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Том 55, № 5 (2019)


Dynamic–Stochastic Parametrization of Cloudiness in the General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere

Galin V., Dymnikov V.


The method of Dynamic–Stochastic parametrization of the nonconvective cloud amount in the general circulation model of the atmosphere is formulated. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on the basis of the general circulation model of the atmosphere with the specified temperature of the ocean surfaces. The results of calculations are compared to the satellite observation data and to the results of calculations of the cloud amounts performed using a coupled high-resolution atmosphere–ocean general circulation model. This approach looks highly promising in the results.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):381-385
pages 381-385 views

Effect of Changes in Global Temperature and Radiative Forcing on the General Atmospheric Circulation

Bogdanov M., Morozova S.


Possible connections are studied between the monthly average values of the wind angular moment module and the anomaly of the globally averaged surface temperature and a change in radiative forcing. The existence of a statistically significant positive linear correlation between these characteristics is shown. The results are in accordance with the conclusions of the theory of the similarity of planetary atmospheres.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):386-388
pages 386-388 views

Modeling an Urban Heat Island during Extreme Frost in Moscow in January 2017

Yushkov V., Kurbatova M., Varentsov M., Lezina E., Kurbatov G., Miller E., Repina I., Artamonov A., Kallistratova M.


Using the example of an analysis of an extreme lowering of temperature in Moscow in January 2017, the horizontal and vertical extent of the urban heat island against the background of a strong stable stratification of the atmospheric boundary layer is studied. The possibilities of measuring and monitoring the vertical structure of the atmosphere using ground-based remote sensing are investigated. The capabilities of the mesoscale model WRF, adapted for a detailed description of mixing processes in the atmospheric boundary layer, in reproducing the spatial dynamics of the temperature anomaly are demonstrated. The numerical estimates of the amplitude and vertical extent of the urban heat island are compared with the measurement accuracy and the total errors of the numerical predictions. A comparison of measurement data and numerical simulation results on the WRF model, using the example of a winter urban heat island in January 2017, showed that mesoscale synoptic models so far only capture the main features of the urban heat island. However, deviations between model and observed temperature fields can reach 5°C.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):389-406
pages 389-406 views

Influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on Moscow Climate Continentality

Alexandrov G., Ginzburg A., Golitsyn G.


The natural variability of regional climatic conditions poses certain difficulties in detecting global climate change at a local scale. The question about the ratio between the contribution of human forcing, induced by the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, and the contribution of natural variability in atmospheric and oceanic circulation arises in each particular case. The purpose of the study reported in this article was to evaluate the contribution of the North Atlantic Oscillation to the decrease in the climate continentality of Moscow during the period of 1951–2000. The results show that a significant part of the decrease in continentality could be attributed to the increase in the North Atlantic Oscillation index observed during this period.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):407-411
pages 407-411 views

Interaction between Rossby Waves and a Jet Flow: Basic Equations and Verification for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Gnevyshev V., Frolova A., Kubryakov A., Sobko Y., Belonenko T.


Abstract—The article focuses on the interaction of Rossby waves in the ocean with zonal jet flows. A new approach is proposed to show that nonlinearity in the long-wave approximation exactly compensates the Doppler shift. A new dispersion relation for the Rossby waves interacting with the jets is deduced from the nonlinear theory. The conclusion is verified using satellite altimetry data of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). For the ACC area, we compare empirical velocities obtained from the altimetry data with theoretical phase velocities of Rossby waves calculated from nonlinear dispersion relation using the equivalent beta effect. The comparison shows that the new dispersion relation based on the nonlinear approach is capable of describing both the westward and the eastward propagation of mesoscale eddies in the field of sea level anomalies that can be identified as manifestation of Rossby waves in the ocean.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):412-422
pages 412-422 views

On Pressure Perturbations Caused by a Moving Heat Source of Frontal Type (Hydrostatic Mode)

Kalashnik M., Kulichkov S.


