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Volume 166, Nº 3 (2019)


Correlation-and-Spectral Analysis of Time Series for Microcirculatory Parameters in Vessels of Symmetrical Organs

Mezentseva L., Pertsov S.


The correlation relationships between microcirculatory parameters were studied in vessels of symmetrical organs in humans. Parameters of microcirculation in healthy volunteers were measured by the method of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). LDF-signal transducers were placed symmetrically on the lower parts of the right and left shoulders (3 cm above the elbow bend). Correlations between various components of the amplitude-frequency spectrum for blood flow fluctuations (myogenic, neurogenic, respiratory, and cardiac) were evaluated on symmetrical sides. A significant correlation was found for the mean value of vascular perfusion on the right side with the neurogenic, myogenic, respiratory, and cardiac components on the same side. However, the mean value of vascular perfusion on the light side was interrelated only with the cardiac component. A positive correlation was revealed between the neurogenic and myogenic components on the left side. However, the neurogenic component on the right side was positively related to the myogenic component on the opposite side. Asymmetry of correlation relationships was also observed for the respiratory and cardiac components of study spectrum. Our results illustrate the specific regulation of microcirculatory blood flow in paired organs, which is associated with the existence of functional asymmetry. The physiological mechanisms for this asymmetry require further experimental and clinical studies.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):301-305
pages 301-305 views


Prenatal Stimulation of 5-HT1A Receptors Improves Adaptive Behavior in Prenatally Stressed Rats

Mikhailenko V., Butkevich I.


Various types of adaptive behavior during the prepubertal period were analyzed in the offspring of rats receiving chronic injections of serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine, 5-HT1A receptor agonist buspirone, or their combination starting from gestation day 9 and subjected to immobilization stress from the 15th day of pregnancy until delivery. Prenatal stress increased pain sensitivity, prolonged inflammatory pain response, and increased the levels of anxiety and depression. Chronic administration of drugs acting through 5-HT1A receptors to pregnant rats improved the studied behavioral parameters in their offspring. Differences in the pain sensitivity were found between the effect of drug combination and each of them separately, and in the level of depression between combined administration and fluoxetine alone.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):306-309
pages 306-309 views

Effect of TRPV1 on Activity of Isoforms of Constitutive Nitric Oxide Synthase during Regulation of Bicarbonate Secretion in the Stomach

Zolotarev V., Andreeva Y., Khropycheva R.


Application of mild irritants (1 M NaCl; pH 2.0) on the gastric mucosa potentiates the protective secretion of bicarbonates by epithelial cells. This response is mainly mediated by capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerve endings located in the submucosa. It was shown that activation of vanilloid type 1 receptors (TRPV1) induced by exogenous acidification of GM is not sufficient to potentiate the production of HCO3, including production depending on neuronal NO synthase. However, the effect of exogenous acid on TRPV1 leads to activation of endothelial NO synthase that restrict the gastric secretion of \( {\mathrm{HCO}}_3^{-} \).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):310-312
pages 310-312 views

Pulmonary Microcirculation in Experimental Model of Pulmonary Thromboembolism under Conditions of α-Adrenoceptor Blockade

Evlakhov V., Poyassov I., Ovsyannikov V.


Changes in the pulmonary microcirculation in isolated perfused rabbit lungs during modeling of pulmonary thromboembolism were studied in control animals and against the background of α-adrenoceptors blockade with phentolamine. Intravenous injection of emboli to control animals was followed by an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery, mean capillary hydrostatic pressure, capillary filtration coefficient, pulmonary vascular resistance, as well as precapillary and postcapillary resistances. Against the background of α-adrenoceptor blockade, the increase in most parameters was less pronounced than in control animals, while capillary filtration coefficient increased more drastically. Thus, adrenergic mechanisms are involved in the constrictor reactions of both arterial and venous pulmonary vessels under conditions of pulmonary thromboembolism.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):313-316
pages 313-316 views

Metabolic Reprogramming of Trophoblast Cells in Response to Hypoxia

Knyazev E., Zakharova G., Astakhova L., Tsypina I., Tonevitsky A., Sukhikh G.


