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O svoystvakh metoda ortogonal'noy proektsii v zadache o konsensuse

Agaev R., Khomutov D.


The article is devoted to an asymptotic behavior of a multi-agent system with information links. We proved that the orthogonal projection method proposed for the regularization of the consensus protocol is characterized by a pseudoinverse matrix for the introduced auxiliary matrix for an arbitrary communication digraph of a multi-agent system. We cosidered the eigenprojection of the Laplacian matrix corresponding to the communication digraph, in which the influences on the fixed agent change proportionally. We obtained a number of results that are of independent importance and can be used in models of multi-agent systems with different protocols.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):3-20
pages 3-20 views

Identifikatsiya periodicheskikh rezhimov v dinamicheskoy sisteme

Naimov A., Bystretskiy M., Nazimov A.


For a dynamic system given by first-order ordinary differential equations, the problem of identification of periodic regimes is investigated. This problem is the establishment the periodicity of an arbitrary solution via the periodicity of the observed value of solution. The conditions under which the problem of identification of periodic regimes is solvable are found. Formulated and proven theorems supplement the well-known results on the observability of dynamic systems.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Stabilizatsiya kolebaniy upravlyaemoy avtonomnoy sistemy

Tkhay V.


We consider a smooth autonomous system in general form that admits a non-degenerate periodic solution. A global family (with respect to the parameter h) of nondegenerate periodic solutions is constructed, the law of monotonic variation of the period on the family is derived, and the existence of a reduced second-order system is proved. For it, the problem of stabilizing the oscillation of the controlled system, distinguished by the value of the parameter h, is solved. A smooth autonomous control is found, and an attracting cycle is constructed.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):29-44
pages 29-44 views

Usloviya skhodimosti dinamiki refleksivnogo kollektivnogo povedeniya v modeli oligopolii Kurno pri nepolnoy informatsii

Algazin G., Algazina D.


This paper considers a Cournot oligopoly model with an arbitrary number of rational agents under incomplete information in the classical case (linear cost and demand functions). Within the dynamic reflexive collective behavior model, at each time instant each agent adjusts his output, taking a step towards the maximum profit under the expected choice of the competitors. Convergence conditions to a Cournot–Nash equilibrium are analyzed using the errors transition matrices of the dynamics. Restrictions on the ranges of agents’ steps are imposed and their effect on the convergence properties of the dynamics is demonstrated. Finally, a method is proposed to determine the maximum step ranges ensuring the convergent dynamics of collective behavior for an arbitrary number of agents.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):45-60
pages 45-60 views

Povtornaya identifikatsiya lyudey v sistemakh videonablyudeniya s ispol'zovaniem glubokogo obucheniya: analiz sushchestvuyushchikh metodov

Chen K., Ignat'eva S., Bogush R., Ablameyko S.


This paper is devoted to a multifaceted analysis of person re-identification (ReID) in video surveillance systems and modern solution methods using deep learning. The general principles and application of convolutional neural networks for this problem are considered. A classification of person ReID systems is proposed. The existing datasets for training deep neural architectures are studied and approaches to increasing the number of images in databases are described. Approaches to forming human image features are considered. The backbone models of convolutional neural network architectures used for person ReID are analyzed and their modifications as well as training methods are presented. The effectiveness of person ReID is examined on different datasets. Finally, the effectiveness of the existing approaches is estimated in different metrics and the corresponding results are given

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):61-112
pages 61-112 views

Model' tselochislennogo lineynogo programmirovaniya kak matematicheskoe obespechenie sistemy optimal'nogo planirovaniya potokovogo proizvodstva na etape operativnogo grafikovaniya

Kibzun A., Rasskazova V.


The problem of optimal flow production planning at the operational scheduling stage is being studied, using the example of the out-of-furnace department of a converter-based steel-making production in the iron metallurgy industry. To solve this problem, a linear integer programming model is proposed, which fully describes the specifics of the investigated technological processes. A major advantage of this approach is its scalability for solving related optimization problems in the industry of plant logistics, as well as flexibility in adapting to changes and fine-tuning the system of constraints and objective function. The software implementation of the developed model forms the basis of the operational scheduling module of the optimal flow production planning system, which is used for a large-scale computational experiment on real-world data.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):113-132
pages 113-132 views

Dvukhetapnoe dinamicheskoe programmirovanie v zadache marshrutizatsii s elementami dekompozitsii

Chentsov A., Chentsov P.


This paper considers an optimal movement routing problem with constraints. One such constraint is due to decomposing the original problem into a preliminary subproblem and a final subproblem; the tasks related to the preliminary problem must be executed before the tasks of the final subproblem begin. In particular, this condition may arise in the tool control problem for thermal cutting machines with computer numerical control (CNC): if there are long parts among workpieces, the cutting process near a narrow material boundary should start with these workpieces since such parts are subject to thermal deformations, which may potentially cause rejects. The problem statement under consideration involves two zones for part processing. The aggregate routing process in the original problem includes a starting point, a route (a permutation of indices), and a particular track consistent with the route and the starting point. Each of the subproblems has specific precedence conditions, and the travel cost functions forming the additive criterion may depend on the list of pending tasks. A special two-stage procedure is introduced to apply dynamic programming as a solution method. The structure of the optimal solution is established and an algorithm based on this structure is developed. The algorithm is implemented on a personal computer and a computational experiment is carried out.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):133-164
pages 133-164 views

Pamyati Borisa Teodorovicha Polyaka

Tikhomirov V.
Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(5):165-167
pages 165-167 views