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The article highlights the impact of early intensive statin therapy on myocardial contractility in patients with acute coronary syndrome. 303 patients with ACS were enrolled in the study. All patients were randomized into two groups. 156 of them received early statin therapy by atorvastastin (80 mg/ day) or simvastatin (40 mg/day) starting from the first day of hospitalization. 147 patients received standard therapy (the control group). The left ventricle ejection fraction was assessed by echocardiography on 12-14 day of disease and after 6 months. The first assessment reveаled no significant difference between groups, while the second examination found better EF results in patients treated with high doses of statins. The statistical analysis was performed to estimate the correlation between inflammation markers and myocardial function. The negative relationship between several inflammation markers and myocardial contractility was revealed. The most significant relationship was found between LV EF and CRP and IL-6 levels. The role of inflammation markers in pathogenesis of ACS and possible mechanisms of early intensive statin therapy effect on myocardial function are being discussed.

About the authors

V I Shalnev

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov

V I Mazurov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov


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Copyright (c) 2017 Shalnev V.I., Mazurov V.I.

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