Secondary risk factors of sudden cardiac death and genes of arterial hypertension

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Purpose. To study the influence of polymorphisms of arterial hypertension genes and their various combinations on individual risk factors of sudden cardiac death.

Materials and methods. 319 young people from 18 to 24 years of age who are entering military service by conscription were examined. The survey identified 69 individuals with signs of increased risk of sudden cardiac death after being examined for secondary risk factors of sudden cardiac death and taken a blood test to determine the polymorphisms of the genes AGT 521 C>T, GNB3 825 C>T, CYP11B2 344 C>T, NOS3 786 T>C.

Results. The greatest influence on the severity of secondary risk factors was exerted by the following variants of a combination of gene polymorphisms: AGT 521 C>T and NOS3 786 T>C in the individuals with a heterozygous risk variant, both genes showed a significant increase in the duration of the corrected QT interval, heart rate, and a decrease in heart rate variability. AGT 521 C>T and CYP11B2 344 C>T — homozygous risk variant of the CYP11B2 344 C>T and the heterozygous risk variant AGT 521 C>T is associated with a longer duration of the corrected QT interval, and the heterozygous risk variant for both genes is associated with higher heart rate values. AGT 521 C>T and GNB3 825 C>T — combination of a homozygous risk variant of the gene GNB3 825 C>T and the heterozygous variant of the gene AGT 521 C>T is associated with the greatest effect on a heart rate.

Conclusions. The presence of a homozygous risk variant of the gene NOS3 786 T>C, a heterozygous risk variant of the gene GNB3 825 C>T is prognostically unfavorable for its effect on the severity of secondary risk factors for sudden cardiac death. The combination of the heterozygous variant AGT 521 C>T with a heterozygous variant of NOS3 786 T>C and a homozygous risk variant by the gene CYP11B2 344 C>T and the heterozygous risk variant AGT 521 C>T are also the most unfavorable in terms of its effect on secondary risk factors for sudden cardiac death. Secondary risk factors of sudden cardiac death are influenced by both individual polymorphisms of genes of arterial hypertension, and their various combinations.

About the authors

Vasilii A. Kachnov

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6601-5366
SPIN-code: 2084-0290

Ph. D. (Medicine), doctoral student 

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Vadim V. Tyrenko

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation

SPIN-code: 3022-5038

doctor of medicine, professor, head of the Department of intermediant therapy clinic

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Svetlana N. Kolyubaeva

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation


doctor of biology senior researcher at the research laboratory of cell technologies of the research department of medical and biological research of the research center

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Lilia A. Myakoshina

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation


doctor of clinical and laboratory diagnostics of the Department of intermediant therapy clinic

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Alexandra S. Buntovskaya

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation


doctor of clinical and laboratory diagnostics of the research laboratory of cell technologies

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2020 Kachnov V.A., Tyrenko V.V., Kolyubaeva S.N., Myakoshina L.A., Buntovskaya A.S.

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