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The aim of the research is to study the state of behavioral function in infants who were born and living in the Lugansk and donetsk during the military conflict.A dynamic clinical examina- tion was made. Also it was made the assessment of the rate of behavioral development in 68 children in the area of military conflict. Among them 32 children were breast-fed, forming Ia (the main) group of children, and 36 children who were bottle-fed, forming the comparison group Ib.The control groups of our study consist of 88 children who were outside the zone of military conflict. Among them there were 47 children who were breast-fed (IIa group), and 41 children who were bottle-fed (IIb group).The assessment of the level of behavioral function development in children was carried out using a standard- ized clinical-psychological techniques "Gnome".Conclusions: The development of behavioral functions in infants and toddlers depends on the sur- rounding stressful conditions and the type of feeding. The level of formation of these functions in chil- dren who were bottle-fed and under stress of war was the lowest. The greatest delay in children of this group were the indicators of social development. From biological indicators much more suffered the functions associated with eating behavior. Children who were bottle-fed in the stress of military actions in infancy and early childhood are in need of rehabilitation activities.

About the authors

I B Ershova

SE «Lugansk State Medical university»

T V Shirina

SE «Lugansk State Medical university»

T A Goncharova

SE «Lugansk State Medical university»


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Copyright (c) 2017 Ershova I.B., Shirina T.V., Goncharova T.A.

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