Hypoxia of trophoblast cells is an important regulator of normal development of the placenta. However, some pathological states associated with hypoxia, e.g. preeclampsia, impair the functions of placental cells. Oxyquinoline derivative inhibits HIF-prolyl hydroxylase by stabilizing HIF-1 transcription complex, thus modeling cell response to hypoxia. In human choriocarcinoma cells BeWo b30 (trophoblast model), oxyquinoline increased the expression of a core hypoxia response genes along with up-regulation of NOS3, PDK1, and BNIP3 genes and down-regulation of the PPARGC1B gene. These changes in the expression profile attest to activation of the metabolic cell reprogramming mechanisms aimed at reducing oxygen consumption by enabling the switch from aerobic to anaerobic glucose metabolism and the respective decrease in number of mitochondria. The possibility of practical use of the therapeutic properties of oxyquinoline derivatives is discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):321-325
pages 321-325 views

Effect of Antibodies to Glutamate on Age-Related Memory Changes in C57Bl/6 Mice

Davydova T., Gruden M., Kudrin V., Narkevich V., Vetrile L., Zakharova I., Sewell R.


Chronic intranasal administration of antibodies to glutamate to aging C57Bl/6 mice improved passive avoidance conditioning, had no effect on horizontal and vertical locomotor activity, but slowed locomotion in the open-field test. Administration of antibodies to glutamate increased the content of dopamine and its metabolites in mouse hippocampus, but had no effect on the metabolism of neurotransmitter amino acids. In the frontal cortex, antibodies to glutamate did not affect neurotransmitter metabolism, but increased the level of both excitatory and inhibitory amino acids without changing their ratio.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):326-329
pages 326-329 views

Low Blood Content of IL-10-Producing CD4+ T Cells as a Risk Factor for Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis

Filatova A., Pylaeva E., Potekhina A., Ruleva N., Klesareva E., Radyukhina N., Masenko V., Shchinova A., Noeva E., Provatorov S., Afanas’eva O., Aref’eva T.


In a 2-year prospective study, prognostic significance of the blood content of IL-10-producing CD4+ T lymphocytes for progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis was assessed. Patients with verified stable angina (n=36) admitted for scheduled coronary angiography and coronary stenting were enrolled. The blood levels of CD4+FoxpP3+ Treg, CD4+IFNγ+ Th1, CD4+IL17+ Th17, CD4+IL10+ cells, sCD25, IL-10, IL-17, C-reactive protein, and lipoprotein (a) were assayed before endovascular interventions. The blood content of CD4+IL10+ T cells below 3.3% was associated with progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis (OR 12.0 (2.3, 61.0), sensitivity 77%, specificity 78%, p=0.003). No differences in other immunological parameters and common atherosclerosis risk factors in the groups were revealed. We hypothesize that the content of CD4+IL10+ T cells can be an important predictive marker for the progression of coronary atherosclerosis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):330-333
pages 330-333 views

Mitochondria-Associated Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in Acute Renal Pathologies

Pevzner I., Zorova L., Galkin F., Plotnikov E., Zorov D.


Activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of kidney cells were evaluated on the models of acute renal pathologies: pyelonephritis, rhabdomyolysis, and ischemia/reperfusion of the kidney. In acute pyelonephritis, a significant increase in the level of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in kidney cells and the appearance of mitochondrial MMP-2 isoform with a lower molecular weight, but still exhibiting proteolytic activity were observed. A direct correlation between the level of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the kidney and the severity of inflammation in pyelonephritis was revealed. Obviously, the appearance of active protease in the mitochondria of the kidney cells could have an impact on their functioning and, generally, on the fate of renal cells in this pathology.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):334-338
pages 334-338 views

Role of Signaling Molecules in the Regulation of Granulocytopoiesis during Stress-Inducing Stimulation

Zhdanov V., Miroshnichenko L., Udut E., Polyakova T., Zyuz’kov G., Simanina E., Sherstoboev E., Stavrova L., Agafonov V., Minakova M., Dygai A.


