Mechanism of action of the low-frequency electromagnetic field on aqueous solutions of biopolymers



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This paper presents the mechanism of signal transformation by which a signal from the magnetic component of the low-frequency electromagnetic field with extremely low energy is changed into chemical and biochemical signals which elicit a biological response in aqueous solutions of biopolymers based on nucleic acids and proteins. A theoretical model developed shows that the basis of oxidative DNA damage and conformational transitions of proteins is a universal mechanism associated with a change in the amount of the most long-lived form - hydrogen peroxide in a chemical oscillator of mutual transformations of reactive oxygen species under the influence of low-intensity electromagnetic field exposure. It has been experimentally established that the quantitative content of hydrogen peroxide in solutions of biopolymers resonantly depends on the frequency of applied field. Conformational changes in proteins are accompanied by an increase in the availability and activity of the nucleophilic centers that are potential targets for reactive oxygen species. Complete unfolding and denaturation of the amino acid chain of the protein under the influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure do not occur. It has been shown that enhanced hydrogen peroxide formation at 3 Hz and 50 Hz leads to oxidative modification of nitrogenous bases in DNA.

Sobre autores

E. Tekutskaya

Kuban State University

Krasnodar, Russia

G. Ilchenko

Kuban State University

Krasnodar, Russia

M. Baryshev

Kuban State Technological University

Krasnodar, Russia


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