
Solution of Levinthal’s paradox is possible at the level of the formation and assembly of protein secondary structures
Finkelstein A., Garbuzynskiy S.
The Topology of the Energy Landscapes of Macromolecules in the Torsion Angle Space and the Principle of the Minimum Energy Dissipation Rate in Conformational Relaxation
Shaitan K.
Conformational motion correlations in the formation of polypeptide secondary structure in a viscous medium
Shaitan K., Popelenskii F., Armeev G.
A periodic system of chiral structures in molecular biology
Tverdislov V., Malyshko E., Il’chenko S., Zhulyabina O., Yakovenko L.
Formation of collective conformational degrees of freedom during macromolecular chain folding dynamics in a viscous medium
Shaitan K., Lozhnikov M., Kobelkov G.
Features of Energy Landscape Topography in the Space of Torsion Angles for Macromolecules that Form Unique 3D Structures
Shaitan K.
Distribution of the energy dissipation rates among degrees of freedom during conformational movements and folding of a macromolecular chain in a viscous medium
Shaitan K.
Free-Energy Landscapes for Macromolecules that Form a Unique 3D Structure
Shaitan K.
An approach for the assessment of the order of disruption of the elements of protein structure upon protein unfolding: A study of carbonic anhydrase B
Melnik B., Nagibina G., Glukhov A., Melnik T.
Energy Landscapes of Macromolecules with Unique 3D Structures
Shaitan K.
Relaxation folding and the principle of the minimum rate of energy dissipation for conformational motions in a viscous medium
Shaitan K., Lozhnikov M., Kobelkov G.
Variational Principles in the Mechanics of Conformational Motions of Macromolecules in a Viscous Medium
Shaitan K.
Protein folding and stability in the presence of osmolytes
Fonin A., Uversky V., Kuznetsova I., Turoverov K.
1 - 13 из 13 результатов
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