Prevalence of risk factors of cardiovascular complications in elderly women with left breast cancer

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The purpose to study the risk factors for elderly women with left breast cancer at the stage of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the context of daily clinical practice for early detection of possible cardiovascular complications and optimization of therapy.

Material and methods. 69 women with HER2 neu negative left breast cancer without severe cardiovascular disease were examined. The first group included 39 elderly patients (67.7 ± 3.8 years). The second group consisted of 34 middle-aged patients (49.8 ± 5.7 years). In addition to the risk assessment according to the Score scale, additional factors including psychosocial factors were studied. The examination was carried out before the start of treatment, after the end of the course of doxorubicin in a cumulative dose of up to 360 mg/m2 and after the completion of radiation therapy 3D conformal radiation therapy SOD 39 Gr.

Results. In elderly patients, risk factors such as obesity, increased cholesterol, and hypertension were significantly more common. In both study groups, low physical activity was revealed associated with both cancer itself and the treatment. All examined patients had moderate reactive anxiety on the Spielberger-Hanin scale. Elderly patients showed high level of personal anxiety; the number of points scored — 49.3 ± 3.6. According to the Score scale, a moderate risk was detected in 18 (58.1%) and a high risk in 13(41.9%) elderly patients. After doxorubicin treatment asymptomatic systolic dysfunction was detected in 8 (20.5%) patients (decrease in EF<50%), 21 (75%) diastolic dysfunction with relaxation slowdown (E/A<1). In 9 (23.1%) of the women without reducing the EF fibrotic changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle was revealed. In 8 (20.5%) women a thickening of the pericardial layer was revealed.

Conclusion. The findings suggest the need for a personalized approach and assessment of risk factors in patients of different age groups with left breast cancer at the stage of preparation and conduct of chemoradiotherapy. This highlights the need for enhanced history collection and consideration of not only key but also additional risk factors. The results of the study can be used in the work of practical health care institutions for the planning, development, implementation and control of chemoradiography safety in terms of preventing cardiovascular complications.

About the authors

I. V. Vologdina

A.M. Granov Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies

Russian Federation, 70, Leningradskaya street, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758

E. G. Poroshina

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 41, Kirochnaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 191015

R. M. Zhabina

A.M. Granov Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies

Russian Federation, 70, Leningradskaya street, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758

A. A. Stanzhevsky

A.M. Granov Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies

Russian Federation, 70, Leningradskaya street, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758


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Copyright (c) 2019 Vologdina I.V., Poroshina E.G., Zhabina R.M., Stanzhevsky A.A.

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