conversion Products

Vandyshev A.B., Kulikov V.A.


A mathematical model for membrane extraction of high-purity hydrogen from methane steam-conversion products that takes into account hydrogen outflow through a palladium membrane (V-1 alloy) and chemical reactions among components of the starting gas mixture in the presence of a carbon monoxide conversion catalyst is presented. A practical example shows that the presented model describes adequately and rather accurately the main parameters of the model membrane reformer with the carbonmonoxide catalyst and allows the optimal technological regimes to be selected.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):313-321
pages 313-321 views

Compressors. Pumps. Pipeline Fittings

A Mathematical Model of the Working Processes of a Hybrid Power Displacement Piston Machine with Profiled Groove Seal

Shcherba V.E., Shalai V.V., Kostyukov V.N., Naumenko A.P., Noskov A.S., Kondyurin A.Y., Khait A.V.


A mathematical model of the working processes of a hybrid displacement piston power machine with profiled groove seal is proposed. Calculation of the working processes in the compressor section in the presence of a liquid film under the piston and a “pump” course in the pump section and a piston seal is presented. The working processes for a hybrid displacement piston power machine with a smooth groove seal and with a profiled groove seal is calculated and the influence of a profiled groove seal on the working processes and the dynamics of the layer of liquid over the piston is demonstrated.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):335-344
pages 335-344 views

Calculation of Rational Values of Discharge Pressures in the Compressor and Pump Sections of a Crossheadless Reciprocating Hybrid Power Machine

Shcherba V.E., Aver’yanov G.S., Kalekin V.S., Korneev S.V., Tegzhanov A.S.


A procedure for calculating rational values of the nominal discharge pressures in the compressor and pump sections of a crossheadless hybrid power machine based on equality of volumes of mass flowing from the pump section to the compressor section and back in the course of the cycle is proposed. From a numerical experiment we are able to evaluate the influence of the main design and operating parameters on the ratio of the nominal discharge pressures in the compressor and pump sections. Based on the analysis, the principal methods of equalizing the nominal discharge pressures in the compressor and pump sections are determined.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):418-424
pages 418-424 views

Complementary Products and Devices

Promising Designs of Overrunning Clutches (A Survey of Patents)

Matlin M.M., Popov A.V., Shandybina I.M.


Promising designs of overrunning mechanisms able to increase the reliability and competitiveness of machines and mechanisms in the oil and gas industry are considered.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):345-350
pages 345-350 views

Materials Science and Corrosion Protection

Corrosion Protection of Pipe Steel in Petroleum Gas Preparation and Drying Equipment

Ivanov E.S., Artamonova I.V., Ivanov S.S., Guzenkova A.S.


Corrosion resistance of 09G2S steel in a moving model environment of formation water of the Kharyaga oilfield and in a moist hydrogen sulfide-containing atmosphere that simulate the chemical composition of the technological environment in petroleum gas preparation and drying is investigated. Introduction of inhibitors Olazol Т2P, Olazol 26501, Telaz and IKB2–2 into the model environments reduces the corrosion rate of the investigated steel from 3.34 to 0.37 g/(m2·hr). In a moist hydrogen sulfide-containing atmosphere, coating of steel surface in inhibitor film increases the time to appearance of corrosion damage. After 30 days of testing, the surface of steel without an inhibitor film is entirely covered in corrosion products, and under the inhibitor film the corrosion damage area is much smaller. The obtained results indicate that effective protection of steel of petroleum gas preparation and drying equipment is possible using the studied inhibitors.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):359-363
pages 359-363 views

Effect of Caprolon Heat Treatment on Workpiece Turning Quality

Erenkov O.Y., Otryaskina T.A.


Results are presented for an experimental study of surface layer quality for caprolon workpieces after turning. It is established that turning caprolon after preliminary heat treatment by the technology proposed leads to a reduction in machined surface roughness as indicated by values of roughness parameters and the type of chips obtained.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):444-447
pages 444-447 views

Research, Design, Calculations, and Operating Experience

Calculation of Parameters of Granular Polymer Material Plasticization Process Under Intense Shear Impact

Lebedev M.V., Tin’kov O.V., Generalov M.B.


The characteristics of the granular polymer material plasticization process in a plasticizer shear flow are studied. A mathematical model of the process, which fully conforms to the modern concepts of the plasticization mechanism and allows determination of the key process parameters, particularly the plasticization time, under intense shear impact on the polymer granules, is proposed. This model provides the possibility of performing technological calculations even at the stage of designing mixing equipment for preparation of highly viscous polymer solutions.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):371-378
pages 371-378 views

Components. Devices

Acoustic High-Volume Volumetric Flow Meter of Gaseous and Liquid Substances

Buzanovskii V.A.


The design and metrological characteristics of an acoustic high-volume volumetric flow meter of gaseous and liquid substances (Reynolds number greater than 10,000) are considered. The device has a simple design and is characterized by high measurement precision and high rate of performance.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):431-437
pages 431-437 views

Automation of Calculations and Design

Investigation of the Heat Exchange Characteristics of Chlorobenzene in an Electric Field by Means of a Neural Network Model

Mukhutdinov A.R., Efimov M.G., Vakhidova Z.R.


Computational experiment was carried out using a neural network model that makes it possible to extract new knowledge from experimental data. Certain features and regularities of the heat exchange of chlorobenzene in an electric field have been identified.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;54(5-6):438-443
pages 438-443 views

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