Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 164, № 6 (2018)


Bimodal Electrical Properties of Rat Major Artery Segment In Situ

Revenko S., Tikhomirova L., Nesterov A., Tarakanov I.


In experiments on narcotized rats, BP in the left femoral artery as well as local electrical potential and electrical impedance of the symmetric segment of the right femoral artery were simultaneously recorded in situ with two extracellular nonpolarizable Ag/AgCl electrodes located along the artery at a distance of 3 mm from each other. The pulsatile arterial electrical potentials with amplitude of 100-200 μV and duration of about 50 msec were recorded, which coincided with the front of BP wave corrected for a 10-msec delay of the pressure transducer. Under normal conditions, the pulsatile oscillations of arterial electroimpedance were in-phase with BP oscillations, so the rising phase of BP was paralleled by elevation of electroimpedance reflecting constriction of the arterial segment. This finding is viewed as indicative of periodic myogenic Ostroumov—Bayliss effect triggered by arterial pulse. After local application of tetrodotoxin (3×10—7 М), procaine (0.5%), or lidocaine (spray 10%) to isolated arterial segment, its electroimpedance oscillated out-of-phase with BP, so the changes of electroimpedance were similar to the response of a passive elastic tube to pulsatile BP. The applied agents completely (tetrodotoxin) or pronouncedly (procaine, lidocaine) inhibited the pulsatile arterial electrical potential. The present data indicate the possibility of passive and active modes of arterial pulsing, which differ by the amplitude of pulsatile arterial electrical potential as well as by phasic relations between BP and electroimpedance. The possible physiological role of various modes of pulsing in major arteries is discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):701-706
pages 701-706 views


Electrophysiological Properties of Rat Vestibular Labyrinth and Their Effect on Parameters of Transmitted Voltage Pulses

Demkin V., Udut V., Shchetinin P., Svetlik M., Mel’nichuk S., Shchetinina A., Pleshkov M., Starkov D., Demkin O., Kingma H.


We propose a new approach to optimization of electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve and improving the transfer function of vestibular implant. A mathematical model of the vestibular organ is developed based on its anatomy, the model premises, 3D-analysis of MRI and CT images, and mathematical description of physical processes underlying propagation of alternating electric current across the tissues of vestibular labyrinth. This approach was tested in vitro on the rat vestibular apparatus and had been examined anatomically prior to the development of its mathematical model and equivalent electrical circuit. The experimental and theoretical values of changes of the gain—phase characteristics of vestibular tissues in relation to location of the reference electrode obtained in this study can be used to optimize the electrical stimulation of vestibular nerve.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):707-711
pages 707-711 views

Effect of Natural Cytokine Complex on the Structure and Metabolism of the Cardiac Conduction System in the Myocardium under Normally and Increased Hemodynamic Load

Tverskaya M., Gankovskaya L., Sukhoparova V., Virganskii A.


Effect of natural complex of cytokines with activity of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, MIF, and GTFβ on the structure and metabolism of conduction cardiomyocytes was assessed in the control and under acute experimental aortic stenosis. After systemic administration of the cytokine complex in the control, structural abnormalities were revealed in a relatively low number of conduction cardiomyocytes; their relative number increased in the left ventricle and interventricular septum. When the complex was administered against the background of aortic stenosis, morphological changes in the conduction system were seen in a significant number of cells with their plasma imbibition, especially in the left ventricle and interventricular septum. Systemic administration of the natural cytokine complex inhibited the major metabolic processes in the conduction system, both in the control and under conditions of sharply increased hemodynamic load. In conduction cardiomyocytes, deceleration of glycolysis and citric acid cycle, inhibition of oxidation of free fatty acids and their metabolites, and suppression of shuttle mechanisms and biosynthetic reactions were observed. Increased blood levels of cytokines, primarily of the proinflammatory ones, can cause structural and metabolic disturbances in the cardiac conduction system and promote the development of arrhythmias, especially in case of sharply increased hemodynamic load.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):716-720
pages 716-720 views

Complex Analysis of Total and Fetal DNA and Cytokines in Blood Plasma of Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia

Krasnyi A., Gracheva M., Sadekova A., Vtorushina V., Balashov I., Kan N., Borovikov P., Krechetova L., Tyutyunnik V.


