
On One Estimate of the Boundary of the Rossby Regime Zone in the Atmosphere
Kurgansky M.
Modeling Black Sea circulation with high resolution in the coastal zone
Zalesnyi V., Gusev A., Agoshkov V.
Reproduction of World Ocean Circulation by the CORE-II Scenario with the Models INMOM and INMIO
Volodin E., Gusev A., Diansky N., Ibrayev R., Ushakov K.
Current Intensity Trends in the Labrador and Irminger Seas Based on Satellite Altimetry Data
Belonenko T., Fedorov A., Bashmachnikov I., Foux V.
Reconstruction of hydrological fields and reproduction of climatic circulation of World Ocean waters
Sarkisyan A., Ushakov K., Arkhipkin V., Gorbushkin A.
Algorithm of the k–ω Turbulence Equations Solution for the Ocean General Circulation Model
Moshonkin S., Zalesny V., Gusev A.
Comparative analysis of the North Atlantic surface circulation reproduced by three different methods
Lebedev K., Sarkisyan A., Nikitin O.
Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century
Zolotov S., Ippolitov I., Loginov S., Kharyutkina E.
The role of atmospheric circulation in spatial and temporal variations in the structure of currents in the western South China Sea
Vlasova G., Demenok M., Xuan N., Long B.
Thermohaline Structure of Waters in the North Atlantic in Different Phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
Diansky N., Bagatinsky V.
Sensitivity of the Ocean Circulation Model to the k-ω Vertical Turbulence Parametrization
Zalesny V., Moshonkin S.
Role of wind and thermal forcing in the formation of the water circulation variability in the Japan/East Sea Central Basin in 1958–2006
Diansky N., Stepanov D., Gusev A., Novotryasov V.
Organized Roll Circulation and Transport of Mineral Aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Vazaeva N., Chkhetiani O., Maksimenkov L.
The Novaya Zemlya Bora: Analysis and Numerical Modeling
Efimov V., Komarovskaya O.
Mixing parameterizations in ocean climate modeling
Moshonkin S., Gusev A., Zalesny V., Byshev V.
Comparison of Variations in Concentration of Arctic Marine Ice and Duration of Snow Period of Northern Eurasia under Conditions of Present-Day Climate According to Satellite Data
Kitaev L., Titkova T.
Characteristics of Winter Surface Air Temperature Anomalies in Moscow in 1970–2016 under Conditions of Reduced Sea Ice Area in the Barents Sea
Shukurov K., Semenov V.
Peculiarities of Water Circulation in the Southern Tatar Strait
Andreev A.
Influence of radiation and circulation factors on climate change in Western Siberia at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century
Kharyutkina E., Loginov S., Ippolitov I.
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