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The review is devoted to the problem of reproductive losses associated with impairment of the immune mechanisms which ensure the normal pregnancy progression. Increased expression of cytokines by T-helper type 1 cells underlies the immune etiology of reproductive losses. Decrease in regulatory T- cells activity leads to the development of recurrent spontanious abortion . The most important mechanisms of pregnancy progression cytokine regulation are presented. The main autoimmune conditions leading to fetal death are: antiphospholipid syndrome, increased activity of natural killer cells, compatibility in the HLA system, the presence of antinuclear, antigiston, sperm antibodies and Human chorionic gonadotropin antibodies. The modern methods of pathogenetic therapy of recurrent spontanious abortion are reviewed.


M Belyaeva

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Metschnikov

S Bobrov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Metschnikov

S Lapin

First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg


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