The role of signaling molecules in synthesis of humoral regulators of granulocytopoiesis by the hematopoietic microenvironmental cells during stress was analyzed using specific inhibitors. The major role in stimulation of the synthesis of granulocytic CSF during stressful stimulation is played by PI3K/Akt signaling cascade. Nuclear transcription factor NF-κB plays an auxiliary role in the regulation of functional activity of the bone marrow mononuclears. However, this factor affects the synthesis of granulocytic CSF by CD4+ cells of the bone marrow in response to stressful stimulation. Different degree and specific character of involvement of the signaling proteins in the regulation of the production of humoral factors determining colony-stimulating activity are explained by changes in functional state of monocyte-derived macrophages in different periods of stress response.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):344-347
pages 344-347 views

Soluble Ligand of the Immune Checkpoint Receptor (sPD-L1) in Blood Serum of Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma

Kushlinskii N., Gershtein E., Morozov A., Goryacheva I., Filipenko M., Alferov A., Bezhanova S., Bazaev V., Kazantseva I.


The content of the soluble ligand of the immune checkpoint receptor (sPD-L1) was determined in the blood serum of 106 patients with renal cell carcinoma and 11 patients with benign kidney tumors by direct ELISA (Human sPD-L1 Platinum ELISA; Affimetrix, eBioscience). The control group included 19 healthy men and 18 women. Serum level of sPD-L1 significantly surpassed the control values in both patients with primary renal cancer (p<0.0001) and in patients examined during disease progression (p<0.05). In patients with benign kidney tumors, the level of this marker was significantly higher than in the control (p<0.05), but lower than in patients with renal cell carcinoma. The sPD-L1 level significantly increased with disease stage (p<0.001); it was higher in the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes irrespective of their number (N1 or N2) than in the absence of metastases (N0); it was also increased in patients with distant metastases (M1) and patients with grade III-IV tumors in comparison with grade III-IV tumors (p<0.05). The highest sPD-L1 levels were recorded in patients with tumor size corresponding to T2 and T3 and decreased in patients with T4 tumors. Thus, sPD-L1 level in patients with renal cell carcinoma correlated with tumor grade and metastasizing and can be considered as a promising marker in monitoring of the effect of anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):353-357
pages 353-357 views

Oxyquinoline-Dependent Changes in Claudin-Encoding Genes Contribute to Impairment of the Barrier Function of the Trophoblast Monolayer

Knyazev E., Petrov V., Gazizov I., Gerasimenko T., Tsypina I., Tonevitsky A., Sukhikh G.


Natural response to hypoxia critically depends on rapid stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). Under normoxic conditions, HIF-prolyl hydroxylases mark α-subunits of HIF for degradation, while hypoxia results in stabilization of HIF-α. Oxyquinoline derivatives suppress activity of HIF-prolyl hydroxylases leading to HIF activation in the cell. Here we show that 24-h incubation of BeWo b30 choriocarcinoma cells (a model of trophoblast in the placental barrier) with oxyquinoline derivative leads to a decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of the cell monolayer, while the permeability of the monolayer for FITC-dextran (70 kDa) remains unchanged. These findings suggest that the overall barrier function is preserved, while the structure of intercellular tight junctions can undergo minor changes. Using Affymetrix Human Transcriptome Array 2.0, we showed that the treatment with oxyquinoline derivative was followed by a decrease in the expression of claudins 6 and 7 (CLDN6, CLDN7), occludin (OCLN), contact adhesion molecule 3 (JAM3), and angiomotinlike protein 1 (AMOTL1).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):369-372
pages 369-372 views

Effects of Laminins 332 and 411 on the Epithelial—Mesenchymal Status of Colorectal Cancer Cells

Mal’tseva D., Makarova Y., Raigorodskaya M., Rodin S.


The effects of laminins 332 and 411 (LM-332 and LM-411) on the epithelial—mesenchymal transformation of colorectal cancer cells (lines HT-29, HCT-116, and RKO) with different metastatic potential were studied. Culturing of RKO cells on both laminins was associated with modification of the cell shape, which became more spindle-like or stellate, and with higher expression of EMT-associated transcription factors SNAI1 and ZEB1. In addition, culturing on LM-332 led to a decrease in the expression of laminin α5 chain (LAMA5), while culturing on LM-411 led to an increase in the expression of a cell—cell junction component (DSP). Culturing of HT-29 cells on LM-332 was associated with the formation of more close contacts between the cells and by a higher expression of epithelial markers (CDH1 and DSP genes) and a decrease in SNAI1 expression. Culturing of HCT-116 cells on both laminins led to a decrease in FN1 expression, on LM-332 — to an increase in laminin α4 chain (LAMA4) expression, and on LM-411 — to a lesser expression of LAMA4 and transcription factors SNAI2 and ZEB1. These data indicated that colorectal cancer cell adhesion to laminins contributed to the probability of epithelial—mesenchymal transformation of cells. The direction of this transformation seemed to depend on the initial characteristics of the cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):377-382
pages 377-382 views

Comparative Role of Matrixins in Diagnostics of Parotid Gland Tumors

Kochurova E.


