Investigation of the Effect of the Errors of Limb Darkening Coefficients on the Geometric Parameters of a Binary System with an Exoplanet




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Based on the observed light curves of Kepler-5, Kepler-6, Kepler-7, HD 209458, a search was made for the geometric parameters of a binary system with an exoplanet for different values of the limb darkening coefficients of the parent star. It is shown that for the observed light curves with relative accuracy 10−4−10−5, an error by a factor of several times in the value of the limb darkening coefficient does not significantly affect the values of the planet radius, stellar radius, and orbital inclination.


M. Abubekerov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute

Moscow, Russia

N. Gostev

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute

Moscow, Russia


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