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Volume 59, Nº 6 (2023)


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On Turbulent Helicity in the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere

Solenaya О., Shishov Е., Chkhetiani О., Azizyan G., Koprov V.


Synchronous measurements of vorticity and velocity in the boundary layer of the atmosphere were carried out using the original 3-component acoustic circulator developed at the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Physical Physics in 2019–2020. The measurements were carried out in summer at the Tsimlyansk scientific station (in 2021, 2022) at altitudes of 1.75 and 30 m. For different realizations, turbulent helicity has negative values on average, which is possibly due to the presence of local (breeze) winds. The observed spectra of turbulent helicity exhibit a slope close to –5/3, which corresponds to the transfer of helicity along the spectrum towards small scales (direct cascade). Spectrum slopes of –4/3 are also observed, and in the low-frequency region – –1, associated with the convective component, wind shear, and submesoscale structures. The components of the turbulent vortex flow are calculated. The helicity values agree with the previously measured and theoretical estimates obtained for neutral conditions.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):675-685
pages 675-685 views

Comparison of Cluster Analysis Methods for Identification of Weather Regimes in Euro-Atlantic Region for Winter and Summer Seasons

Babanov B., Semenov V., Mokhov I.


Various methods of cluster analysis are used for identification of large-scale atmospheric circulation regimes or weather regimes (WRs). In this paper we compare four most commonly used clustering methods – k-means (KM), Ward’s hierarchical clustering (HW), Gaussian mixture model (GM) and self-organizing maps (SOM) to analyze WRs in Euro-Atlantic region. The data used for WRs identification are 500 hPa geopotential height fields (z500) from the ERA5 reanalysis for the 1940–2022 period. Four classical wintertime weather regimes are identified by the KM method – two regimes associated with positive and negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO+ and NAO–), a regime associated with the Scandinavian blocking (SB) and a regime characterized by elevated pressure over the Northern Atlantics. For summer months KM method gets WRs that are similar by their spatial structure to the classical winter ones. The SOM method yields results that are almost identical to the results of KM method. Unlike KM and SOM methods, HW and GM do not catch the spatial structure of all four classical winter Euro-Atlantic weather regimes and their summer analogues. Compared to WRs of the KM and SOM methods, WRs obtained by HW and GM methods explain less z500 variance, they have different occurrences, persistence and transition features. Summer and winter WRs obtained by HW and GM methods are less similar to each other compared to WRs provided by KM method. Average spatial correlation coefficients between mean z500 fields of WRs obtained by KM and HW methods are 0.76 in winter and 0.83 in summer, 0.70 in winter and 0.72 in summer for KM and GM methods and 0.41 in winter and 0.44 in summer for the regimes between HW and GM methods, respectively. There are statistically significant trends of seasonal occurrence of WRs found by some of the studied clustering methods – a positive trend for the occurrence of the NAO+ regime and a negative trend for the occurrence of the NAO– regime.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):686-706
pages 686-706 views

The Response of the Tropospheric Dynamics to Extreme States of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex during Enso Phases in Idealized Model Experiments

Zyulyaeva Y., Sobaeva D., Gulev S.


Extreme states of the stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) affect the average position of the main propagation trajectories of synoptic vortices in the Northern Hemisphere over a time period from 2 weeks to 2 months. This time scale is considered to be one of the most difficult periods in forecasting. Based on the analysis of data from idealized numerical experiments on the Isca platform, we studied the processes of formation of anomalous positions of storm tracks in the Atlantic-European region as a response to sudden stratospheric warmings and events of extremely strong SPV during various phases of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. It was shown that in winter it is impossible to say unambiguously about the southward displacement of the Atlantic storm track during El Niño events without taking into account the intensity of SPV. The intensity of SPV, expressed as the zonal component of wind speed, averaged along 60° N at the level of 10 hPa, has its maximum predictive potential during El Niño.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):707-719
pages 707-719 views

Seasonal Variations in Stratospheric Circulation and Interactions between the Troposphere and the Stratosphere

Perevedentsev Y., Ismagilov N., Mirsaeva N., Guryanov V., Nikolaev A., Shantalinsky K.