The benign and malignant neoplasms in parotid gland have similar clinical presentations despite different tumor growth rates. The study compared the clinical and morphological data as well as the results of ELISA for MMP-2, MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 in salivary fluid yielded during primary examination of the patients with pleomorphic adenoma and adenocarcinoma of parotid gland. The examined biomarkers detected in salivary fluid in patients with various cancer types differed significantly (p≤0.05). The correlations between clinical identification of adenoma or adenocarcinoma, on the one hand, and the levels of MMP-8, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2, on the other hand, makes it possible to use the latter as biomarkers for early detection and comprehensive noninvasive differential diagnostics of these neoplasms.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):383-385
pages 383-385 views

Dynamics of fMRI and EEG Parameters in a Stroke Patient Assessed during a Neurofeedback Course Focused on Brodmann Area 4 (M1)

Savelov A., Shtark M., Mel’nikov M., Kozlova L., Bezmaternykh D., Verevkin E., Petrovskii E., Pokrovskii M., Tsirkin G., Rudych P.


A course of interactive stimulation of primary motor cortex (Brodmann area 4) in the brain of a stroke patient resulted in recovery of locomotion volume in the paretic extremities and in improvement of general health accompanied with diverse changes in cerebral activity. During the training course, the magnitude of response in the visual fields of Brodmann areas 17 and 18 decreased; in parallel, the motor areas were supplemented with other ones such as area 24 (the ventral surface of anterior cingulate gyrus responsible for self-regulation of human brain activity and implicated into synthesis of tactile and special information) in company with Brodmann areas 40, 41, 43, 44, and 45. EEG data showed that neurofeedback sessions persistently increased the θ rhythm power in Brodmann areas 7, 39, 40, and 47, while the corresponding powers progressively decreased during a real motion. Both real motion and its virtual sibling constructed by interactive stimulation via neurofeedback were characterized with decreasing powers of the EEG β rhythm in Brodmann areas 6 and 8. The neurofeedback course decreased the coherence between the left Brodmann area 6 and some other ones examined in α and θ ranges. In the context of real motions, the coherence assessed in the EEG β range generally increased. Overall, the EEG and fMRI parameters attest to growing similarity between the moieties of functional communications effected in real and imaginary movements during neurofeedback course. The data open the vista for interactive stimulation to rehabilitate stroke patients; they highlight the important role of Brodmann areas in rearrangement of the brain in such patients; finally, the present results revealed the “common nervous pathway” that can be used to restore the capability for imaginary and real movements by a neurofeedback course after stroke.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):394-398
pages 394-398 views

Dynamics of Interactions between Cerebral Networks Derived from fMRI Data and Motor Rehabilitation during Stokes

Savelov A., Shtark M., Kozlova L., Verevkin E., Petrovskii E., Pokrovskii M., Rudych P., Tsyrkin G.


The connections between large neuronal networks were analyzed in 12 patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes and hemiparesis included in the course of the interactive brain stimulation in the area of the primary motor cortex by the analysis of independent components of fMRI. The results obtained in 3 patients are presented. Desynchronization of the visual networks with each other and with the motor networks as well as positive dynamics in Rankin scale and box and blocks test were observed in the patients. These data attest to a decrease in the importance of visual control during movements and probably on partial restoration of prioperception. The important role of interactive brain stimulation and network analysis of fMRI data in neurology are discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):399-403
pages 399-403 views

Pelvic Electric Potential as a Marker of Autonomic Dysfunctions and Risk Factor of Neurogenic Arrhythmias in Humans

Kabanova I., Makarov A., Revenko S., Nikitin S., Kirpatovskii V., Moiseev S., Gavrilov I.


