Peculiarities of hemostasis in transurethral resection of prostatic gland using fybrinolysis inhibitor




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Tissue plasminogen activator being the most important component part of fybrinolysis is producing and accumulating in the prostatic gland. In surgical treatment of prostate an increased bleeding often occurs during the surgical operations on the prostate during as well as in post-operative period. General and local fybrino- lysis increase is in case among the reasons of haemor-ragy as a result of mechanical action on prostatic gland tissue in the process of an operation. It is suggested the use of “Tranexam” a tranexamic acid drug to neutralize an increasing fybrinolysis. In 83 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia, which underwent by transurethral resection of prostate, significantly positive effect of Tranexam was found, prescribed in therapeutic doses before operation, during operation and in early postoperative period.


Evgenii Goloshchapov

Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4217-2241

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Department of Urology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Georgiy Lukichev

Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


MD. Department of Urology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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