We performed a complex analysis of total and fetal extracellular DNA, 8 cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, granulocyte-macrophage CSF, IFNγ, and TNFα) in blood plasma obtained from women with preeclampsia prior to labor onset. Total (sensitivity 89.47%, specificity 93.75%) and fetal extracellular DNA (sensitivity 73.68%, specificity 87.5%) were the most accurate parameters determining preeclampsia. We revealed a high correlation (p=3×10—6) between total and fetal extracellular DNA levels in the group of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia significantly increased the levels of macrophage factors IL-10 and IL-6. These cytokines significantly correlated with the levels of total and fetal extracellular DNA in the preeclampsia group. In the control group, such correlations were not observed. These findings obtained suggest that preeclampsia develops upon increased macrophage activity, leading to destruction of the placenta trophoblast cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):721-725
pages 721-725 views

Pathogenetic Role of Endothelial Dysfunction in Idiopathic Vestibulopathy

Udut E., Shchetinin P., Rudenko T., Lucieer F., Kingma H., Shchetinina A., Pleshkov M., Demkin V., Udut V.


Comparative analysis of the groups of patients with idiopathic bilateral vestibular hypofunction and a group of vestibulopathy patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency demonstrated identity of the basic and additional diagnostic parameters in these syndromes as well as similarity in clinical diagnostic and anamnesis data. In all cases, functional assessment of endothelium-dependent vasodilation and selected biochemical marker sICAM-1 revealed endothelial dysfunction. Drug correction of endothelial dysfunction positively affected the manifestations of major and minor features of the syndrome, which confirmed the contribution of endothelial functional disturbances to the pathogenesis of bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):726-729
pages 726-729 views

Analysis of the Role of Carriership of Polymorphic Genotypes of ESR1, eNOS, and APOE4 Genes in the Development of Arterial Hypertension in Men

Dolgikh O., Zaitseva N., Nosov A., Krivtsov A., Dianova D., Kazakova O., Otavina E., Alikina I.


We studied the role of the carrier status for polymorphic loci of genes encoding estrogen receptors (ESR1), endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), and apolipoprotein E (APOE4) and products of their expression nitrogen oxide (NO) and apolipoprotein (ApoE) in the development of arterial hypertension in men. Conventionally healthy volunteers and 149 men with clinical manifestations of stage I-II arterial hypertension were examined. In men with arterial hypertension, the frequency of minor allele A of ESR1 gene was higher (27.5 vs. 9.5% in the reference group; χ2=4.43, p=0.04). The level of NO in the peripheral blood was also higher in the main group (χ2=3.93, p=0.047). The increase in NO concentration did not depend on the presence of polymorphic genotypes (GG and GT) of eNOS gene, but the decrease in ApoE level in blood serum was associated with TC genotype of APOE4 gene (p=0.04). Our results suggest that minor allele A of ESR1 gene is associated with the development of arterial hypertension in men. Reduced content of ApoE in blood serum of men with arterial hypertension was associated with APOE4 gene polymorphism. However, increased level of NO did not depend on polymorphic genotypes GG and GT of eNOS gene. These polymorphisms are of specific interest as additional markers of genetic predisposition to the development of arterial hypertension in middle-age men.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):753-756
pages 753-756 views

TNFα-Induced Expression of Transport Protein Genes in HUVEC Cells Is Associated with Enhanced Expression of Transcription Factor Genes RELB and NFKB2 of the Non-Canonical NF-κB Pathway

Knyazev E., Mal’tseva D., Zacharyants A., Zakharova G., Zhidkova O., Poloznikov A.