Differential high-resolution ECG (V1-V2) and pelvic electric potential measured between the coccyx and perineum were recorded simultaneously in resting supine position in men with autonomic nervous system disorders (N=37). In healthy volunteers (N=23), the effective (rms) value of PEP presented by median and interdecile range was 30 (20-80) μV within the frequency band of 0.03-80 Hz. In patients, the corresponding value was significantly higher: 140 (80-280) μV. In both groups, the amplitude harmonic spectrum of pelvic electric potential decreased monotonically with frequency according to 1/f1.6 law. In some patients (N=16), rare single or grouped high-amplitude impulses (up to 1 mV) of pelvic electric potential with total duration of about 1 sec were observed; of them, some persons (N=7) demonstrated practically one-to-one synchronous relations between these impulses and arrhythmia episodes indicating abnormal activity of the autonomic nervous system as their most probable common cause. The high-amplitude pelvic electric potential impulses were also observed in ECG records as interference signals with an amplitude attaining 50 μV. Thus, high-resolution ECG and pelvic electric potential can reveal the risk of abnormal neurogenic influences on the heart. The data obtained are discussed in relation to diagnostics of the autonomic nervous system disorders, neurogenic arrhythmias, and risk of sudden cardiac death.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):404-408
pages 404-408 views

Infradian Rhythms of Resistance to a Dissociative Anesthetic in Wistar Male Rats under Normal Conditions and After Surgical Removal of the Adrenal Glands and Testes

Dzalilova D., Diatroptova M., Mkhitarov V., Diatroptov M.


Daily dynamics of changes in the latency of a response to dissociative anesthetic tiletamine (time from injection to ataxia) was studied in mature Wistar rats. Both intramuscular and intravenous administration of the anesthetic was associated with 4-day oscillations of the latent period synchronous with the dynamics of changes in the concentration of glucocorticoid hormones. The period and phases of the infradian rhythm of resistance to the anesthetic remained unchanged after removal of both adrenal glands and testes and administration of corticosterone synthesis blocker trilostane diminishing the 4-day cycle of changes in corticosterone level. Therefore, hormones of the adrenal glands and testes do not play the key role in the mechanisms of formation of the 4-day infradian rhythm.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):413-416
pages 413-416 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Functional State of Various Types of Regeneration-Competent Cells in the Nervous Tissue in Ethanol-Induced Neurodegeneration

Zyuz’kov G., Miroshnichenko L., Udut E., Chaikovskii A., Polyakova T., Simanina E., Stavrova L., Agafonov V., Zhdanov V.


The in vitro and in vivo models of ethanol-induced neurodegeneration were used to evaluate the content and functional activity of various types of regeneration-competent cells in subventricular zone of the cerebral hemispheres in C57Bl/6JY mice. In nervous tissue culture, ethanol (65 mM) produced no effect on formation of neurospheres. When administered per os in a daily dose of 3 g/kg for 8 weeks, ethanol produced no effect on the number of neural CFU in situ. In both cases, ethanol reduced proliferative activity of neural CFU. Long-term administration of ethanol in vivo suppressed differentiation of neural stem cells and decreased the number of committed precursors (neural cluster-forming units) in the subventricular zone of cerebral hemispheres. In vitro application of ethanol stimulated secretion of humoral growth factors by the cluster-forming neural glial cells. In contrast, in vivo administration of ethanol suppressed this secretion.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):317-320
pages 317-320 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Semaphorin 3A Negatively Affects Proliferation of Mouse Thymus Epithelial Cells In Vitro

Rutto K., Ovsyukov K., Kudryavtsev I., Kiseleva E.


We studied effects of semaphorin 3A, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and their combinations on the proliferative activity of cortical (cTEC1-2) and medullary (mTEC3-10) thymus epithelium cell lines. Semaphorin 3A inhibited the proliferative activity of epithelial cells, while HGF and KGF, in contrast, exerted a stimulating effect. The effect of KGF and semaphorin 3A on different cell lines depended on the expression of receptors for these two factors. When the combination of two factors was used, semaphorin 3A was able to neutralize the stimulating effect of HGF and KGF. It can be assumed that semaphorin 3A synthesized in the thymus stroma, can act as a functional antagonist of HGF and KGF and have an inhibitory effect when these drugs are administered into the body for the therapeutic purpose of restoring thymus functions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):339-343
pages 339-343 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Effect of Activated Immunocompetent Cells on the Number of Multipotent Stromal Cells in Bone Marrow Transplants of CBA and CBA/N Mice in a Short Time after Polyvinylpyrrolidone Administration to Animals

Gorskaya Y., Tukhvatulin A., Dzharullaeva A., Semenova E., Nagurskaya E., Bekhalo V., Nesterenko V.


