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Vol 109, No 3 (2024)

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Diatoms of soils and pyroclastic deposits from South Kamchatka volcanoes

Sushchenko R.Z., Bagmet V.B.


Twenty-four species of diatoms belonging to 14 genera, 12 families and 5 orders were identified from soils and pyroclastic deposits of the Gorely, Mutnovsky, Avachinsky, Koryaksky and Vilyuchinsky volcanoes (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia). Two species of these (Nupela tenuicephala, Pinnularia bullacostae) are new to the flora of the Kamchatka Peninsula, three ones (Eunotia palatina, Neidium bergii, Stauroneis borrichii) to the Russian Far East, and another three (Psammothidium lacustre, Humidophila sceppacuerciae, Gomphonema reichardtii) to the flora of Russia. Three revealed taxa (Navicula sp., Chamaepinnularia sp., and Pinnularia sp.) are probably new to science, as their morphological and morphometric characteristics differ from those of previously described species.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):227-243
pages 227-243 views

Diversity of chrysophycean stomatocysts (Chrysophyta) in Kader mire of the Kurgalsky Natural Reserve

Shadrina S.N., Safronova T.V.


In this work, we report on 18 stomatocyst morphotypes identified in the samples from the Kader mire, including 3 ones identified to the species; morphotype numbers were defined for 14 stomatocysts; one morphotype is described as new to science. Three stomatocysts are new to Europe, five are new to Russia, eight – to the Northwestern region. The descriptions of the cysts based on the electron-microscopic data (SEM), and information on their locality, distribution and ecology are provided. Our results add to knowledge of the chrysophyte flora of the Northwestern Russia.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):244-257
pages 244-257 views

Flora of Mayorsky Mountain Massif of Susunay Ridge (Southern Sakhalin)

Sheiko V.V., Barkalov V.Y., Korznikov К.А.


The local flora of vascular plants of Mayorsky Mountain Massif of Susunay Ridge in the southern part of Sakhalin Island contains 230 species from 171 genera and 71 families. For the first time, 50 species are listed for the massif. The flora of serpentinite outcrops is especially specific. Plant communities on the serpentinites are dominated by species with wide geographical areas (circumpolar, Eurasian, Asian and East Asian), whose share is more than 70% of the total local flora, which is a reflection of the geological past in the process of the alpine flora formation on Sakhalin Island. There are 64 species concentrated on an area of about 0.4 ha (Bistorta pacifica, Leontopodium discolor, Malaxis monophyllos, Rubus pedatus, Thesium refractum, Tofieldia coccinea and others), of which three species (Carex capillaris, Cerastium sugawarae and Pedicularis chamissonis) are found nowhere else on Sakhalin. The nearest localities of isolated populations of subalpine and alpine species on serpentinite outcrops (Carex melanocarpa, Loiseleuria procumbens, Rhododendron parvifolium, Scirpus maximowiczii) are in the northern part of Sakhalin or in the Northern Japan. Mayorskaya Mt. is the locus classicus of Poa sugawarae and Cerastium sugawarae. An annotated checklist of vascular plants is given. The modern flora of Mayorsky Massif is a reflection of paleogeographical history and climate fluctuations.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):258-271
pages 258-271 views

Parnassia kotzebuei (Parnassiaceae) at the western limit of its distribution

Nikolin Е.G., Adrian I.A.


During a floristic survey of the territory of the mountain site "Sokol" of the Ust-Lensky Reserve, new localities of Parnassia kotzebuei were found at the western limit of its range, in the lower reaches of the Lena River. Previously, the limit of this species range was believed to be in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River. Parnassia kotzebuei is included in the list of rare and specially protected plants of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), is listed in the regional Red Data Books, and its presence on the territory of the Ust-Lensky Reserve will serve as an additional factor in ensuring the preservation of its populations. Hypotheses of the species appearance in this territory and its distribution in the adjacent area are expressed. Two possible versions are assumed: the relict (Pleistocene) origin of the populations, and the introduction of seeds by waterfowl beards. In both cases, the probability of its hydrochoric dissemination in the vicinity is allowed.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):272-276
pages 272-276 views

Composition of Oligocene flora of Dyusembay (Central Kazakhstan) based on palynological data

Tarasevich V.F., Popova S.S.


The site of Dyusembay is located on the left bank of the Uly-Zhilanshik River of Dzhangeldy District of Kostanay Region, Central Kazakhstan. Here we present original palinologycal data for the most complete identification of the taxonomic composition of the flora and its ecological features aimed to the reconstruction of the vegetation of the surrounding area. The age of the studied deposits has been estimated as Late Oligocene. Eocene age is not supported since there are almost no evergreen elements in the composition, with the exception of Ilex and possibly Magnolia. The taxonomic composition of the flora indicates that the vegetation looked like a typical Turgay flora represented by warm-temperate coniferous and broad-leaved forests.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):277-292
pages 277-292 views


Alien vascular plant species new for the Republic of Karelia

Kravchenko A.V.


Information on alien vascular plants Anaphalis margaritacea, Aruncus dioicus, Cardamine flexuosa, Digitaria sanguinalis, Phedimus spurius, Saxifraga × urbium, Scilla luciliae, and Solanum villosum recorded in the Republic of Karelia for the first time is provided.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):293-296
pages 293-296 views

Expansion of the alien species Rubus procerus (Rosaceae) along railways of the city of Moscow and Moscow Region

Bochkov D.A.


Rubus procerus P.J. Müll. ex Boulay was identified as an alien species actively spreading along railways of Moscow and Moscow Region during the early 2020s. This work provides a morphological description of the species, an account of its diagnostic features, an overview of the known localities within the region, and a discussion of possible pathways of its invasion.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):297-305
pages 297-305 views


Scientific heritage of Peter Zakharovich Bosek (1909–1993)

Lebedko E.Y.


Biographical information about Peter Zakharovich Bosek (1909–1993), a famous Bryansk botanist and florist, is presented. His book "Plants of the Bryansk region: A reference guide" (Tula, 1975, 463 p.) remains the only regional summary so far.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):306-310
pages 306-310 views


In memory of Olga Vladimirovna Tscherneva (2.12.1929–29.06.2023)

Sytin A.K., Dorofeyev V.I., Krupkina L.I.


Olga Vladimirovna Tscherneva (1929–2023) was the oldest research worker of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the last of the authors of the “Flora of the USSR”, the long-term curator of the Central Asian sector of the Department of Herbarium of Higher Plants of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, the monographer of the most complicated genus Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae), an authoritative expert on many genera of the family Asteraceae, a recognized expert in the international community of botanists and taxonomists. O.V. Tscherneva personified the continuity of different generations of botanists, as well as the traditions of the Tashkent school of taxonomy.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):311-324
pages 311-324 views

In memory of Yuri Nikolaevich Gorbunov (23.06.1952–18.09.2023)

Senator S.А., Savinov I.А., Vinogradova Y.K., Gorbunova E.O.


Yuri Nikolaevich Gorbunov (1952–2023), a botanist-taxonomist, researcher of medicinal plant resources, morphologist, specialist in plant introduction, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, passed away. Biographical information about Yuri Gorbunov is provided, the scope of scientific interests and his contribution to botany are discussed.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(3):325-338
pages 325-338 views

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