Endothelial HUVEC cells used as an in vitro model of the endothelial monolayer in placental barrier were activated by TNFα in a dose of 2 ng/ml for 24 h. Significant changes in the expression of genes of the SLC family transport protein were observed: an increase in the expression of SLC7A2, SLC12A2, SLC9B2, SLC25A37, SLC16A9, and SLC41A2 and a decrease in the expression of SLC40A1. These transporters participate in the transport of iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, protons, and amino acids. It was also found that SLC7A2, SLC12A2, SLC9B2, SLC25A37, and SLC41A2 genes have binding sites for transcriptional factor RelB that together with NFKB2 is the main effector of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway. The expression of RELB and NFKB2 genes was also significantly enhanced in TNFα-activated HUVEC cells, which can attest to the important role of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway in the regulation of gene expression of transport proteins in response to TNFα stimulation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):757-761
pages 757-761 views

Injection of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells as a Cause of Hemorrhages in the Regional Lymph Nodes: Experimental Study

Maiborodin I., Morozov V., Anikeev A., Figurenko N., Maslov R., Matveeva V., Maiborodina V.


Hemorrhagic changes after subcutaneous injection of autologous bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal cells with transfected GFP gene and additionally stained cell membranes to WAG rats in the projection of ligated femoral vein were studied by fluorescent microscopy. Hemorrhages in tissues with experimental acute local venous occlusion were caused by a combination of venous hypertension with inflammation around the foreign body — the ligature used for ligation of the vein. Fibrin found in tissues together with erythrocytes in the hemorrhages could stimulate the formation of granulations and new vessels instead of damaged or thrombosed ones. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and their detritus getting into the regional lymph nodes initiated immune reactions morphologically confirmed by stubborn hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the lymphoid nodules, hemorrhages, and manifest diapedesis of erythrocytes to the organ parenchyma and sinus system.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):784-789
pages 784-789 views

Pathological Remodeling of the Myocardium in Chronic Heart Failure: Role of PGC-1α

Kulikova T., Stepanova O., Voronova A., Valikhov M., Sirotkin V., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S., Masenko V., Samko A., Sukhikh G.


Pathological remodeling of the myocardium in chronic heart failure includes the development of pathological cardiac hypertrophy, reactivation of the fetal genetic program, and disorders in cardiac energy metabolism. Coactivator-1α of receptor γ activated by peroxisome proliferator (PGC-1α), a transcription coactivator of nuclear receptors and metabolism master regulator, plays an important role in cardiac metabolism regulation. Studies on the animals models of chronic heart failure have demonstrated the development of pathological cardiac hypertrophy, metabolic disorders, and reactivation of the fetal genetic program; these processes are mutually related. An important role in regulation of these processes belongs to PGC-1α; its low expression indicates low activity and down-regulation of this coactivator. Pathological cardiac hypertrophy, decrease of PGC-1α activity, and reactivation of the fetal genetic program in chronic heart failure are demonstrated.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):794-797
pages 794-797 views

Study of the Efficiency of the Hydroporation for Delivery of Plasmid DNA to the Cells on the Model of Toxic Neuropathy

Yudin M., Bykov V., Nikiforov A., Al-Shekhadat R., Ivanov I., Ustinova T.


We compared the efficiency of delivery of plasmid DNA (active ingredient concentration 1 mg/kg) that provides production of nerve growth factor (NGF) after intravenous administration to rats and after administration by hydroporation. The method of hydroporation ensured plasmid penetration into the liver tissue and lengthened the time of its detection in the organ. DNA concentration in 1 h after its introduction by hydroporation or intravenous route was 0.7 and 0.05 ng/mg tissue, respectively. The use of this transfection method ensured preservation of NGF DNA in the liver tissue at a level of 0.24 ng/mg of tissue 1 day after administration of the plasmid construct, while after intravenous administration, expression of the analyzed DNA was not detected in blood and liver samples. After hydroporation, the maximum of relative normalized expression of cDNA (270 rel. units) was observed after 4 h, and after 1 day, this parameter decreased to 35 rel. units. Introduction of plasmid DNA of NGF by hydroporation prevented the development of disorders of neuromuscular conduction in a rats model of toxic neuropathy induced by subacute administration of malathion in a dose of 0.5 LD50.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):798-802
pages 798-802 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Coupling of Lipoperoxidation Reactions with Changes in Arterial Blood Pressure in Hypertensive ISIAH Rats under Conditions of Chronic Stress

Kolesnikova L., Rychkova L., Kolesnikova L., Darenskaya M., Natyaganova L., Grebenkina L., Korytov L., Kolesnikov S.