One hour after polyvinylpyrrolidone administration, the content of multipotent stromal cells in the spleen of CBA and CBA/N mice increased almost equally (by 2.5 and 2.9 times, respectively), but in 24 h, the effectiveness of multipotent stromal cell cloning in the spleen of CBA/N mice decreased almost to the control level, whereas in CBA mice, the number of multipotent stromal cells continued to increase. Serum concentration of IL-5, TNFα, and IL-2 in both lines was elevated in 1 h after polyvinylpyrrolidone administration, which is likely to reflect activation of the innate immunity. One day after polyvinylpyrrolidone administration, the number of multipotent stromal cells in bone marrow transplants in the CBA/N→CBA/N and CBA→CBA/N groups remained practically unchanged, while in groups CBA→CBA and CBA/N→CBA it was equally increased (by 3.6 and 3.4 times, respectively). Thus, the number of multipotent stromal cells in bone marrow transplants after 1 day was increased only in groups where recipients (CBA mice) were capable of responding to polyvinylpyrrolidone administration, i.e. the number of stromal cells by this term, was apparently determined by the presence of activated immunocompetent cells. These findings also indicate that activation of the stromal tissue dur ing immune response can have a two-phasic pattern: the first phase (1 h after antigen adminis tration) can be determined by activation of innate immunity receptors (in multipotent stromal cells or other cells) observed in CBA and CBA/N mice, and the second phase occurs during further development of the immune response (that was observed in CBA mice, but not in CBA/N mice due to absence of CD+B-1a lymphocytes). The findings attest to close interactions between the stromal tissue and the immune system.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):348-352
pages 348-352 views


Changes in the Structure of Mouse Kidney in the Acute Period after Infection with Influenza Viruses A/H5N1 and A/H1N1

Shkurupy V., Potapova O., Mezhevalova A., Cherdantseva L., Kovner A., Shestopalov A.


Changes in the kidney structure in outbred and inbred male BALB/c mice were analyzed in the acute period after infection with influenza viruses A/H5N1 (10 MLD50; 10 days) and A/H1N1 (1 MLD50; 30 days). Antibodies to influenza viruses of both strains were most often expressed by endothelial cells of the glomeruli and arterioles and were rarely expressed by mesangiocytes and tubule epithelial cells. In the kidney, destructive processes induced by viruses and by ischemia due to massive blood vessel thrombosis. Mesangiocytes expressed factors, indicating that they could be qualified as M1 and M2 macrophages. Kidney destruction was more significant after infection of mice with the A/H5N1 virus, but in both experiments cell infiltrates were actually absent, probably due to blood vessel thrombosis and limited possibility of migration of mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes to the kidney.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):358-363
pages 358-363 views


Post-Weaning Social Isolation Disturbs Gene Expression in Rat Brain Structures

Zubkov E., Zorkina Y., Orshanskaya E., Khlebnikova N., Krupina N., Chekhonin V.


Post-weaning social isolation of male Wistar rats for 10 weeks led to an increase of their aggressiveness, sensorimotor reactivity, and cognitive deficiency, manifesting in training disorders evaluated by the acoustic startle response (amplitude of the response decreasing). Expression of gene encoding serine protease prolyl endopeptidase (EC in the frontal cortex was higher than in control rats kept in groups, while the level of mRNA of the gene encoding dipeptidyl peptidase IV (EC did not differ from the control in any of the brain structures. The levels of serotonin transporter gene mRNA in the striatum and hypothalamus were higher than in the control. No appreciable changes in the expression of genes encoding tryptophan hydroxylase-2 and monoaminoxidase A and B in the frontal cortex, striatum, amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus were detected. The data indicated the involvement of genes associated with the serotoninergic system in the mechanisms of mental disorders induced by post-weaning social isolation and suggest the gene encoding prolyl endopeptidase as a candidate gene involved in the pathogenesis of these disorders.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):364-368
pages 364-368 views


Clinical Significance of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Blood Plasma of Patients with Gastric Cancer

Kushlinskii N., Gershtein E., Ivannikov A., Davydov M., Chang V., Ognerubov N., Stilidi I.