The problem of surface-pressure perturbations caused by a moving nonstationary heat source (localized along one horizontal coordinate and periodic along the other) is considered. Pressure perturbations are associated with internal gravity waves (IGWs). It is shown that, during the source movement throughout a finite-height atmospheric layer (atmospheric waveguide), when a discrete set of vertical IGW modes is excited, there may be three types of time surface-pressure variations at a fixed observation point. A time amplitude-modulated signal; a Doppler frequency-modulated signal; and a signal that occurs only after the passage of the source correspond to these three types, respectively. Each of these types is implemented for certain source oscillation frequencies and Mach numbers (ratio between the movement rate of source and the phase velocity of IGWs). At \(M < 1\), a nonstationary source always excites wave precursors—disturbances observed before the source arrival. The movement of the source in a semi-infinite atmosphere leads to additional generation of waves that transport energy into the upper atmospheric layers.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):423-431
pages 423-431 views

On Algebraic Perturbations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Chkhetiani O., Vazaeva N.


A simple model for the development of submesoscale perturbations in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is proposed. The growth of perturbations is associated with the shear algebraic instability of the wind velocity profile in the ABL. Seeking optimum values of such perturbations (streaks) allows one to solve the problem of estimating their scales, which turn out to be about 100–200 m vertically and 300–600 m horizontally. Similar scales are also revealed for experimental data on the structure of the wind field in the lower part of the ABL; the data were obtained in 2017 and 2018 in summer at the Tsimlyansk Scientific Station of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics during acoustic sounding of the atmosphere with a high-resolution three-component Doppler minisodar.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):432-445
pages 432-445 views

Modeling the Seasonal Dynamics of the Diurnal Variation of the Global Electric Circuit

Ilin N., Shatalina M., Slyunyaev N.


On the basis of a parametrization of the ionospheric potential (IP), the seasonal dynamics of the diurnal IP variation for 2016–2017 is simulated for the first time using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Advanced Research WRF (WRF-ARW) model. The diurnal IP variation averaged over the annual simulation period shows good agreement with the classical Carnegie curve, suggesting that the proposed parametrization correctly reproduces the basic characteristics of stationary global electric circuit generators. The annual variation shows no precise repeatability from year to year, but there is a lower IP in the Northern Hemisphere winter and a higher value in the summer. The model-derived diurnal variation demonstrates stable seasonal trends, with only one distinct IP maximum of 120% of the average at 16:00 to 18:00 UTC in the Northern Hemisphere winter and two much lower maxima (~107% of the average) in the summer: a morning maximum at 08:00 to 09:00 UTC and an evening maximum at 18:00 to 20:00 UTC. The model annual dynamics of the diurnal variation agrees with the experimental data of surface field measurements in Antarctica in 2006–2011. The proposed parameterization and the modeling technique made it possible to correctly simulate the times of IP variation maxima, their seasonal variability, and а decrease in the variation amplitude during the Northern Hemisphere summer.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):446-452
pages 446-452 views

Transfer of Lightning Optical Radiation into Space through the Cloud Layer

Busygin V., Krasnokutskaya L., Kuzmina I.


Mathematical models are developed and simulations are performed of the transport of short optical impulses through the cloud layer into space. The optical and physical vertical depths of the cloud layer are chosen as its main variable parameters. The physical processes of the radiative field formation and its amplitude–time characteristics are studied. It is shown that the presence of a cloud layer results in formation of a secondary source at the upper boundary of a cloud and in considerable distortions of the temporal pattern of the initial impulse.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):453-461
pages 453-461 views

Tsunami Hazard Assessment on the Egyptian Coast of the Mediterranean

Zaytsev A., Babeyko A., Kurkin A., Yalciner A., Pelinovsky E.


