Method for Unmanned Vehicles Automatic Positioning Based on Signal Radially Symmetric Markers Recognition of Underwater Targets




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The article describes a method for automatically recognizing the target points of the trajectories of unmanned vehicles moving underwater, such as autonomous submarines and flying underwater vehicles of aircraft-like structures. The coordinate of the center of an object with radial symmetry properties is considered a terminal control point. A method for constructing a multiscale weighted image model based on the developed fast radial symmetry transformation and the Hough method is proposed, which ensures noise stability and high speed of calculating the coordinates of the desired point. When the object of interest has a contour of a specific color, a model is based on our proposed chromatic and weight components. As an example of detection, we have given an algorithm for detecting a base underwater station with light markers as a signal luminous ring


R. Shakirzyanov

Tupolev National Research Technical University

Kazan, Russia

M. Shleymovich

Tupolev National Research Technical University

Kazan, Russia

S. Novikova

Tupolev National Research Technical University

Kazan, Russia


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