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编号 4 (2023)



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Direct Lyapunov Method in the Problem of Ensuring the Stability of a Compact Minimum Set of a Dynamic System and the Formation of a Halo-Orbit Near the Lagrange Point L2

Stepanyants G.


The efficiency of using the direct Lyapunov method for ensuring the stability of motion in compact invariant sets of finite-dimensional dynamical systems is shown. In the linear model of the restricted three-body problem, the possibility of ensuring the asymptotic stability of the periodic motion of a spacecraft (SC) in the vicinity of the collinear Lagrange point L2 using light pressure forces without the consumption of the working fluid is considered. The required area of control surfaces is estimated depending on the mass of the SC.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):3-16
pages 3-16 views

New Two-Level Machine Learning Method for Evaluating the Real Characteristics of Objects

Dokukin A., Sen’ko O.


A new two-level ensemble regression method, as well as its modifications and application in applied problems, are considered. The key feature of the method is its focus on constructing an ensemble of predictors that approximate the target variable well and, at the same time, consist of algorithms that, if possible, differ from each other in terms of the calculated predictions. The ensemble with the indicated properties at the first stage is constructed through the optimization of a special functional, whose choice is theoretically substantiated in this study. At the second stage, a collective solution is calculated based on the forecasts formed by this ensemble. In addition, some heuristic modifications are described that have a positive effect on the quality of the forecast in applied problems. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the results obtained for specific applied problems.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):17-24
pages 17-24 views


Three-Dimensional Reachability Set For a Dubins Car: Reduction of the General Case of Rotation Constraints to the Canonical Case

Patsko V., Fedotov A.


In mathematical control theory, a Dubins car is a nonlinear motion model described by differential relations, in which the scalar control determines the instantaneous angular rate of rotation. The value of the linear velocity is assumed to be constant. The phase vector of the system is three-dimensional. It includes two coordinates of the geometric position and one coordinate having the meaning of the angle of inclination of the velocity vector. This model is popular and is used in various control tasks related to the motion of an aircraft in a horizontal plane, with a simplified description of the motion of a car, small surface and underwater vehicles, etc. Scalar control can be constrained either by a symmetric constraint (when the minimum rotation radii to the left and right are the same) or asymmetric constraint (when rotation is possible in both directions, but the minimum rotation radii are not the same). Usually, problems with symmetric and asymmetric constraints are considered separately. It is shown that when constructing the reachability set at the moment, the case of an asymmetric constraint can be reduced to a symmetric case.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):25-49
pages 25-49 views


On the Implementation of Information Technology for Refining the Ephemerides of GLONASS Spacecraft Based on the Use of Advanced Intersatellite Measurement Hardware

Krasil’schikov M., Kruzhkov D., Pasynkov V.


The necessary conditions for the implementation of information technology, which ensure the autonomy of operation while improving the accuracy of the ephemerides and clocks of the existing midaltitude segment of GLONASS, are substantiated. The discussed technology includes methods and algorithms for improving the accuracy of forecasting and refining the ephemerides of navigation spacecraft (NSC) in an inertial coordinate system, predicting and refining the evolution of the Earth’s rotation parameters, and precise synchronization of onboard clocks. Attention is paid to creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the first of these components of the proposed technology, which provides prediction and refinement of the ephemerides in an inertial coordinate system, including in the autonomous mode of satellite constellations. The component is implemented in the form of a block of special procedures for using equipment for measuring distances between satellites. In this case, a number of technical problems and related limitations arise that prevent the successful use of such equipment in solving the problem of NSC ephemerides refinement. The approaches and methods proposed by the authors, which are designed to overcome some of the problems and limitations and, ultimately, to improve the accuracy of the formed estimates of NSC ephemerides based on processing the intersatellite measurements formed using the onboard hardware, are described.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):50-58
pages 50-58 views


Optimal Finite-Dimensional Controller of the Stochastic Differential Object’s State by Its Output. I. Incomplete Precise Measurements

Rudenko E.


