Laparoscopic nerve-sparing cystoprostatectomy with intracorporeal orthotopic sigmoid neobladder formation

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The following clinical case is presented: performing of minimally invasive laparoscopic nerve-sparing cystoprostatectomy with intracorporeal orthotopic sigmoid neobladder formation for patient aged 62 with invasive bladder cancer. This case proves that the performed method of urine derivation is safe and can be used as alternative to other techniques in patients who underwent radical laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy.

About the authors

Salman Hasunovich Al-Shukri

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

doctor of med. science, professor, head of the department. Department of Urology

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Zaharenko

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

doctor of medical science, professor, head of Oncological Unit

Adel Salmanovich Al-Shukri

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

doctor of medical science, professor, Urology Department

Yevgeniy Stanislavovich Nevirovich

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

candidate of medical science, head of Urological Unit

Vladislav Yakovlevich Dubinskiy

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

candidate of medical science, associate professor, Urology Department

Maria Kirillovna Potapova

First State Pavlov Medical University of St Petersburg

urologist. Urology Department


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Copyright (c) 2015 Al-Shukri S.H., Zaharenko A.A., Al-Shukri A.S., Nevirovich Y.S., Dubinskiy V.Y., Potapova M.K.

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