Gasless laparoscopic nephrectomy in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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Introduction. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common hereditary diseases leading to the development of end-stage renal failure. According to modern concepts, nephrectomy of polycystic-altered kidneys in such patients is performed in the event of complications, as well as in order to prepare for kidney transplantation. The creation of intense carboxyperitoneum leads to carbon dioxide resorption and the development of hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis in the patient. Taking into account the age of patients and the high incidence of cardiovascular and valvular pathology in patients with PKD, this fact becomes significant and can lead to the development of severe complications. The solution to this problem, in our opinion, is to perform laparoscopic nephrectomy under low-pressure carboxyperitoneum (LPC).

Materials and methods. In the period from 2013 to 2018, 55 monolateral laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed in 36 patients with PKD. The study identified 2 groups of patients. The study group included 8 patients who were diagnosed at the preoperative stage with cardiovascular disease performed LPC (12 operations). The second group was represented by 28 patients who were operated laparoscopically with the creation of intense carboxyperitoneum (41 operations). Workspace when LPC was created with the help of laparolift – mechanical device for lifting the abdominal wall on the abdominal cavity.

Results. The mean duration of surgery in the groups was 126 ± 18 and 114 ± 11 minutes, respectively (p < 0.05). Intraoperative blood loss was significantly different: in the comparison group – 225 ± 45 ml, in the study group – 440 ± 76 ml (p < 0.05). Mean blood pCO2 and pH levels in the study group were 38.2 ± 2.7 mm Hg and 7.371 ± 0.021, the comparison group – 44.4 ± 3.8 mm Hg and 7.231 ± 0.035 (p < 0,05). Among the patients who underwent LPC, there was one fatal outcome. The frequency of postoperative complications was 16.6% (2) in the study group and 12.2% (5) in the comparison group.

Summary. Laparoscopic nephrectomy in conditions of low pressure carboxyperitoneum allows to completely avoid the development of hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis in the patient, to prevent severe cardiovascular complications despite the high risk of their development among patients with PKD.

About the authors

Vasilij S. Dajneko

Saint Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Evgenij S. Nevirovich

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University


Candidate of Medical Science, Head of the Urological Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Aleksej N. Anan’ev

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University


Candidate of Medical Science, Head of Department of Kidney Transplantation

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Irina V. Ul’yankina

Saint Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine


Candidate of Medical Science, Nephrologist. St. Petersburg Organ Donation Coordination Center

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Oleg N. Reznik

Saint Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov


Doctor of Medical Science, Head of Department of Transplantology and Organ Donation; Chief of Transplantology Department; Professor of Department of Surgical Infections 

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Laparoscopy in terms of low pressure carboxyperitoneum, the arrangement of laparolift: 1 – laparolift needle; 2 – abdominal wall; 3 – laparoliftarcuate bracket; 4 – filament traction; 5 – operating lamp knee; 6 – abdomen; 7 – endoport to install the laparoscope; 8 – costal margin;9 – navel; 10 – polycystic-changed kidney; 11 – workspace; 12 – kidney leg

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Copyright (c) 2019 Dajneko V.S., Nevirovich E.S., Anan’ev A.N., Ul’yankina I.V., Reznik O.N.

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