Velocity of Flow on Regular Non-Homogeneous Open One-Dimensional Net with Non-Symmetrical Arrangement of Nodes



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A system is studied such that this system belongs to the class of dynamical systems called the Buslaev nets. This class has been developed for the purpose of creating traffic models on network structures such that, for these models, analytical results can be obtained. There may be other network applications of Buslaev nets. The considered system is called an open chain of contours. Segments called clusters move along circumferences (contours) according to prescribed rules. For each contour (except the leftmost and rightmost contours) there are two adjacent contours. Each of the leftmost and rightmost contours has one adjacent contour. There is a common point (node) for any two adjacent contours. Results have been obtained on the average velocity of cluster movement, taking into account delays during the passage through nodes. These results generalize the results obtained previously for a particular case of the system under consideration.

Sobre autores

A. Bugaev

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Moscow, Russia

M. Yashina

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction Technical University; Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics; Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

A. Tatashev

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction Technical University; Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia


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