Usloviya skhodimosti dinamiki refleksivnogo kollektivnogo povedeniya v modeli oligopolii Kurno pri nepolnoy informatsii



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This paper considers a Cournot oligopoly model with an arbitrary number of rational agents under incomplete information in the classical case (linear cost and demand functions). Within the dynamic reflexive collective behavior model, at each time instant each agent adjusts his output, taking a step towards the maximum profit under the expected choice of the competitors. Convergence conditions to a Cournot–Nash equilibrium are analyzed using the errors transition matrices of the dynamics. Restrictions on the ranges of agents’ steps are imposed and their effect on the convergence properties of the dynamics is demonstrated. Finally, a method is proposed to determine the maximum step ranges ensuring the convergent dynamics of collective behavior for an arbitrary number of agents.

Sobre autores

G. Algazin

Altai State University

Barnaul, Russia

D. Algazina

Altai State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Barnaul, Russia


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