Mature normotensive male WAG rats and stress-sensitive hypertensive ISIAH rats were exposed to “everyday life stress” modelled by alternation of immobilization and adaptation. Increased LPO intensity (increased content of substrates with unsaturated double bonds and primary and secondary LPO products) and reduced content of some antioxidant protection components (reduced retinol level and GSH/GSSG ratio) were revealed in the blood of ISIAH rats. These changes correlated with elevated mean BP. The results can reflect the significant role of LPO changes in the pathogenesis of stress-induced arterial hypertension.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):712-715
pages 712-715 views

Biophysics and Biochemistry

Changes in Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Serum Concentrations of Proinsulin and C-Peptide Depending on the Compensation Stage of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Poteryaeva O., Russkikh G., Zubova A., Gevorgyan M., Usynin I.


In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, serum activities of MMP-2 and MMP-7 were substantially decreased in comparison with apparently healthy individuals. At the decompensation stage, along with the increased content of glucose and glycated hemoglobin, a pronounced (3-fold) increase in proinsulin concentration was observed. On the contrary, MMP activity and C-peptide concentration decreased at this stage. The ratio of proinsulin concentration to MMP activity at the stages of diabetes mellitus compensation and subcompensation was approximately 1:50, while at the stage of decompensation it was 1:12. Thus, the ratio of these blood serum parameters can be used as an additional diagnostic marker of diabetes decompensation and severity of its complications.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):730-733
pages 730-733 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Antidiabetic Properties of Low-Molecular-Weight BDNF Mimetics Depend on the Type of Activation of Post-Receptor Signaling Pathways

Ostrovskaya R., Yagubova S., Gudasheva T., Seredenin S.


Reduced proliferation and enhanced apoptosis of β cells in diabetes mellitus are associated with a deficiency of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Low-molecular weight compounds similar to different BDNF loops were synthesized at the V. V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology. They produce a potentiating effect on TrkB phosphorylation, but differently activate post-receptor signaling pathways. We compared their effects on the severity of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in C57Bl/6 mice. The antidiabetic effect (estimated from the degree of hyperglycemia and dynamics of body weight) was typical of GSB-214 compound that selectively activates PI3K/Akt. This activity was not revealed in GTS-201, selective activator of MAPK/Erk. GSB-106 compound activating both signaling pathways exhibited weak antidiabetic activity. Our results indicate that the antidiabetic effect is mainly related to activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):734-737
pages 734-737 views

Microbiology and Immunology

Effect of Oxidized Dextran on Cytokine Production and Activation of IRF3 Transcription Factor in Macrophages from Mice of Opposite Strains with Different Sensitivity to Tuberculosis Infection

Chechushkov A., Kozhin P., Zaitseva N., Gainutdinov P., Men’shchikova E., Troitskii A., Shkurupy V.


We studied differences in the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and IRF3 transcription factor by peritoneal macrophages from mice of opposite strains CBA/J and C57Bl/6 and the effect of 60-kDa oxidized dextran on these parameters. Macrophages from C57Bl/6 mice were mainly characterized by the production of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-12, and MCP-1 (markers of M1 polarization). By contrast, CBA/J mice exhibited a relatively high level of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and lower expression of proinflammatory cytokines (M2 phenotype). IRF3 content in peritoneal macrophages of CBA/J mice was higher than in C57Bl/6 mice. Oxidized dextran decreased the expression of IRF3 upon stimulation of cells from CBA/J mice with LPS, but increased this process in C57Bl/6 mice. Despite a diversity of oxidized dextran-induced changes in cytokine production, the data confirm our hypothesis that this agent can stimulate the alternative activation of macrophages.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):738-742
pages 738-742 views


Modeling of 3D Structure of Chimeric Constructs Based on Hemagglutinin of Influenza Virus and Immunogenic Epitopes of Streptococcus Agalactiae

Fedorova E., Smolonogina T., Isakova-Sivak I., Koren’kov D., Kotomina T., Leont’eva G., Suvorov A., Rudenko L.