The well-known problem of synthesizing the optimal on the average and on given time interval of the inertial control law for a continuous stochastic object if only a part of its state variables are accurately measured is considered. Due to the practical unrealizability of its classical infinite-dimensional Stratonovich-Mortensen solution, it is proposed to limit ourselves to optimizing the structure of a finite-dimensional dynamic controller, whose order is chosen by the user. This finiteness allows using a truncated version of the a posteriori probability density that satisfies a deterministic partial differential integrodifferential equation. Using the Krotov extension principle, sufficient optimality conditions for the structural functions of the controller and the Lagrange–Pontryagin equation for finding their extremals are obtained. It is shown that in particular cases of the absence of measurements, complete measurements and taking into account only the values of incomplete measurements, the proposed controller turns out to be static (inertialess), and the relations for its synthesis coincide with the known ones. For a dynamic controller, algorithms for finding each of its structural functions are given.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):59-74
pages 59-74 views


Problem of the Boundary Control of Oscillations of a Sample of a Layered Two-Phase Composite Material

Egorova A., Shamaev A.


We consider the problem of the boundary control of one-dimensional oscillations of an effective (averaged) medium corresponding to a two-phase medium consisting of periodically alternating layers of elastic and viscoelastic materials with long-term memory or various viscoelastic materials with Kelvin–Voigt friction and long-term memory. The averaged model is described by a boundary value problem for an integrodifferential equation. It is shown that for this model, it is impossible to bring oscillations to a state of rest in finite time (in contrast to the equation of string oscillations) by a force acting at one end of the band. A hypothesis is formulated on the possibility of bringing the specified object to a state of rest with the help of force effects distributed along the entire length of the object.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):75-83
pages 75-83 views


First and Second Order Signatures of Extreme Uniform Hypergraphs and Their Relationship with Vectors of the Vertex Degrees

Goltsova T., Egorova E., Leonov V., Mokryakov A.


The adjacency matrices of extremal 3-uniform hypergraphs occupy a significant amount of computer memory. The solution of two problems is considered: to propose an efficient way of representing and storing such matrices and to find fast algorithms that allow us to operate just with vectors of the vertex degrees and signatures (characteristics of adjacency matrices), without using adjacency matrices in memory. As part of the first task, a second-order signature that uniquely defines an extremal 3-uniform hypergraph without using its adjacency matrix is described. A mechanism for compressing the second-order signature is also proposed, which contributes to greater storage efficiency. For the second problem, a number of algorithms are presented to describe the relationship between the vector of the vertex degrees and signatures of both the first and second orders. In addition, it is shown that an arbitrary second-order signature constructed under a number of constraints always has an extremal 3-uniform hypergraph corresponding to it.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):84-97
pages 84-97 views


Machine Learning for Software Technical Debt Detection

Kachanov V., Markov S., Tsurkov V.


The problem of technical debt arises when part of software source code is upgrading not directly, but is fixed in the second place as outdated. Three corresponding models are presented. Machine learning is used to find code smells. The effectiveness of the approach for specific data is established and the prospect of expanding to a greater number of different cases is outlined.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):98-104
pages 98-104 views

Rapid Goal-Setting in Hierarchical Groups of Active Objects: I. Selected Group

Galikhanov S., Fedunov B., Yunevich N.


This article studies the problems of rapid goal-setting in hierarchical groups of active (anthropocentric) objects, by which the authors mean, primarily, groups of aircraft, united by the initial and situationally arising missions. A group of objects are assigned a mission before they start functioning. When a group performs the given mission in a deliberately or passively antagonistic environment, the following collision occurs: “Mission stage in progress: immediate threat to the mission.” This forces the group to solve the problem of rapid goal setting. A methodology for solving such problems is created, which entails conducting a system analysis of the subject area to identify the composition and interaction of the tactical-level onboard intelligent systems necessary to solve these problems; the presence of previously developed subject-independent images of the knowledge bases of the identified intelligent systems; and saturation of the knowledge bases of these systems with specific information (the mission being performed, the threat that has arisen, and specific information of the means of counteracting it available at the facilities). The resulting solution to the problem of rapid goal setting at unmanned facilities is immediately sent for implementation, and at facilities with a crew, the solution is implemented only with their consent. An illustrative example of solving a practically significant task of rapid goal-setting in aviation problems is given.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):105-120
pages 105-120 views

Privileged Learning Using Regularization in the Problem of Evaluating the Human Posture

Kaprielova M., Neichev R., Tikhonova A.


