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In article introduced modern research data. Made a comparative evaluation of several treatment methods: radiofrequency ablation, liver resection, combination of those those methods. At the moment, comparison of these methods is difficult, because liver resection candidates usually have better health status. Even when compared radiofrequency ablation and liver resection in comparable groups, results ambiguous. despite the accumulated experience of radiofrequency ablation use in colorectal cancer treatment, Many questions remain unsolved - indications and contraindications, optimal size and num- ber of tumor focuses, surgery implementation ways, navigation and postoperative monitoring, combina- tion with other treatment methods and etc. In this review examined different views on treatment with radiofrequency ablation use.

About the authors

E E Topuzov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

M A Bobrakov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

V K Balashov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

E I Drogomireckaya

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

T A Erokhina

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

O N Kislicina

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

A N Petriashov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

A N Kruglov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

R E Topuzov

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov

E V Napolskaya

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I Mechnikov


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Copyright (c) 2017 Topuzov E.E., Bobrakov M.A., Balashov V.K., Drogomireckaya E.I., Erokhina T.A., Kislicina O.N., Petriashov A.N., Kruglov A.N., Topuzov R.E., Napolskaya E.V.

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