Plasma levels of MMP-2, MMP-7, and MMP-9 and their tissue inhibitor TIMP-2 were measured in 89 patients with gastric cancer and the relationship between these parameters and the main clinical morphological characteristics of the disease was analyzed. Plasma levels of the proteins were measured using standard direct ELISA kits. The level of MMP-7 in patients with gastric cancer was significantly higher than in the control group (medians 2.7 and 1.2 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.01), but only in 51% patients this parameter surpassed the upper threshold normal value (2.35 ng/ml; 95% percentile of control). The level of MMP-9 in gastric cancer patients was lower than in control group by 1.6 times (medians 167 and 267 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.01). Plasma levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in patients with gastric cancer and healthy subjects were similar. No appreciable associations of plasma matrixins and TIMP-2 with the main clinical morphological characteristics of the disease were detected. The patients were followed up for 8 to 85 months (median 70.8 months). Low level of MMP-2 and high level of MMP-7 in the plasma proved to be unfavorable prognostic factors for overall survival. At MMP-2<268 ng/ml, the 5-year overall survival was 32% vs. 60% for patients with the marker level higher than this threshold value (p=0.016). The differences in overall survival in relation to their MMP-7 levels for 5-year observation did not surpass 16% (39% at marker level >2.7 ng/ml and 55% at lower level; p=0.048). Plasma levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 were not significantly associated with overall survival. Multivariate analysis showed that only T index (p=0.034) and plasma MMP-7 level (p=0.007) were essential for overall survival. The increase in plasma or serum MMP-7 levels is a universal phenomenon in tumors of different histogenesis, which precluded the use of this parameter as a specific diagnostic marker of gastric cancer. At the same time, it could be useful for monitoring the treatment efficiency and detection of relapses. In addition, high plasma level of MMP-7 remained an independent factor of unfavorable prognosis for overall survival of patients with gastric cancer.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):373-376
pages 373-376 views


Visualization and Cytotoxicity of Fluorescence-Labeled Dimeric Magnetite-Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated with Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen in Mouse Macrophages

Pirutin S., Efremova M., Yusipovich A., Turovetskii V., Maksimov G., Druzhko A., Mazhuga A.


We demonstrated the possibility of penetration of magnetite-gold nanoparticles conjugated with prostate-specific membrane antigen into mouse macrophages. It was found that after 3-h incubation with nanoparticles in a concentration of 15 mg/liter at 37oC, they were seen in only 13% macrophages. In about 90% cells, the nanoparticles were detected within the cytoplasm. Under these conditions, membrane damage was revealed in 25% cells. These results should be taken into account in further development and application of nanomaterials for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in oncology.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):386-389
pages 386-389 views

Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Prospects of Synchronous fMRI-EEG Recording as the Basis for Neurofeedback (Exemplified on Patient with Stroke Sequelae)

Savelov A., Shtark M., Mel’nikov M., Kozlova L., Bezmaternykh D., Verevkin E., Petrovskii E., Pokrovskii M., Tsirkin G., Rudych P.


Synchronous fMRI-EEG mapping of cerebral activity in stroke patients made it possible to implement neurofeedback, a novel and promising therapeutic technology. This method integrates a real-time monitoring of cerebral activity by EEG and fMRI signals and training of the patients to control this activity simultaneously or alternatively via neurofeedback. The targets of such cerebral stimulation are cortical regions controlling arbitrary movements (Brodmann area 4), whereas its aim is optimization of activity in these regions in order to achieve better rehabilitation of stroke patients. The paper discusses the methodical details, advantages, and promise of bimodal neurofeedback treatment.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):390-393
pages 390-393 views

Experimental Biology

Analysis of the Intensity of Apoptosis in Rat Organs at Various Stages of Ontogeny

Tyshko N., Sadykova E., Shestakova S., Trushina E., Mustafina O.


Activity of apoptosis in the thymus, liver, and kidneys on days 20, 22, 35, 50, 80, 110, and 140 of ontogeny was studied in the experiments on rats using the alkaline gel electrophoresis and flow cytofluorometry. Changes in apoptosis intensity depended on animal age. The maximum level of this parameter was observed on day 20 of ontogeny with the following reduction in this parameter to the minimum value on days 35-50. Then it gradually increased up to relatively high levels on day 110 and significantly reduced by day 140.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(3):409-412
pages 409-412 views

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