A project of an experimental recombinant vector vaccine for prevention of diseases caused by pathogenic streptococci based on ScaAB lipoprotein of Streptococcus agalactiae and a coldadapted strain of live influenza vaccine as a vector was developed. The sequence of ScaAB lipoprotein was analyzed and fragments forming immunodominant epitopes were determined. Chimeric molecules of influenza virus hemagglutinin H7 carrying insertions of bacterial origin were constructed. Based on the results of simulation, the most promising variants were selected; they represented fragments of lipoprotein ScaAB lacking N-terminal domain bound to hemagglutinin via a flexible linker. These insertions should minimally modulate the properties of the influenza strain, while retaining potential immunogenicity to a wide group of pathogenic streptococci.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):743-748
pages 743-748 views


Expression of microRNA Genes MIR221, MIR222, and MIR181B1 Increases during Induction of Inflammation in the Endothelial Barrier Model

Knyazev E., Mal’tseva D., Zakharyants A., Zakharova G., Zhidkova O., Poloznikov A.


We studied expression profile of microRNA and their target genes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) during proinflammatory activation with TNFα. TNFα-induced activation of HUVEC was accompanied by a decrease in the expression of CDKN1B, HIST1H3D, and OIP5 genes that are the common target genes for mature microRNA encoded by MIR221, MIR222, and MIR181B1 genes, whose expression increases in activated cells. Proteins encoded by HIST1H3D and OIP5 genes are associated with chromatin compaction and cell cycle. Our results suggest that fetal endothelial microRNA can appear in the maternal blood during various pathological states, e.g., under conditions of preeclampsia.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):749-752
pages 749-752 views


Antimetastatic Effect of Liposomal Recombinant Lactaptin

Kaledin V., Koval O., Kuligina E., Lushnikova E., Nikolin V., Popova N., Pyshnaya I., Richter V.


Antimetastatic effect of the liposomal form of recombinant lactaptin RL2 (a proteolytic fragment of human breast milk κ-casein; 8.6 kDa) was studied in A/Sn mice after intravenous transplantation of GA-1 tumor with high rate of liver metastases. Tumor growth in the liver was found in all mice. In animals dying early, the tumors were presented by multiple nodes of about the same size; in mice dying later, the tumors in the liver were presented by just few large nodes formed by cells that survived chemotherapy. A single intravenous injection of RL2 lactaptin in liposomes prolonged lifespan of animals with liver metastases of GA-1 tumor by 1.5 times in comparison with that in untreated animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):762-765
pages 762-765 views


Effect of Nanocrystalline Particles of Chitin on Blood Components in Humans and Experimental Animals

Drozd N., Torlopov M., Udoratina E., Logvinova Y.


Nanocrystalline particles of chitin in the form of hydrosol in a concentration of 0.63 mg/ml have no effect on aggregation of human platelets and clotting time of platelet-poor plasma in coagulation tests. ADP-induced aggregation of human platelets was inhibited by these nanoparticles in concentrations of 0.63 and 1.00 mg/ml in comparison with the control. Intravenous administration of nanoparticles in a dose of 1 mg/kg to guinea pigs produced no anticoagulant effect. The nanocrystalline particles of chitin can be of interest as potential drug delivery systems.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):766-769
pages 766-769 views


In Vivo Experimental Study of Biological Compatibility of Tissue Engineered Tracheal Construct in Laboratory Primates

Gilevich I., Sotnichenko A., Karal-ogly D., Gubareva E., Kuevda E., Polyakov I., Lapin B., Orlov S., Porkhanov V., Chekhonin V.


Biological compatibility of a tissue engineered construct of the trachea (synthetic scaffold) and allogenic mesenchymal stem cells was studied on laboratory Papio hamadryas primates. Subcutaneous implantation and orthotopic transplantations of tissue engineered constructs were carried out. Histological studies of the construct showed chaotically located filaments and mononuclear cells fixed to them. Development of a fine connective tissue capsule was found at the site of subcutaneous implantation of the tissue engineered construct. The intact structure of the scaffold populated by various cell types in orthotopic specimens was confirmed by expression of specific proteins. The results indicated biological compatibility of the tissue engineered construct with the mesenchymal stem cells; no tissue rejection reactions were recorded; simulation of respiratory disease therapy on Papio hamadryas proved to be an adequate model.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):770-774
pages 770-774 views

Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Hematopoietic Embryoid Bodies Secrete Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and Revert Endothelial Injury

Kasuda S., Kudo R., Yuui K., Sakurai Y., Hatake K.


