Upravlenie dinamicheskimi sistemami pri ogranicheniyakh na vkhodnye i vykhodnye signaly

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This paper extends the method originally proposed in [1] to systems with an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs. The method ensures that these signals will be in given domains. Two sequential changes of coordinates are introduced to solve the problem. The first change reduces the plant’s output to a new variable of a dimension not exceeding that of the control vector (input). The second change allows passing from the control problem with constraints to the one without them. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated for two problems. The first problem is designing a state-feedback controller for linear systems with constraints imposed on the input and state variables. The second problem is designing an output-feedback controller for linear systems with constraints imposed on the output and input. In both problems, the stability of the closed loop system is verified in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The results are accompanied by simulation examples to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

About the authors

I. B Furtat

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: cainenash@mail.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

P. A Gushchin

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: guschin.p@mail.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

- Nguen ba khyu

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: leningrat206@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia


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