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Vol 1, No 1 (2011)

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Original articles

Decrease of urinary bladder contractility in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia

Khasunovich A.S., Amdiy R.E., Kuzmin I.V.


Aim of the study. Estimation of the decrease of urinary bladder contractility in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). 

Patients and methods. In 146 BPH patients (mean age 62,1 ± 0,8) urodynamic investigation including uroflowmetry and pressure-flow study was performed. The results of miction cystometry were evaluated using Shafer nomogram, the emptying idex was calculated as relation of voiding volume to maximal cystometric capacity. 

Results56,2% BPH patients showed the decreased detrusor contractility. The results of urinary bladder contractility estimation by Shafer nomogram are dependent on the degree of infravesical obstruction (IVO). The emptying index is not related to the presence and degree of IVO and characterizes the degree of urinary bladder emptying as well as contraction duration. Concomitant lumbar osteochondrosis and diabetes detoriates urinary bladder emptying. Reliable contractility estimation may only be performed based on urodynamic study since basic BPH patients examination is not sufficient. 

Conclusion. In has to be considered during treatment strategy planning that in many BPH patients low urinary truct disfunction is determined by the decrease of urinary bladder contractility and not by IVO.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Combined and simultaneous endovideosurgery in urology

Antonov A.V., Lyublinskaya A.A., Prokhorov M.V.


The results of 69 combined and simultaneous endovideosurgical operations in urological pa-tients with varicocele and the upper urinary tract pathology were compared with corresponding mo-nooperations. The feasibility and suitability of combined and simultaneous kidney, upper urinary tract and abdominal endovideosurgery have been shown.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):9-12
pages 9-12 views

Role of vasoactive drugs in the OAB complex treatment

Al-Shukri S.K., Kuzmin I.V., Boriskin A.G., Slesarevskaya M.N.


Aim of the study. To investigate the vasoactive drugs for urinary bladder wall ischemia correction, based on its role in OAB pathogenesis. 

Patients and methods. OAB treatment in 150 women was performed. In addition to the standard anticholinergic therapy microcirculation corrector was prescribed to some patients with insufficient treatment efficacy. 

Results. The combination of simultaneous prescription of anticholinergic and vasoactive drugs was effective for OAB treatment. The treatment resulted in significant decrease of the OAB symptoms. 

Conclusion. Low efficacy of M-cholinolytic therapy of the OAB patients is determined by the blood flow disturbances in the urinary bladder wall. It is reasonable to include the vasoactive drugs in complex OAB therapy.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Quality of life in patients with overactive bladder

Al-Shukri S.K., Kuzmin I.V.


The aim of study. To study an influence of overactive bladder on patients quality of life. 

Patients and methods. An analysis of quality of life questionnaires (QQL) has been performed in 349 patients with overactive bladder and an impact of disease symptoms and urodynamic examinations results on individual components of patient’s quality of life has been studied. 

Results. A significant reduction in quality of life in patients with overactive bladder takes place, which is manifested in worsening of all its components — social, family, emotional and professional. A level of reduction in quality of life depends on intensity of overactive bladder symptoms and differs depending on patient’s gender and age. More frequent urination and imperative feeling of urination had the greatest influence on quality of life indicators. A relation between the level of worsening of quality of life in patients and the results of urodynamic examinations hasn’t been defined. 

Conclusion. A level of worsening of quality of life in patients with overactive bladder depends on intensity of symptoms, as well as patient’s gender and age.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):21-26
pages 21-26 views

Peculiarities of hemostasis in transurethral resection of prostatic gland using fybrinolysis inhibitor

Goloshchapov E.T., Lukichev G.B.


Tissue plasminogen activator being the most important component part of fybrinolysis is producing and accumulating in the prostatic gland. In surgical treatment of prostate an increased bleeding often occurs during the surgical operations on the prostate during as well as in post-operative period. General and local fybrino- lysis increase is in case among the reasons of haemor-ragy as a result of mechanical action on prostatic gland tissue in the process of an operation. It is suggested the use of “Tranexam” a tranexamic acid drug to neutralize an increasing fybrinolysis. In 83 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia, which underwent by transurethral resection of prostate, significantly positive effect of Tranexam was found, prescribed in therapeutic doses before operation, during operation and in early postoperative period.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):27-29
pages 27-29 views

An importance of matrix-metalloprotease determination in urine of patients with bladder cancer

Tkachuk V.N., Al-Shukri A.S., Danilchenko D.I.


The aim of this work is to estimate an influence of a depth and an extent of differentiation of neoplastic process on 2 and 9 matrix-metalloprotease levels in urine of patients with bladder cancer. 

Patients and methods. 71 patients with bladder cancer have been investigated. 14 patients with chronic cystitis were included in an experimental group and 45 patients without bladder diseases were included in a control group, patients without urinary tract obstructions and infections were included in a control group. A level of metalloprotease was identified by a cimographic method. 

Results. It has been proved that enzymes MMP-2 and MMP-9 of urine proteolysis are high sensitive markers of bladder cancer occurrence and their concentration depends on a depth of invasion and an extent of tumor differentiation, and shows a disease course prognosis. 

Conclusion. It is reasonably to identify MMP-2 and MMP-9 of urine by the cimographic method for diagnostics and noninvasive determination of a depth of invasion and an extent of bladder cancer differentiation.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):30-32
pages 30-32 views


Using of HIFU-therapy for treatment of patients with prostate cancer (review of literature)

Al-Shukri S.K., Borovets S.Y., Dubinskiy V.Y., Zasseyev R.D.


Recently high intensive focused ultrasound (HIFU) irradiation becomes often used for patients with prostate cancer (PC). This method of treatment may be indicated in case of localized prostate carcinoma — single small size tumors, local relapse treatment as well as additional method for tumor mass reducing treatment. Literature review demonstrates a low risk of postoperative complications, good patient acceptability. This method of treatment may be proscribed as a primary one in case of PC, and could be recommended in particular for elderly patients (older then 70 y. o.), for patients with PC at the stage Т1–Т2 N0 M0, Gleason score < 7, serum PSA level less then 15 ng/ml, prostate volume < 40 cc. Such patients have low risk of biochemical and local recurrence and distant metastasis, as well as high index of cancer specific and total 5-years free recurrence survival.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Encrusted cystitis (case report and review of literature)

Korneyev I.A., Lyublinskaya A.A.


Encrusted cystitis is a chronic inflammations of the bladder associated with mucosal encrustations induced by urea splitting bacteria. The case report and review of literature is presented.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2011;1(1):37-39
pages 37-39 views

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