Experimental justification of laser therapy efficiency of men's infertility

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Male infertility is a multifactorial syndrome, which includes a wide range of disorders. It is a symptom of many different pathological conditions affecting both the reproductive and other body systems: endocrine, nervous, blood-vascular, and immune systems. Low level laser therapy is a method of modern physiotherapy, in which the impact is carried out by low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI). It is widely used in all areas of modern medicine, due to its high efficiency, simplicity of use, the absence of contraindications and side effects. The results of russian and foreign experimental studies on the article subject were analyzed. A definite conclusion is drawn that low level laser therapy should be used as much as possible in the complex treatment of men with infertility, since the effectiveness of the method is not just high, but often has no alternatives. At the same time, the available low level laser therapy techniques should be widely used: locally, rectally, laser acupuncture, ILBI (intravenous laser blood irradiation), on the projection of various organs, paravertebrally, etc. All parameters of laser action should be set (wavelength; mode of operation; frequency for pulsed lasers; power; power density, determined by the method of exposure; exposure, localization), which are specified by the relevant regulatory documents and clinical recommendations.

About the authors

Sergej V. Moskvin

State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine of FMBA of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: 7652612@mail.ru

doctor of biological science, candidate of technical science, leading researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergej Ju. Borovets

I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Email: sborovets@mail.ru

doctor of medical science, professor, department of urology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Viktor A. Toropov

I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University 

Email: toropov-1990@mail.ru

postgraduate, department of urology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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