The possibility of sphingosine-1-phosphate production by induced pluripotent stem cells is examined to assess their potential in treatment of sepsis. The hematopoietic embryoid bodies were derived from the culture of 6-day-old differentiated induced pluripotent stem cells. These embryoid bodies secreted sphingosine-1-phosphate, an important bioactive lipid that regulates integrity of the pulmonary endothelial barrier, prevents elevation of its permeability, and impedes the formation of stress fibers in human endotheliocytes derived from umbilical vein. The data attest to potentiality of induced pluripotent stem cells in treatment of sepsis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):775-779
pages 775-779 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Expression of Bcl-2 Family Proteins in the Ovarian Follicular Apparatus in the Acute Period after Experimental Hyperthermia

Michurina S., Kolesnikov S., Bochkareva A., Arkhipov S., Ishchenko I.


The expression of apoptosis regulators (proapoptotic protein Bad and anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2) was analyzed and Bcl-2/Bad ratio in the follicular apparatus of the rat ovary was determined on day 3 after hyperthermia (rectal temperature 43.5°C). Hyperthermia in the catabolic phase leads to different degrees of activation of the molecular “switches” of apoptosis in cells of ovarian follicular epithelium. This was seen from increased intensity of immunohistochemical staining for Bad protein against the background of more pronounced expression of Bcl-2 protein. On day 3 after exposure to hyperthermia, Bcl-2/Bad ratio increased, which reflects antiapoptotic protection of cells and conditions for blockade of mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in the follicular apparatus of the ovaries during the acute period after hyperthermia.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):780-783
pages 780-783 views


Comparative Characteristics of Discrimination of S. enterica Isolates by Phagotyping Test and Dienes Test

Afonyushkin V., Kozlova Y., Tromenshleger I., Filipenko M., Novikova O.


We propose an original methodological approach to discrimination of newly isolated Salmonella enterica strains with the use of Dienes test. Dienes test is used for identification of P. vulgaris and P. mirabilis strains. It consists in growth suppression by mobile bacterial strain cultures and the formation of a demarcation line (Dienes line) between the strains growing towards each other. Similarities and differences between salmonella phagotyping method and Dienes test-based discrimination of the strains are detected. The studied sample of salmonellas was divided into 12 phagotypes. Cluster analysis has shown that most of the salmonella strains could not be clusterized by both methods. Discrimination by different methods has shown that the largest clusters contain the same strains. Clusterization of salmonella strains by different methods shows moderate congruency. Rand index used for comparison of the results of the sample clusterization by different methods is 0.88. High heterogeneity of salmonella strains is presumably explained by heterogeneity of antagonism factors within the S. enterica species. Intraspecies antagonism is essential for limitation of the horizontal gene transfer in closely related strains and for increase of the genetic heterogeneity of salmonella population in the host.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):790-793
pages 790-793 views


Circular RNA: New Regulatory Molecules

Belousova E., Filipenko M., Kushlinskii N.


Circular RNA are a family of covalently closed circular RNA molecules, formed from pre-mRNA of coding genes by means of splicing (canonical and alternative noncanonical splicing). Maturation of circular RNA is regulated by cis- and trans-elements. Complete list of biological functions of these RNA is not yet compiled; however, their capacity to interact with specific microRNA and play a role of a depot attracts the greatest interest. This property makes circular RNA active regulatory transcription factors. Circular RNA have many advantages over their linear analogs: synthesis of these molecules is conservative, they are universal, characterized by clearly determined specificity, and are resistant to exonucleases. In addition, the level of their expression is often higher than that of their linear forms. It should be noted that expression of circular RNA is tissue-specific. Moreover, some correlations between changes in the repertoire and intensity of expression of circular RNA and the development of some pathologies have been detected. Circular RNA have certain advantages and can serve as new biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognosis, and evaluation of response to therapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018;164(6):803-815
pages 803-815 views

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