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编号 4 (2023)



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Optimizatsiya vysotno-skorostnogo profilya kreyserskogo poleta vozdushnogo sudna v real'noy atmosfere

Aleksandrov V., Zybin E., Kos'yanchuk V., Sel'vesyuk N., Stefanyuk E., Tremba A., Khlebnikov M.


This paper considers subsonic turbojet aircraft fuel consumption minimization problem during cruise phase, assuming fixed time of arrival. The problem takes into account real atmosphere data. We utilize tailwind/headwind component values at various flight levels, as well as air temperatures and atmospheric pressures at various altitudes. The solution to the altitude and speed flight profile optimization problem is through constrained coordinate descent method. The paper considers optimizing the fuel consumption of a medium-haul aircraft during the cruise phase using sample data set on temperature, pressure, and wind speed. The proposed approach achieves a decrease in fuel consumption of 1.2% when optimizing with regard to real atmosphere.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):3-18
pages 3-18 views

Eksperimental'nyy analiz algoritma otsenivaniya gel'derovoy eksponenty na baze kontseptsii ϵ-slozhnosti nepreryvnykh funktsiy

Dubnov Y., Popkov A., Darkhovskiy B.


This paper describes one method for estimating the Hölder exponent based on the 
-complexity of continuous functions, a concept formulated lately. Computational experiments are carried out to estimate the Hölder exponent for smooth and fractal functions and study the trajectories of discrete deterministic and stochastic systems. The results of these experiments are presented and discussed.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):19-34
pages 19-34 views

Issledovanie dinamicheskikh svoystv raspredelennoy termomekhanicheskoy sistemy s uchetom vnutrenney obratnoy svyazi. II

Solnechnyy E.


The dynamic properties of the response of a one-dimensional elastic mechanical system to an external mechanical action are examined. Transfer functions are calculated in two channels: from the force action at one of the system boundaries to the displacement of the medium sections and to the temperature. The asymptotic behavior of the transfer function is analyzed for each channel in the neighborhood of the origin on the complex plane. The case of no heat exchange between the system and the environment is considered separately.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):35-44
pages 35-44 views

Upravlenie dinamicheskimi sistemami pri ogranicheniyakh na vkhodnye i vykhodnye signaly

Furtat I., Gushchin P., Nguen ba khyu -.


This paper extends the method originally proposed in [1] to systems with an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs. The method ensures that these signals will be in given domains. Two sequential changes of coordinates are introduced to solve the problem. The first change reduces the plant’s output to a new variable of a dimension not exceeding that of the control vector (input). The second change allows passing from the control problem with constraints to the one without them. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated for two problems. The first problem is designing a state-feedback controller for linear systems with constraints imposed on the input and state variables. The second problem is designing an output-feedback controller for linear systems with constraints imposed on the output and input. In both problems, the stability of the closed loop system is verified in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The results are accompanied by simulation examples to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):45-63
pages 45-63 views

Sravnenie garantiruyushchego i kalmanovskogo fil'trov

Khlebnikov M.


We propose a new approach to filtering under arbitrary bounded exogenous disturbances based on reducing this problem to an optimization problem. The approach has a low computational complexity since only Lyapunov equations are solved at each iteration. At the same time, it possesses advantages essential from an engineering-practical point of view, namely, the possibilities to limit the filter matrix and to construct optimal filter matrices separately for each coordinate of the system’s state vector. A gradient method for finding the filter matrix is presented. According to the examples, the proposed recurrence procedure is rather effective and yields quite satisfactory results. This paper continues the series of research works devoted to feedback control design from an optimization perspective.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):64-95
pages 64-95 views

Optimizatsiya klasterno-variatsionnogo metoda postroeniya mnogopozitsionnoy pelengatsionnoy sistemy dlya usloviy apriornoy neopredelennosti

Bulychev Y., Chepel' E.


The possibility of constructing a multi-position direction finding system for the case of a priori uncertainty, based on the application of the principles of multiplication of single marks of the location of the emitting target (multistructure principle) and their subsequent partition into classes (clustering principle) is considered. The criteria and algorithms for detecting the resulting cluster and for constructing the optimal estimation of target location stable to anomalous measurement errors are presented, taking into account the time costs of their computer realization. Practical recommendations and results of comparative analysis of different algorithms are given.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):96-114
pages 96-114 views

Identifikatsiya kriticheskikh sostoyaniy tekhnologicheskikh protsessov na osnove metodov prediktivnoy analitiki

Kovalev S., Sukhanov A., Ol'geyzer I., Kornienko K.


The paper proposes a predictive approach to assessing special classes of dangerous states in the development of technological processes in order to make proactive decisions. The developed approach is based on a hybrid model based on the combination of an evidence-based classifier, fuzzy logic, and a Dempster–Shafer probabilistic scheme for evidence combination. The article presents a formal description of the predictor of critical states of the technological process. The resulting approach is universal and applicable in the automation of any complex technical systems. As an example, this article considers the application of the developed approach to solve the problem for assessing the safety of the technological process of shunting trains on a hump yard. The presented example shows the high efficiency and practical usefulness of the developed approach.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):115-130
pages 115-130 views

Postroenie effektivnykh investitsionnykh portfeley s veroyatnost'yu padeniya final'nogo kapitala investora nizhe ustanovlennogo urovnya v kachestve mery riska

Gridin V., Golubin A.


The paper presents a constructive description of the set of all efficient (Pareto-optimal) investment portfolios in a new setting, where the risk measure named “shortfall probability” (SP) is understood as the probability of a shortfall of investor’s capital below a prescribed level. Under a normality assumption, it is shown that SP has a generalized convexity property, the set efficient portfolios is constructed. Relations between the set of mean-SP and the set of mean-variance efficient portfolios as well as between mean-SP and mean-Value-at-Risk (VaR) sets of efficient portfolios are studied. It turns out that mean-SP efficient set is a proper subset of the mean-variance efficient set; interrelation with the mean-VaR efficient set is more complicated, however, mean-SP efficient set is proved to be a proper subset of mean-VaR efficient set under a sufficiently high confidence level. Besides a normal distribution, elliptic distributions are considered as an alternative for modeling the investor’s total return distribution. The obtained results provides the investor with a risk measure, that is more vivid than the variance and Value-at-Risk, and with determination of the corresponding set of effective portfolios.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):131-144
pages 131-144 views

Ob obshchey postanovke zadachi formirovaniya raspisaniya gruzoperevozok i sposobakh ee resheniya

Ignatov A.


A new mathematical model of transportation along the transport network represented by an undirected multigraph is formulated. A new criterion for the optimality of cargo carriages schedule is proposed. The criterion in addition to the time characteristics of transportation includes their cost, the number of undelivered cargoes. The problem to find the optimal schedule is formulated as a problem of mixed integer linear programming. Various variants of the algorithm for searching for an approximate solution to the problem are proposed. Informative examples are considered.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):145-165
pages 145-165 views

Boris Teodorovich Polyak (1935-2023)

Khlebnikov M., Nazin A., Shcherbakov P.
Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(4):166-168
pages 166-168 views