
Distribution of Desalinated Waters of the Amur Estuary in the Okhotsk Sea According to Satellite Observations
Andreev A.
Determination of the chlorophyll a concentration by MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS satellite radiometers in Eastern Arctic and Bering Sea
Salyuk P., Stepochkin I., Bukin O., Sokolova E., Mayor A., Shambarova J., Gorbushkin A.
Manifestation specifics of hydrodynamic processes in satellite images of intense phytoplankton bloom areas
Lavrova O., Mityagina M.
A two-channel method for retrieval of the Black Sea surface temperature from Landsat-8 measurements
Aleskerova A., Kubryakov A., Stanichny S.
Satellite Monitoring of Temperature Conditions near the Mouths of Spawning Rivers in the Southern Part of Sakhalin Island
Lozhkin D., Tskhay Z., Shevchenko G.
Sea surface wind and Sea ice in the Barents Sea using microwave sensing data from Meteor-M N1 and GCOM-W1 satellites in January–March 2013
Mitnik L., Mitnik M., Chernyavsky G., Cherny I., Vykochko A., Pichugin M., Zabolotskikh E.
Phenomenon of the Asian Monsoon Penetrating to Northern Asia
Pokrovsky O.
Analysis of variations in the surface temperature of tropical and Northern Pacific Ocean
Kuzin V., Lobanov A.
Experimental studies of thermal radiation intensity dependence on near-water wind speed for rough sea surface
Sazonov D., Kuzmin A., Sadovsky I.
Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017
Lozhkin D., Shevchenko G.
Correcting for Cryoprecipitation in the Calibration of IR Channels of the MSU-MR Radiometer
Alexanin A., Gektin Y., Diakov S., Zaitsev A., Kachur V.
A study of sea-wave spectra in a wide wavelength range from satellite and in-situ data
Bondur V., Dulov V., Murynin A., Yurovsky Y.
Simulation of the spatiotemporal variability of the World Ocean sea surface hight by the INM climate models
Iakovlev N., Volodin E., Gritsun A.
Interannual and Intra-Monthly Fluctuations of the Wind Field and Sea Surface Temperature in the West African Upwelling Region Based on Satellite Data
Polonsky A., Serebrennikov A.
1 - 14 из 14 результатов
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