Based on the data of the ERA5 reanalysis, the dates of spring and autumn rearrangements of the stratospheric circulation on isobaric surfaces of 30, 20 and 10 gPa in the latitude zone of 30–90° C. in the period 1979–2020 were obtained. Of the 42 cases of spring restructuring, 10 belong to the early, 15 to the middle and 17 to the late. The spread in the dates of spring rearrangements on the surface of 10 hPa is 69 days. Most often, the spring restructuring of the circulation occurs from top to bottom, in some years, the delay of spring restructuring on the surface of 30 gPa relative to the surface of 10 gPa reaches 22–25 days. Autumn perestroika takes place from the bottom up and their terms at the 3 levels under consideration are close to each other. The relationship between the timing of the spring restructuring of the stratospheric circulation with solar activity and large sudden winter stratospheric warming is shown. Analysis of the fields of anomalies of daily temperature values and zonal wind velocity in the 1000-1 hPa layer in the period January-May showed their significant spatio-temporal difference in the case of early and late spring perestroika. Thus, foci of positive anomalies of temperature and wind speed are formed initially in the upper stratosphere, and then shifted from top to bottom. The interrelations between the layers of the atmosphere in different seasons are considered.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):720-730
pages 720-730 views

Atmospheric Planetary Waves at Ionospheric Heights Measured at the Moscow Observatory (IZMIRAN)

Riabova S., Shalimov S.


The variations of the ionospheric current in the lower ionosphere and the plasma density of the upper ionosphere have been studied based on the monitoring of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field induction and high-frequency sounding of the critical frequency of the ionosphere F-layer at the Moscow Observatory. It is shown that in the spectra of time variations of the geomagnetic field and the critical frequency of the F2 layer in the range of planetary waves in winter, there are both harmonics associated with solar activity and harmonics corresponding to quasi-5, 10, and 16-day planetary waves. Involvement of geomagnetic field registration data for a twenty-year time interval (from 2001 to 2020) made it possible to identify more subtle effects, namely, the harmonics associated with the modulation effect of longer-period variations and tidal effects were identified.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):731-739
pages 731-739 views

Anomalous Selective Absorption of Smoke Aerosol during Forest Fires in Alaska in July–August 2019

Gorchakov G., Kopeikin V., Gushchin R., Karpov A., Semoutnikova E., Datsenko O., Ponomareva T.


According to the monitoring data of the optical and microphysical characteristics of smoke aerosol at AERONET stations during forest fires in the summer of 2019 in Alaska, anomalous selective absorption of smoke aerosol was detected in the visible and near infrared spectral range from 440 to 1020 nm. With anomalous selective absorption, the imaginary part of the refractive index of smoke aerosol reached 0.315 at a wavelength of 1020 nm. A power-law approximation of the spectral dependence of the imaginary part of the refractive index with an exponent from 0.26 to 2.35 is proposed. It is shown that for anomalous selective absorption, power-law approximations of the spectral dependences of the aerosol optical extinction and absorption depths are applicable with an Angstrom exponent from 0.96 to 1.65 for the aerosol optical extinction depth and from 0.97 to –0.89 for the aerosol optical absorption depth, which reached 0.72. Single scattering albedo varied from 0.62 to 0.96. In the size distribution of smoke aerosol particles with anomalous selective absorption, the fine fraction of particles of condensation origin dominated. The similarity of the fraction of particles distinguished by anomalous selective absorption with the fraction of tar balls detected by electron microscopy in smoke aerosol, which, apparently, arise during the condensation of terpenes and their oxygen-containing derivatives, is noted.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):740-753
pages 740-753 views

Conditionally Background Level of Aerosol Pollution of Near-Surface Air in Moscow and One of Its Suburbs: Seasonal Variations

Gubanova D., Vinogradova A., Lezina E., Iordanskii M., Isakov A.


