
Recovery of Impaired Memory: Expression of c-Fos and Egr-1 Transcription Factors during Restoration of Damaged Engram in the Chick Brain
Tiunova A., Bezriadnov D., Komissarova N., Anokhin K.
Effect of light intensity under different photoperiods on expression level of carbonic anhydrase genes of the α- and β-families in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves
Rudenko N., Vetoshkina D., Fedorchuk T., Ivanov B.
Staphylococcus simulans recombinant lysostaphin: Production, purification, and determination of antistaphylococcal activity
Boksha I., Lavrova N., Grishin A., Demidenko A., Lyashchuk A., Galushkina Z., Ovchinnikov R., Umyarov A., Avetisian L., Chernukha M., Shaginian I., Lunin V., Karyagina A.
Translation Factor eIF5A, Modification with Hypusine and Role in Regulation of Gene Expression. eIF5A as a Target for Pharmacological Interventions
Turpaev K.
SkQ1 regulates expression of Nrf2, ARE-controlled genes encoding antioxidant enzymes, and their activity in cerebral cortex under oxidative stress
Vnukov V., Gutsenko O., Milyutina N., Kornienko I., Ananyan A., Plotnikov A., Panina S.
Gene expression characteristics and regulation mechanisms of superoxide dismutase and its physiological roles in plants under stress
Wang W., Xia M., Chen J., Yuan R., Deng F., Shen F.
Regulated Gene Expression as a Tool for Analysis of Heterochromatin Position Effect in Drosophila
Shatskikh A., Olenkina O., Solodovnikov A., Lavrov S.
Two variants of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) with additional protein domains: Synthesis in an Escherichia coli heterologous expression system
Karyagina A., Boksha I., Grunina T., Demidenko A., Poponova M., Sergienko O., Lyashchuk A., Galushkina Z., Soboleva L., Osidak E., Bartov M., Gromov A., Lunin V.
Glutathione reductase gene expression depends on chloroplast signals in Arabidopsis thaliana
Garnik E., Belkov V., Tarasenko V., Korzun M., Konstantinov Y.
Link Between Double-Strand DNA Break Hotspots and Transcription Regulation: Forum Domains — 50–250 kb Chromosome Regions Containing Coordinately Expressed Genes
Tchurikov N., Kravatsky Y., Kretova O.
Short exogenous peptides regulate expression of CLE, KNOX1, and GRF family genes in Nicotiana tabacum
Fedoreyeva L., Dilovarova T., Ashapkin V., Martirosyan Y., Khavinson V., Kharchenko P., Vanyushin B.
Role of nuclear constitutive androstane receptor in regulation of hepatocyte proliferation and hepatocarcinogenesis
Kazantseva Y., Pustylnyak Y., Pustylnyak V.
Expression of Soluble Active Interferon αA in Escherichia coli Periplasm by Fusion with Thermostable Lichenase Using the Domain Insertion Approach
Tyurin A., Kabardaeva K., Mustafaev O., Pavlenko O., Sadovskaya N., Fadeev V., Zvonova E., Goldenkova-Pavlova I.
Effects of short-term exposure to lithium on antiapoptotic Bcl-xL protein expression in cortex and hippocampus of rats after acute stress
Dygalo N., Bannova A., Sukhareva E., Shishkina G., Ayriyants K., Kalinina T.
Express sequence tag analysis – Identification of anseriformes trypsin genes from full-length cDNA library of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and characterization of their structure and function
Yu H., Cai S., Gao J., Wang C., Qiao X., Wang H., Feng L., Wang Y.
Lymphocyte Phosphatase-Associated Phosphoprotein Is a Substrate of Protein Kinase CK2
Tsoy T., Kruglova N., Filatov A.
Main Strategies of Plant Expression System Glycoengineering for Producing Humanized Recombinant Pharmaceutical Proteins
Rozov S., Permyakova N., Deineko E.
Optogenetic stimulation increases level of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL in Neurons
Lanshakov D., Drozd U., Dygalo N.
Plant DNA methyltransferase genes: Multiplicity, expression, methylation patterns
Ashapkin V., Kutueva L., Vanyushin B.
The Expression of Matryoshka Gene Encoding a Homologue of Kunitz Peptidase Inhibitor Is Regulated Both at the Level of Transcription and Translation
Sheshukova E., Komarova T., Ershova N., Bronstein A., Dorokhov Y.
Cell-free expression, purification, and characterization of the functional β2-adrenergic receptor for multianalyte detection of β-agonists
Wang J., Liu Y., Zhang J., Han Z., Wang W., Liu Y., Wei D., Huang W.
Participation of two carbonic anhydrases of the alpha family in photosynthetic reactions in Arabidopsis thaliana
Zhurikova E., Ignatova L., Rudenko N., Mudrik V., Vetoshkina D., Ivanov B.
SkQ1 Controls CASP3 Gene Expression and Caspase-3-Like Activity in the Brain of Rats under Oxidative Stress
Panina S., Gutsenko O., Milyutina N., Kornienko I., Ananyan A., Gvaldin D., Plotnikov A., Vnukov V.
Recombinant human erythropoietin with additional processable protein domains: Purification of protein synthesized in Escherichia coli heterologous expression system
Grunina T., Demidenko A., Lyaschuk A., Poponova M., Galushkina Z., Soboleva L., Cherepushkin S., Polyakov N., Grumov D., Solovyev A., Zhukhovitsky V., Boksha I., Subbotina M., Gromov A., Lunin V., Karyagina A.
Features of gene expression of Bacillus pumilus metalloendopeptidase
Rudakova N., Sabirova A., Balaban N., Tikhonova A., Sharipova M.
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