



Aim. To compare features of straight and return remodeling of the left atrial (LA) at patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) at various options of sinus rhythm (SR) restoration depending of a choice of the cardioversion. Material and methods. We examined.153 patients with the nonvalvular AF lasting from24 hours to 6 months. All patients were divided in 3 groups. In group 1 (49 patients) SR was restored medically, in the group 2 (57 patients) SR was restored by means of electrical cardioversion (EC), in the group 3 (47 patients) underwent radio-frequency isolation of pulmonary veins (RFI PV). Echocardiog- raphy was performed to all patients at the time of AF, and also on 1, 3, 5, 15 days and in 6 months after recovery of SR with an assessment systolic and the diastolic function of left ventricle (LV), thickness of walls of a myocardium, the front and back size of the LA, volume of LA, and also design parameter of LA pressure (E\E’) by Tissue doppler visualization.Results. Index LA (ILA) authentically decreased at the patients, who are exposed to RFI PV, at preservation of SR compared with recurrence of AF for 6 months (р<0,05). In group of medical therapy index of volume LA (IVLA) initially it was authentically lower at patients with resistant SR for 6 months, compared with recurrence of AF (р<0,05). And also IVLA authentically decreased in group RFI PV without paroxysms of AF for 6 months (р<0,001). At the medical cardioversion LA pressure (E\E’) authentically decreased by 2 weeks (р<0,05) without paroxysms of AF and significantly didn't change by 6 months. While in the presence of paroxysms of AF for 6 months only the tendency to de- crease of this parameter was noted. And in group of RFI PV reliable dynamics of pressure in LA was recorded at patients without paroxysms of AF by 2 weeks (р<0,05) and by 6 months (р<0,05). While in the presence of paroxysms of AF this parameter significantly didn't change by 6 months. In the group of EC reliable dynamics of the estimated parameters of LA remodeling isn't detected.Conclusions. At patients with AF after cardioversion and without paroxysms of AF for 6 months LA sizes authentically decrease in group of medical therapy (IVLA, (р<0,05)) and at RFI PV (ILA, (р<0,05), IVLA (р<0,001)). LA pressure (E/E’) could be considered as a reliable parameter of the return remodeling of LA after cardioversion and without paroxysms of AF for 6 months in cases of medical therapy (р<0,05) and RFI PV (р<0,05).


T Gromyko

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov

S Sayganov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov


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