The problem of evaluating a person’s posture from video data is solved. Various key points of the human body are analyzed. We study the change in the accuracy of a fixed model when using different proportions in the regularization term of the loss function. It is shown that for a fixed number of training epochs, the accuracy of the model differs depending on the selected proportions. In addition, it is shown that the linear correlation between the trajectories of the key points that are part of the regularization term is not the main criterion for predicting the effectiveness of applying the regularization term of the loss function.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):121-124
pages 121-124 views


Analytical Quasi-Optimal Algorithm for the Programmed Control of the Angular Motion of a Spacecraft

Molodenkov A., Sapunkov Y.


The problem of the optimal program control of the angular motion of a spacecraft (SC) as a rigid body with a quadratic functional of the energy spent on the maneuver of the SC and a fixed time of the transition process is investigated. The dynamic configuration of the SC and the boundary conditions are arbitrary and the control vector function is not limited. In the Poinsot concept, using the Pontryagin maximum principle, a quasi-optimal analytical solution of the problem is obtained, which is developed into an algorithm. Confirming numerical examples are given, showing the proximity of the quasi-optimal solution to the optimal solution of the problem.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):125-136
pages 125-136 views

Optimal Control of the Reorientation of a Spacecraft in the Given Time with a Quadratic Performance Criterion Related to the Control and Phase Variables

Levskii M.


The problem of the dynamic optimal turn of a spacecraft (SC) from an arbitrary initial to the required final angular position is considered and solved. The time required for the turn is fixed. To optimize the rotation control program, a combined quality criterion is used, the minimized functional characterizes the energy costs and combines the costs of control forces and the rotation energy integral in the given proportion. The problem is solved analytically. The construction of the optimal turn control is based on quaternion models and the maximum principle of L.S. Pontryagin. The optimality conditions are written in analytical form, and the properties of the optimal motion are studied. Formalized equations and calculation expressions are given to determine the optimal turning program. The control law is formulated as an explicit dependence of the control variables on the phase coordinates. Analytical equations and relations are written out for finding the optimal motion of the SC. The key relationships are given that determine the optimal values of the parameters of the rotation control algorithm. A constructive scheme for solving the boundary value problem of the maximum principle for arbitrary turning conditions is also described. For an axisymmetric SC, a complete solution of the reorientation problem in a closed form is given. An example and results of the mathematical modeling of the SC’s motion dynamics under the optimal control are given, demonstrating the practical feasibility of the developed method for controlling the spatial orientation of an SC.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):137-152
pages 137-152 views

Stabilization of Programmed Motions of Constrained Mechanical Systems

Golubev A.


The problem of the stabilization of programmed trajectories of mechanical systems, taking the constraints on the values of generalized coordinates, velocities, and accelerations into account, is considered. The control is built using the backstepping method in combination with the use of logarithmic Lyapunov barrier functions. The stabilizing feedbacks obtained in this study, in contrast to similar known results, do not lead to an unlimited increase in the values of the control variables when the state variables of the system approach the boundary values. As an example, the problem of constructing and stabilizing the trajectory of the spatial motion of an underwater vehicle is considered.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):153-167
pages 153-167 views


On the Skating Motion of a Robot Controlled by an Internal Flywheel

Klimina L., Shalimova E.


The motion of an axisymmetric robot controlled by a flywheel mounted on it is considered. It is assumed that the body of the robot is in contact with the plane at three points, while the force of dry anisotropic friction acts at two points, and at the third point the friction is isotropic. The control of the internal flywheel, which ensures the movement of the object in the given direction, is built. The dependence of the average velocity of the center of mass of the robot on the parameters of the system is studied.

Teoriâ i sistemy upravleniâ. 2023;(4):168-176
pages 168-176 views