
Peptide Aβ(16-25) forms nanofilms in the process of its aggregation
Selivanova O., Gorbunova E., Mustaeva L., Grigorashvili E., Suvorina M., Surin A., Galzitskaya O.
Studies of the Process of Amyloid Formation by Aβ Peptide
Galzitskaya O., Galushko E., Selivanova O.
Determination of size of folding nuclei of fibrils formed from recombinant Aβ(1-40) peptide
Grigorashvili E., Selivanova O., Dovidchenko N., Dzhus U., Mikhailina A., Suvorina M., Marchenkov V., Surin A., Galzitskaya O.
Inhibition of amyloid aggregation of bovine serum albumin by sodium dodecyl sulfate at submicellar concentrations
Ma X., Zhang Y., Zeng C.
A glutamine/asparagine-rich fragment of Gln3, but not the full-length protein, aggregates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Antonets K., Sargsyan H., Nizhnikov A.
Distinct mechanisms of phenotypic effects of inactivation and prionization of Swi1 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Antonets K., Kliver S., Polev D., Shuvalova A., Andreeva E., Inge-Vechtomov S., Nizhnikov A.
Proteomic analysis of Escherichia coli protein fractions resistant to solubilization by ionic detergents
Antonets K., Volkov K., Maltseva A., Arshakian L., Galkin A., Nizhnikov A.
Effects of seeding on lysozyme amyloid fibrillation in the presence of epigallocatechin and polyethylene glycol
Kong L., Zeng C.
Biological basis for amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer’S disease
Andreeva T., Lukiw W., Rogaev E.
Inhibition of chaperonin GroEL by a monomer of ovine prion protein and its oligomeric forms
Kudryavtseva S., Stroylova Y., Zanyatkin I., Haertle T., Muronetz V.
Determination of regions involved in amyloid fibril formation for Aβ(1-40) peptide
Surin A., Grigorashvili E., Suvorina M., Selivanova O., Galzitskaya O.
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