Tsunami forecast possibilities for areas with a small base of historical tsunamis have been discussed using the Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) method, which is based on a statistical analysis of a sufficiently large number of real and predictive earthquakes with a subsequent calculation of possible tsunami waves. This method has been used for a long-term tsunami hazard assessment on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The predicted wave heights have been shown to vary along the coastline due to the inhomogeneity of the coastal topography and specific features of the tsunami radiation pattern in the sea. The predicted wave heights for 1000 years vary in the range between 0.8 and 3.4 m.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):462-469
pages 462-469 views

Sensitivity of the Ocean Circulation Model to the k-ω Vertical Turbulence Parametrization

Zalesny V., Moshonkin S.


An ocean general circulation model (OGCM) of the Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with embedded k–ω vertical turbulent exchange model is developed based on the equations for turbulence kinetic energy k and energy dissipation frequency ω. The solution of the k–ω model equations depends on the frequencies of buoyancy and velocity shift simulated by the OGCM, and the coefficients of vertical turbulence depend on k and ω. The numerical algorithms of both models are based on the method of splitting by the physical processes. The k-ω model equations are split into two stages describing the three-dimensional transport-diffusion of the turbulence kinetic energy k and frequency ω and their local generation-dissipation. The system of ordinary differential equations, arising at the second stage, is solved analytically, which ensures algorithm efficiency. The analytical solution of the equation is also obtained for the vertical turbulence coefficient. The model is used to study the sensitivity of the model circulation of the North Atlantic–Arctic Ocean to variations in the parameters of vertical turbulence. The experiments show that varying the coefficients of the analytical solution of the k–ω model can improve the adequacy of the simulation. The preliminary comparison of the features of the k–ω and k–ε turbulence models is presented using the method of splitting when they are employed in the OGCM.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):470-479
pages 470-479 views

Distinguishing Closed Circulations from the Satellite Maps of the Dynamic Topography of the Ocean Surface

Tarakanov R.


An algorithm for distinguishing closed multicore circulations from digital maps of dynamic topography (DT) is described. The algorithm is based on the expansion of eddies over the area from their cores (local maxima/minima of the DT) until the DT thresholds corresponding to these cores are reached. The algorithm is performed in several iterations until the points belonging to the closed circulations are completely exhausted. The algorithm is an exact numerical solution of the problem of determining the value of the DT for a closed loop, the most distant from the core of circulation. The algorithm takes into account the problems of nesting circulations of different signs into each other, the possible intersecting of circulations with different signs on the numerical grid, and the possible existence of islands or floating ice inside the circulations. A method is described for merging smaller DT maps to larger maps with the circulations distinguished from the smaller maps.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):480-491
pages 480-491 views

Dissipation Rate of Turbulence in a Water Layer under Wind Waves Based on Data of a Laboratory Experiment

Polnikov V., Baidakov G., Troitskaya Y.


The aim of this work is to obtain estimates and parameterization of the dissipation rate of the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE dissipation), ε, induced in the upper water layer by the presence of wind waves at the surface. For this purpose, data from the laboratory measurements of the wind waves and three components of currents at six horizons in the upper water layer and four different winds are used. The measurements are performed in the wind-wave channel of the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) [1, 2]. It is established that, for most horizons, Kolmogorov-type ranges with the property \({{S}_{{Uz}}}(f) \propto {{f}^{{ - 5/3}}}\) are clearly seen in the frequency spectra \({{S}_{{Uz}}}(f)\) for the vertical velocity component Uz of the flow induced by wind and waves. Using the algorithms described in [3, 4], this fact allows us to obtain estimates of the TKE dissipation at the corresponding horizons and then establish the dependence of ε on the friction velocity \({{u}_{*}}\), the height of waves at the surface a0, the peak frequency of the spectrum ωp, and the depth of the horizon z. An analysis of the results (according to the available data) makes it possible to propose a parameterization of the form ε ≈ 0.00025\(u_{*}^{3}{{a}_{0}}/{{z}^{2}}\) for which a physical interpretation is proposed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(5):492-501
pages 492-501 views

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