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Several risk factors allows us to evidentiate those patients which are highly exposed to the myocardial rupture. Whereas ponderate synthesis and analysis of the epidemiological data and of those risk factors as well, enables us to fetch out the most informative and sustainable post-infarction myocardial rupture predictors. Article contains epidemiologic and clinical information about 81 case of post-infarction myocardial rupture occurred in Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care n.a. I.I.Dzhanelidze in 2009-2012 years. Diagnoses were confirmed in autopsy. Analyzed comorbidity in patients with AMI complicated by rupture of the myocardium.

About the authors

E Yu Kovalchuk

State Budgetary Institution «St.-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute for Emergency Care named I.I. Dzhanelidze

V V Soroka

State Budgetary Institution «St.-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute for Emergency Care named I.I. Dzhanelidze

A V Ryse

State Budgetary Institution «St.-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute for Emergency Care named I.I. Dzhanelidze


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kovalchuk E.Y., Soroka V.V., Ryse A.V.

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