Tamm–Horsfall protein — POTENTIAL MARKER OF EARLY STAGES urolithiasis and stone recurence

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Tamm–Horsfall protein is renal glycoprotein and was first isolated from urine in 1950. In recent years attention to this matter has increased, since an association between it and the formation of stones in urolithiasis. The paper presents data on physico-chemical and biological properties of Tamm–Horsfall protein, allowing it to be regarded as a potential marker of urolithiasis and recurrent stone formation

About the authors

Salman Khasunovich Al-Shukri

St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I. P. Pavlov

Email: al-shukri@mail.ru
doctor of medical science, professor, head of the department. Department of Urology.

Evgeniy Tikhonovich Goloschapov

St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I. P. Pavlov

Email: goloshapov@mail.ru
doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Urology

Yuliya Vladimirovna Emanuel

St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I. P. Pavlov

Email: ejvcons@mail.ru
candidate of medical science.

Mikhail Igorevich Gobachev

St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I. P. Pavlov

Email: mikko85@mail.ru
aspirant. Department of Urology


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Copyright (c) 2012 Al-Shukri S.K., Goloschapov E.T., Emanuel Y.V., Gobachev M.I.

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