Effect of the Eccentricity of the Planet’s Orbit on the Limb Darkening Coefficients of the Eclipsed Star




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It is shown that the introduction of a small orbital eccentricity into the model of a binary system with an exoplanet, which is allowed by errors in determining the radial velocities of the eclipsed star, makes possible to significantly reduce and even eliminate the difference in the wavelength dependences between the observed and theoretical values of the limb darkening coefficients of the star HD 209458.


E. Bekesov

Sternberg Astronomical Institute; Moscow State University

Email: egor03121996@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

A. Cherepashchuk

Sternberg Astronomical Institute; Moscow State University

Email: cherepashchuk@gmail.com
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia


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