The data of continuous observations of aerosol composition in the near-surface atmosphere in Moscow (in the city center) and in Moscow region (near Zvenigorod, Moscow region) for three years, from autumn 2019 to the end of 2022, are analyzed. The obtained data were compared with the results of observations on the Moscow network stations “Mosecomonitoring”. The concept of conditionally background aerosol pollution of the atmosphere in Moscow is introduced for those days when the average daily concentration of PM10 is less than the MPC value (60 µg/m3). Previously, the authors found that all episodes of increased aerosol pollution in Moscow with daily average PM10 concentration higher than the MPC value, are associated either with the presence of a close local source in the city itself, or with the long-range transport of fire aerosols and/or dust from other territories to the Moscow region. The average daily PM2.5 concentration in the city and the suburb is lower than the MPC (35 µg/m3) all year round. The days corresponding to the introduced conditional background make up more than 91% over three years in the center of Moscow. Such a conditional background is formed by both natural and anthropogenic sources of aerosols, and not only of local, but also of remote origin. It implicitly takes into account the influence of meteorological conditions on sources and sinks of aerosols, as well as advective air mass transport of aerosol to and from the city. Seasonal variations in mass concentration of PM10, PM2.5 particles and individual chemical elements, as well as in the distribution of chemical elements by the size of aerosol particles in near-surface atmosphere under conditionally background pollution are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the similarity and difference in the conditionally background near-surface aerosol for the city and the suburb in different seasons.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):754-773
pages 754-773 views

Estimation of Spatial Distribution of Potential Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosol from Local Measurements Near St. Petersburg

Vlasenko S., Ivanova O., Ryshkevich T., Mikhailov E.


The results of back-trajectory analysis of nine-year (2013–2021) measurements of organic (OC) and elemental (EC) aerosol carbon concentrations made at the atmospheric monitoring station near St. Petersburg (Peterhof, 59.88° N, 29.83° E) are presented. The spatial location of sources was estimated by the concentration weighted trajectory method (CWT) in the geographic area 16°–44° E × 48°–68° N. The obtained data allow us to identify the territories with the strongest organic and elemental carbon emissions and to estimate the seasonal variability of these emissions. In particular, the obtained estimates show that the most intense sources of organic and elemental aerosol carbon in the studied region are located in the Volga-Oka interfluve and on the adjacent territories. It is demonstrated that linear regression coefficients between CWT function values for organic and elemental carbon differ for different regions and seasons and may indicate the prevailing type of sources of carbon-containing aerosol particles.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):774-785
pages 774-785 views

Explosive Growth of Asymmetric Disturbances in a Flow with Vertical Shear

Kalashnik М.


The classical problem of geophysical hydrodynamics is the problem of the instability of a zonal geostrophic flow with a vertical velocity shear. At present, the instability with respect to symmetric perturbations that do not depend on the coordinate along the flow has been most thoroughly studied. For a symmetric instability to arise, the two-dimensional perturbation wave vector must lie inside a certain sector in the vertical plane of the wave numbers. In this paper, we study the instability with respect to asymmetric perturbations oriented at an angle to the flow. Fundamentally new features of the temporal dynamics of the amplitudes of such perturbations are found. The main feature is associated with the existence of a stage of exponential explosive growth of finite duration. A kinematic interpretation of this stage is given, which is related to the passage of the vertical projection of the perturbation wave vector through the sector of symmetric instability.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):786-792
pages 786-792 views

Contributions of Nonlinear Spectral Components to the Probability Distribution of Rogue Waves Based on the Results of Numerical Simulation of the Euler Equations

Slunyaev A.


The contributions of various wave components (second, third and difference harmonics) to the formation of probability distributions of extreme wave heights, as well as amplitudes of crests and troughs, are evaluated based on the direct numerical simulation of irregular nonlinear deep water waves within three-dimensional potential equations of hydrodynamics. The simulation results taking into account 4- and 5-wave nonlinear interactions are analyzed. Different non-linear harmonics participate in the formation of the probability distributions in nontrivial way, essentially not satisfying the principles of linear superposition and ordering of the contribution by the parameter of weak nonlinearity.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):793-814
pages 793-814 views

Variational Data Assimilation for Ocean Thermodynamics Model and Sensitivity of Marine Characteristics to Observation Errors

Shutyaev V., Parmuzin E.


The methodology of variational assimilation of observational data for the restoration of the initial state and heat fluxes for the mathematical model of sea thermodynamics is presented. An algorithm is developed for estimating the sensitivity of a model solution to errors in observational data. Calculation of the gradient of the response function of the model solution is based on the use of the Hessian of the cost functional. The results of numerical experiments for the Black Sea dynamics model developed at INM RAS are presented.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(6):815-824
pages 815-824 views

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